The Fairness Doctrine:

Returning to not just a radio station, but a website or a BLOG near YOU?

Think it isn’t possible?

There’s a huge concern among conservative talk radio hosts that reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine would all-but destroy the industry due to equal time constraints. But speech limits might not stop at radio. They could even be extended to include the Internet and “government dictating content policy.”

“I think the fear is that somehow large corporations will censor their content, their points of view, right,” McDowell said. “I think the bigger concern for them should be if you have government dictating content policy, which by the way would have a big First Amendment problem.”

“Then, whoever is in charge of government is going to determine what is fair, under a so-called ‘Fairness Doctrine,’ which won’t be called that – it’ll be called something else,” McDowell said. “So, will Web sites, will bloggers have to give equal time or equal space on their Web site to opposing views rather than letting the marketplace of ideas determine that?”

McDowell told BMI the Fairness Doctrine isn’t currently on the FCC’s radar. But a new administration and Congress elected in 2008 might renew Fairness Doctrine efforts, but under another name.

So, American Electorate, you just go ahead and elect Barack Hussein Obama because, after all, you know he’ll support — with open armsany and all bills passed at the behest of Speaker Pelosi. And Pelosi can’t wait to stem the success of Conservative Communications.

See my previous posts about the so-called “Fairness Doctrine”:


Seven Warning Signs for Obama

Glenn Thrush from has noted the Seven Warning Signs for Barack Obama, as he wrote on the blog and discussed on a recent Dennis Miller Show.
In a nutshell (please read the entire article), Mr. Thrush lists as topics:
1. Race
2. State of Virginia
3. State of Michigan
4. Bad times could be good for McCain
5. The “independent” or Barr Factor
6. The Legacy of LBJ, Jimmy and Bubba.
7. Americans may want divided government
As many have already observed, as I did some time ago, Barack Hussein Obama is quite accomplished in front of a TelePrompTer but lacks much extemporaneous facility. He has a miniscule amount of experience (how sad is it when Texas Demorat Senator Kirk Watson couldn’t even name ONE of Obama’s senatorial “accomplishments” when interviewed by Chris Matthews on Hardball?). He is already way over his head on the campaign trail, much less introducing his slender gluteals into the leather chair of the Oval Office.
Most of all, his Left leaning manner is a guarantee of a national crash. He is in fact, most dangerous. And naive. And ignorant.
An Obama presidency is not, despite every effort from the DEM/MSM, a “given.”
I still go back to Mr. Helms, my high school PoliSci teacher’s comment: “Democrats don’t win elections; Republicans lose them.”


The Russian Bear has stopped — temporarily.

The Russian onslaught, accompanied by relentless Russian air raids on Georgian territory, angered the West, bringing the toughest words yet from U.S. President George W. Bush.

Georgia, which sits on a strategic oil pipeline carrying Caspian crude to Western markets bypassing Russia, has long been a source of contention between the West and a resurgent Russia, which is seeking to strengthen its role as the dominant energy supplier to the continent.

Saakashvili endorsed an EU plan calling for an immediate cease-fire, in talks Monday with French and Finnish foreign ministers. Sarkozy was to negotiate the plan in Moscow, and the presidents of Poland and the former Soviet states of Ukraine, Lithuania and Estonia were headed to Georgia on Tuesday.

Bush had demanded Monday that Russia end a “dramatic and brutal escalation” of violence in Georgia, agree to an immediate cease-fire and accept international mediation.

“Russia has invaded a sovereign neighboring state and threatens a democratic government elected by its people. Such an action is unacceptable in the 21st century,” Bush said in a televised statement from the White House.

TBILISI, Georgia (AP) – Russia ordered a halt to military action in Georgia on Tuesday, after five days of air and land attacks sent Georgia’s army into headlong retreat and left towns and military bases destroyed.

Georgian officials insisted that Russia has continued the bombings despite the pledge, but Russia denied that.

Hours before the Russian announcement, Russian forces bombed the crossroads city of Gori and launched an offensive in the part of separatist Abkhazia still under Georgian control, sending in 135 military vehicles – including tanks – and tightening the assault on the beleaguered nation.

We know what happened. But is it that clear and obvious? What is the primary motivating factor?

And what to do?

Take on the entire Russian Bear? Because against Russia, who would take an obvious side with the United States?

Anyone? Bueller?