A T-Shirt I Had To Have

I’m not a shill for this company, I don’t have stock in the company nor do I play a T-shirt maker on TV. But in the course of my internet rounds I came across this T-shirt and decided it’d look good on the ol’ BZ torso.

So I ordered two.

If you’re interested, go here.

The Boston Phoenix Calls It Like It Is

Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby wrote on Sunday that another local newspaper of the “alternative” variety, the Boston Phoenix, has decided not to print the Danish cartoons — particularly considering that, in 2002, it published the photos of Daniel Pearl’s beheading.

”Our primary reason,” the editors confessed, is ”fear of retaliation from . . . bloodthirsty Islamists who seek to impose their will on those who do not believe as they do . . . Simply stated, we are being terrorized, and . . . could not in good conscience place the men and women who work at the Phoenix and its related companies in physical jeopardy. As we feel forced, literally, to bend to maniacal pressure, this may be the darkest moment in our 40-year-publishing history.”


The truth in the Media.

So unusual; so refreshing.

DEM: More of What You AREN’T Reading — 15 Christians Killed In Nigeria By Muslims

The DEM whines (we weren’t notified first about Cheney’s hunting accident — waaaa!); the DEM cowers (we can’t publish the cartoons; read: we realize these assholes are nuts).

And the media buries information in the back pages and de-emphasizes the truth. To wit, buried in the New York Times under the “international” area and, certainly, not on the front internet page:

TURIN, Italy, Feb. 18 — A day after at least 11 people were killed in Libya (Libyan security officials said 11 people were killed or wounded during the riot in the eastern city when police firing bullets and tear gas tried to contain more than 1,000 demonstrators hurling rocks and bottles. The casualties included police officers.) amid continuing violence over the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, an Italian government minister resigned Saturday for wearing a T-shirt printed with the cartoons.


In Nigeria, Muslims protesting the cartoons attacked Christians and burned churches on Saturday, killing at least 15 people in the deadliest confrontation yet in the whirlwind of Muslim anger over the drawings, The Associated Press reported. Mobs of Muslim protesters swarmed through Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State in northeastern Nigeria, with machetes, sticks and iron rods, The A.P. said. One group threw a tire around a man, poured gas on him and set him ablaze.

Who was this man? Was his religion possibly significant? Read on:

Thousands of rioters burned 15 churches in a three-hour rampage before troops and police reinforcements restored order, said a Nigerian police spokesman, Haz Iwendi. Security forces arrested dozens of people, he said.

What kind of churches? Read on:

Chima Ezeoke, a Christian Maiduguri resident, said protesters attacked and looted shops owned by minority Christians, most of them with origins in the country’s south. Witnesses said three children and a priest were among those killed.

Nigeria, with a population of more than 130 million, is roughly divided between a predominantly Muslim north and a mainly Christian south.

Thousands of people have died in that West African country since 2000 in religious violence fueled by the adoption of the strict Islamic legal code by a dozen states in the north, seen by most Christians as a move to impose religious hegemony on non-Muslims.

Ah, Islam. The religion of peace and understanding.

Ah, the DEM, working in concert with Islam, the religion of peace and understanding. If you dig far enough. . .

Your Dinner Guest

It’s 6 pm.

You’ve invited one person from history to attend your dinner.

You have two hours to speak with this person and understand their point of view.


It could be anyone — who would this be? And tell me why.


I wanted to converse with General George Smith Patton.



It’s Finally Snowing!

This is BZ’s cabin and his CommuteMobile. I’ve had two meagre snowfalls prior to today, of about an inch each. Living at 4,000′ in the Sierra Nevadas, that’s not saying much.

This is the first significant snowfall of the year and it closed Interstate 80 and backed up traffic at Applegate for over an hour. Knowing the back roads, I was able to bypass the commoners looking to ski and clog my commute.

THIS is finally what winter should be! And, on top of that, our water content and snowpack is 120% of normal. Good news for the valley below!