This Is Your Demorat Future:

This is the Barack Hussein Obama and the Demorat Congress you’ll all come to know and love:

Respect free speech? Hardly.

– The re-institution of the Fairness Doctrine;
– The arrest of an ABC News producer for allegedly trespassing when he was on a public sidewalk;

These are your freedoms enjoyed at the behest of the Demorat Party.

Free speech = their speech only.

Just you wait.


The World Continues To Revolve. . .

. . .but not around the Demorats, as they would have you believe.

Whilst the MSM conducts its Love Fest with the Demorats, a few other things happen to be occurring simultaneously around the world. Things that may just be a tad more important:

In the meantime, the DEM cannot get enough of gently and reverently lapping the genitals of the Demorats On Display in Denver.

One more deserved punch to the throat of Pelosi by a Catholic representative, this time in the form of Cardinal Edward Egan on Tuesday:

The head of the Catholic Church in New York closed his statement (regarding Pelosi’s comments to Tom Brokaw) by saying that anyone who defends abortion is not fit to be a leader in a civilized democracy. “Anyone who dares to defend that they may be legitimately killed because another human being ‘chooses’ to do so or for any other equally ridiculous reason should not be providing leadership in a civilized democracy worthy of the name.”

PART II: Damning With Faint Praise
Last night Hillary Clinton called for the unity of the Demorat party. However, if one examined the speech closely it provided few if any positive aspects of the character of Obama himself. Her ebullience over Barack Hussein Obama was, shall was say, a bit contained. Any clear embracing? None. And which Hillary do we believe? The Hillary who so specifically stated that Obama is not ready for Prime Time, or the Hillary who now has to step to the podium in order to “represent”? Quite frankly, I believe the prior Hillary.
Of course, as my cartoon pointed out on Monday, the convention will somehow manage to refocus back on the Clintons. In fact, now CNN postulates that William Jefferson Clinton will not be attending Barack Hussein Obama’s acceptance speech.
The divide continues. How else shall it be expressed in the immediate future? Delegates?


Let’s see if the DEM (the Defeatist, Elitist Media) manages to continue the Fawn Fest next week for the GOP. Any thoughts on this?