Guess What?

Smith, Jones, Wilson, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Davis, Miller, Moore, Taylor, Anderson, Thomas, Jackson, White, Harris, Martin, Thompson, Robinson, Lewis, Lee, Walker, Hall, Allen, Young, King, Wright, Hill, Scott, Green, Adams, Baker, Nelson, Carter, Mitchell, Roberts, Turner, Phillips, Campbell, Parker, Edwards, Evans, Collins, Stewart, Morris, Rogers, Reed, Cook, Morgan, Bell, Murphy, Bailey, Cooper, Richardson, Cox, Howard, Ward . . .

These and others are the most common American surnames extant.

Moving up:

Step aside Moore and Taylor. Welcome Garcia and Rodriguez.

Smith remains the most common surname in the United States, according to a new analysis released yesterday by the Census Bureau. But for the first time, two Hispanic surnames — Garcia and Rodriguez — are among the top 10 most common in the nation, and Martinez nearly edged out Wilson for 10th place.

The number of Hispanics living in the United States grew by 58 percent in the 1990s to nearly 13 percent of the total population, and cracking the list of top 10 names suggests just how pervasively the Latino migration has permeated everyday American culture.

Two points:
  1. It isn’t “Latino” or “Hispanic.” It is MEXICAN.
  2. I’ll take Gonzalez over Mohammad ANY DAY


Bad Words

I’ve noticed a trend, and I’m wondering if it’s because I’m lazy or because I’m passionate.

For almost a week, last week, I became a Large Mammal in the TTLB Ecosystem. I noticed that I am back down to a Marauding Marsupial in my blog hits. I was proud, then disappointed. For a time I ranked up there with some blogs I really admire. Big White Hat. Texas Fred.
I also noticed that many of my posts (for whatever reason) this past month were peppered with scattered expletives.

I stand naked before you now with either a reason or an excuse, and then a question.

First, some background: I have been in law enforcement (as many of you already know) for over 30 years. I have worked for both Federal and local LE systems. As you might imagine, I’ve somehow sopped up some colourful language over the years — to include words you’d not yet imagined in your personal lexicon.
With the FBI and the Marshals, you kept your lip zipped in the bullpen and then purged in the field if necessary. With my current agency, I’ve pretty much continuously possessed a “potty mouth” except when trying valiantly to be on my best behavior in various academy classes. And yet I warn my students: some things may slip out; I’ll do my best to slip them back in.

The confounding thing is, I’m not undereducated. I’m facile with the multisyllabic word or two, and took my BA and then my Masters with regard to command of the Engrish Rang-grage.

And yet I’m wondering: too many poo-poo nasties for my readers?

Weigh in now, preeze. Should I tone down my f-and -s-bombs? Or does it even matter?


Lions For Lambs

This film is failing miserably at the box office.

Yet it features three massive stars in one movie:

  • Tom Cruise
  • Meryl Streep
  • Robert Redford

The animated Bee Movie came out ahead of Lions For Lambs this past weekend. As did Fred Claus. And this was Veterans Day weekend as well (Further, know this: I wouldn’t give more than a few drips of my piss for the Bee Movie, which accuses humans of stealing honey. Aw geez, you overpaid shitheads, can’t you give us a break for even a second?).

I would ask: if the bulk of America is clearly against the war in Iraq, then why would the American purchasing public not flock to this newest anti-Iraq movie? In massive coagulated droves?
Yet the public stayed away in droves.

I don’t get it.

Well, yes I do. It’s obvious. Hollywood has once again misjudged America and is more concerned with navel-gazing than providing what America actually wants:
1. Entertainment
2. That is Uplifting
3. And avoids politics

Further, Hollywood is secretly concerned with some other anti-war films to be released shortly, such as “Charlie Wilson’s War” with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts, as well as the Brian DePalma movie “Redacted,” focusing on the rape of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl by American soldiers.

Keep it up Hollywood and you’ll see your profits dry up completely. You wonder why most no one cares about a writers’ strike? Myself included? You figure it out.

I’m tired. Plain and simple, tired of my country being dragged across the white-hot coals of EXCEPTIONS and not the RULE.

And finally, I’m not providing links or photos to any of this propagandist vomit because I’ll be damned if I’ll promote any of it.

Hollywood is so out-of-touch with the Real World. And Mark Cuban’s movie “Redacted” is absolutely unconscionable. It is two hours of anti-American flowing vomit.

Question: why does the bulk of Hollywood spew such bullshit, you may ask?

Answer: Because its denizens are overpaid, overcoddled, overarrogant, overprivileged and over-guilty because, on some level, they do recognize their place in reality.

Folks, their lives are not real.

And they realize it in the very core of their shallow, little soul-less hearts.


California Piglet Book

Paying money for dead tenants in the Berkeley housing authority? CA Metropolitan Water District in Hemet needs a Water Museum for $4 million dollars? $500 million dollars a year being stolen due to welfare fraud in California? It isn’t the spenders’ money so the spenders don’t give a damn.

Trees For a Green LA, $12 a tree, now $100 a tree, $63 labor costs to plant a $12 tree.

7 automated flushing toilets, $300,000 apiece and only 1 of them works, speaks in 8 languages. Most people know how to find a Taco Bell or gas station on the road.

The Federal government doesn’t have to balance its budget so it doesn’t care.

Orange County and San Diego Counties are in deep trouble as their books are in horrible order. Their bond ratings are in the tank.

The response is more revenue, not “more responsible and accountable spending.”

If businesses ran like governments, there would be no businesses.

Tom Schatz, Citizens Against Government Waste.

When Push Comes To Shove

And the shove did occur, this time to both NY State Governor Eliot Spitzer and, by extension, to NY Senator Hillary Clinton. And the shove came not from their fellow politicians — on either side of the aisle — but by the CITIZENS of this country.

And there, people, comes the rub — “DANGER, WILL ROBINSON” — which I’ll explain shortly.

You recall Governor Spitzer — he of the recent “I want to give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants” fame. The spillover of this issue already rendered glazed the brains of many Demorats and Hillary’s campaign handlers in particular (as I posted here). Wednesday he backed down from that idea:

I’ve concluded that New York state cannot conduct this program on its own,” Spitzer said at a Capitol Hill news conference. “It does not take a stethoscope to hear the pulse of New Yorkers on this topic.”

Translated: he heard your bitching. And that’s just what he thinks of it: inconvenient, immature, bothersome bitching. YOUR bitching, YOUR whining. So it was time to blame anyone and everyone BUT himself:

To save face, Spitzer railed against the federal government for its inability to handle the illegal immigrant issue, saying it had “lost control of its borders. … and has no solution to deal with it,” he said.

It is clear that 70% of the residents of very liberal New York State, and 75% of the denizens of the entire United States think that handing out licenses to illegal immigrants is a vacuous idea.

Further, Spitzer discovered there is a “popularity” price to pay if you do something untenable against the will of the public:

The decision to wave the white flag was cemented as a Siena Research Institute poll released yesterday showed Spitzer with his lowest approval ratings ever – with just 25 percent of voters saying they would support his re-election if the vote were held today.

Translated: only when it affects me personally, politically, will I even remotely consider bending to the will of The People. I hope you sear that sentence into your brain, for I’m going to make another point, then make my ultimate point at the end. In the meantime, let me make these things abundantly clear:
  • The People of this nation do not like the idea;
  • 75% of all legal residents of the country, blue and red states combined, do not like the idea;
  • It is nothing more than a recipe for fraud;
  • Government-ENABLED fraud;

  • Legal Americans of all ages and stripes are tired of being Strangers in their own land;
  • Increasingly surrounded by people who do not speak their language;
  • Whose government is not insisting that its residents speak a common language;
  • Surrounded by those who believe their ability to get their ankles damp enables them to sweep into this nation unchallenged, refuse to assimilate, create groves of Mexican encampments in our cities where only Spanish is spoken and only Mexican customs followed;
  • With an entitlement attitude;
  • Behind a wall of racist Reconquista rhetoric

People, we say we can’t do things, that we’re ineffectual but, trust me, we are NOT. It is a public groundswell that had massive affects on:

The Harriet Miers issue;
– The Dubai Ports issue;
– The nomination and support of Roberts and Alito;
– The elimination of the illegal immigrant amnesty bill;
– This week, the halting of driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants.

And now, my final point — doing what I call the “logical extension.”

BECAUSE the Conservative elements have BEEN effective, BECAUSE the line-level Conservatives have LEARNED how to communicate, BECAUSE we communicate so quickly and so effectively due to blogs, because of the internet, because of online magazines, because of e-mail and because of TALK RADIO, then:
  • and then APPLY THOSE STRICTURES TO ALL THE AREAS WHERE WE SUCCEED in terms of communications.

Mark my words, ladies and gentlemen, you have not yet begun to see the impending massive and concerted Demorat and Left assault on our freedoms enumerated above.

This was a public failing and slapdown of Eliot Spitzer in combination with Hillary Clinton.

Because of our efficacy.

Expect the other shoe to fall.