Obama, Dictating How You Live, & He’s WRONG

Again, another case where the Religious Left sacrifice facts, lives and hurt the environment only so that their emotions can be assuaged and they can “feel better.”

WASHINGTON — Aiming to keep the focus on climate change legislation, President Barack Obama put a plug in for administration efforts to make lamps and lighting equipment use less energy.

“I know light bulbs may not seem sexy, but this simple action holds enormous promise because 7 percent of all the energy consumed in America is used to light our homes and businesses,” the president said, standing alongside Energy Secretary Steven Chu at the White House.

And that means embracing the CFL bulb.

The ugly truth is that CFLs poison the environment by ensuring that the toxic element mercury is released both in your home through potential breakage, and by insertion into our soil and water through refuse sites. The mercury within is poisoning and killing workers assembling these bulbs. There is NO mercury in incandescent bulbs.

DO NOT BUY CFLs. REFUSE to purchase them. Stick to regular bulbs.

Like ethanol, they are a harmful, wasteful Religious Left and ObamaScam.


Honduras: Everything You Know Is Wrong

Most Americans think there are riots occurring in Honduras, that a military coup was held, that the civilian powers were removed — and that it was a complete defeat for the country and freedom in South America. Honduran President Zelaya was removed from power by the Honduran military on Sunday and flown to Costa Rica.

People couldn’t be more wrong. Hondurans did the right thing for the right reason. The military removed President Manuel Zelaya because:

Roberto Micheletti, named by Congress to serve out the final seven months of Zelaya’s term, vowed to ignore foreign pressure. He insisted Zelaya’s ouster was legal and accused the former president himself of violating the constitution by sponsoring a referendum that was outlawed by the Supreme Court. Many saw the foiled vote as a step toward eliminating barriers to his re-election, as other Latin American leaders have done in recent years.

Let’s do some dot-connecting together, shall we? Zelaya was a resounding friend of Hugo Chavez, who is essentially President-For-Life in Venezuela. Zelaya was building his bond and political strength linking to Chavez and many believe, myself included, that he intended to make himself pseudo-Dictator in the mold of Chavez, patterned after Castro.

Seeing the death of their Constitution and the fall of freedom, Honduras attempted to retake their sovereignty. A military leader was not installed in place; instead it was a civilian politician who is a Honduran Congressional speaker. That bespeaks volumes in itself.

The world, in the meantime, complained bitterly — as did our Mr Obama. He said, “We believe that the coup was not legal and that President Zelaya remains the democratically elected president there.” Had it been another country, Mr Obama clearly would have condemned our own American Revolution seeking severance from Britain.

And who is barking directly alongside Mr Obama? Why, that would be Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.

Where is the support for revolt which fights for freedom and against dictatorship and oppression?

[This just in: Juan Diego Zelaya, who is general counsel to the mayor of Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, and is an adviser to the National Party, the opposition party to former President Manuel Zelaya — writes this about the Honduran situation. He calls it a CONSTITUTIONAL coup. Please check out the article.]


The Way We Get By

Thanks to Wordsmith for his post illuminating this film. Please watch the trailer:

From the movie website:

Beginning as a seemingly idiosyncratic story about troop greeters – a group of senior citizens who gather daily at a small airport to thank American soldiers departing and returning from Iraq, the film quickly turns into a moving, unsettling and compassionate story about aging, loneliness, war and mortality.

When its three subjects aren’t at the airport, they wrestle with their own problems: failing health, depression, mounting debt. Joan, a grandmother of eight, has a deep connection to the soldiers she meets. The sanguine Jerry keeps his spirits up even as his personal problems mount. And the veteran Bill, who clearly has trouble taking care of himself, finds himself contemplating his own death. Seeking out the telling detail rather than offering sweeping generalizations, the film carefully builds stories of heartbreak and redemption, reminding us how our culture casts our elders, and too often our soldiers, aside. More important, regardless of your politics, “The Way We Get By” celebrates three unsung heroes who share their love with strangers who need and deserve it.

See the film if you can. Even request a showing. You can purchase the DVD on the website.

I was staggered; simply staggered. This cuts way too close, too very damned close to home in my life right now. But I’ll still see it.


Rally The Troops AGAINST Cap & Trade

Texas Fred has a Saturday post where he calls for every Conservative to flood DC and local political offices with every manner of communications, to insist their Senators do not vote for the upcoming Cap & Trade bill.

My Congressman, Tom McClintock, voted against HR 2454 — as I would have expected. He’s an actual Conservative.

On the other hand, in Fornicalia, my two Senators, Boxer and Feinstein, are the poster children for Leftists and Socialists. I certainly won’t be convincing them of anything.

I should like you to read, however, this special order speech presented Friday by Congressman McClintock, who has seen the equivalent of “cap & trade” help to tear my state, Fornicalia, apart. He said:

I had a strange sense of Deja Vu as I watched the self-congratulatory rhetoric on the house floor tonight, and I feel compelled to offer this warning from the Left Coast.
Three years ago, I stood on the floor of the California Senate and watched a similar celebration over a similar bill, AB 32. And I have spent the last three years watching as that law has dangerously deepened California’s recession. It uses a different mechanism than Cap and Trade, but the objective is the same: to force a dramatic reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.
Up until that bill took effect, California’s unemployment numbers tracked very closely with the national unemployment rate. But then in January of 2007, California’s unemployment rate began a steady upward divergence from the national jobless figures. Today, California’s unemployment rate is more than two points above the national rate, and at its highest point since 1941.

What is it that happened in January of 2007? AB 32 took effect and began shutting down entire segments of California’s economy. Let me give you one example from my district. The City of Truckee, California was about to sign a long-term power contract to get its electricity from a new, EPA-approved coal-fired electricity plant in Utah. AB 32 and companion legislation caused them to abandon that contract. The replacement power they acquired literally doubled their electricity costs.
So when economists warn that we can expect electricity prices to double under the cap and trade bill, I can tell you from bitter experience that in my district, that’s not a future prediction, that is an historical fact.
Gov. Schwarzenegger assured us that AB 32 would mean an explosion of new, green jobs — exactly the same promises we’re hearing from cap and trade supporters. In California, exactly the opposite has happened. We have lost so many jobs that the UCSB economic forecast is now using the D-word – Depression – to discuss California’s job market.
M. Speaker, the Cap and Trade bill proposes what amounts to endlessly increasing taxes on any enterprises that produce carbon dioxide or other so-called greenhouse gas emissions. We need to understand what that means. It has profound implications for agriculture, construction, cargo and passenger transportation, energy production, baking and brewing – all of which produce enormous quantities of this innocuous and ubiquitous compound. In fact, every human being produces 2.2 pounds of carbon dioxide every day – just by breathing.
So applying a tax to the economy designed to radically constrict carbon dioxide emissions means radically constricting the economy.
And this brings us to the fine point of it.
When you discuss the folly of the Hoover Administration – how it turned the recession of 1929 into the depression of the 1930’s, the first thing that economists point to is the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act that imposed new taxes on over 20,000 imported products.
Waxman Markey is our generation’s Smoot Hawley. In fact, it’s worse because it imposes new taxes on an infinitely larger number of domestic products on a scale that utterly dwarfs Smoot-Hawley.

Let’s ignore for the moment the fact that the planet’s climate is constantly changing and that long term global warming has been going on since the last ice age. Let’s ignore the fact that within recorded history we know of periods when the earth’s climate has been much warmer than it is today and others when it has been much cooler. Let’s ignore the thousands of climate scientists and meteorologists who have concluded that human-produced greenhouse gases are a negligible factor in global warming or climate change.
Ignore all of that and still we are left with one lousy sense of timing. In the most serious recession since the Great Depression – why would members of this house want to repeat the same mistakes that produced that Great Depression? Watching how California has just wrecked its economy and destroyed its finances, why would they want to do the same thing to our nation?
M. Speaker, this is deadly serious stuff. It transcends ideology and politics. This House has just made the biggest economic mistake since the days of Herbert Hoover.
If this measure becomes law, two things are certain.
First, our planet will continue to warm and cool as it has been doing for billions of years.
Second: Congress will have delivered a staggering blow to our nation’s economy at precisely that moment when that economy was the most vulnerable.

I’m proud to live in Mr McClintock’s district. And he’s absolutely correct. America stands literally on the precipice of another Great Depression. And America’s politicians seem only so ready to push my country directly into that yawning chasm of economic doom.


The House Passes The LARGEST Tax Ever

America is all adrip with Michael Jackson. Michael this, Michael that.

In the meantime, whilst bloated, idiotic, shallow, unattentive Americans were diverted: a perfect time for Demorats to ACT:

Fourteen hours after introduction, the House just passed the LARGEST tax bill in the HISTORY of the United States.

This is the American Clean Energy And Security Act of 2009, HR 2454 (see my post here), known as “cap and trade” — where it passed in the House on a 219 to 212 vote, with eight Republicans voting yes and 44 Democrats voting no.

At 3am Friday morning, another 300 pages were sneaked into the bill, literally in the dark of night.

I found the actual 932-page HR 2454 bill on the internet. It is here if you can stomach it.

It is common knowledge that no one in the House who voted for this bill has actually taken the time to read this bill.

The bill’s passage “amounts to the largest tax increase in American history under the guise of climate change,” declared Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind.

Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc.) called it a “massive transfer of wealth” from the United States to foreign countries.

Before (House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio) took the floor, Republicans asked the House to observe a moment of silence for Americans who would lose their jobs as a result of the bill. Democrats objected. Pelosi argued later that the bill would mean “jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs.”

Absolutely, stultifyingly idiotic and nonsensical. Check out this video.

Utility rates will absolutely skyrocket at a time when Americans can least afford it. This is an entire reordering of our complete economy.

This bill would mean an unprecedented tax increase on American business, predominantly forcing — those who could — many American businesses to transfer themselves to other more friendly nations. Hence the comment by Sensenbrenner.

Those businesses trapped by circumstance would do nothing but pass the costs down, logically so, to the American consumer. The taxpayer. The persons who created the cash in the first place.

Additionally, The Heritage Foundation states the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) grossly underestimated the true costs of “cap and trade”:

Last week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released their analysis of the Waxman-Markey climate change bill that had proponents of the bill claiming Americans could save the planet for just $175 per household. That was the figure CBO estimated cap and trade would cost households in 2020 alone.[1]

Both the CBO’s analysis and the subsequent legislation are troubled: The analysis grossly underestimates economic costs while the legislation will have virtually no impact on climate.

Overall, there are a number of basic problems with CBO’s analysis:
-Their allowance cost numbers do not add up;
-They ignore economic costs such as the decrease in gross domestic product (GDP) as a result of the bill; and
-The analysis is an accounting analysis, not an economic analysis.

Government does not make money. Private businesses makes money. Government confiscates cash via taxes. That’s how it works.

Hugh Hewitt writes:

The Pelosi Democrats will try and push through the massive tax hike that is disguised as “cap and trade” today, and the 1200 plus page bill is constantly changing and of course has not been read much less understood by the Democrats voting for it. If this bill or anything remotely like it becomes law, the American economy will be pushed into a deep recession that will make the past six months look like the good old days

Moderates and conservatives are wrong to expect that the Senate will simply kill the bill, though all efforts will have to be switched immediately to the upper chamber if the Pelosi/Waxman/Markey radicals bribe enough Dems with special provisions to pass it today. The so-called Blue Dog Democrats are proving to be worthless as a check on the hard left of their party, and only a huge course correction in November 2010 will keep the country safe from the radicals currently running the Democratic caucus in the House. No one who votes for this bill can claim to be a “moderate Democrat.”

The Heritage Foundation makes this analysis of the bill:

An analysis of the Waxman-Markey bill (as reported out of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce) by The Heritage Foundation found that unemployment will increase by nearly 2 million in 2012, the first year of the program, and reach nearly 2.5 million in 2035, the last year of the analysis. Total GDP loss by 2035 would be $9.4 trillion. The national debt would balloon as the economy slowed, saddling a family of four with $114,915 of additional national debt. Families would also suffer, as the bill would slap the equivalent of a $4,609 tax on a family of four by 2035.[1]

This is more than insane. And this is just one aspect of the various bill RAMDOWNS that Obama insists American taxpayers make.

Where will the money come from?

This government operates with the consent of the American Taxpayer.

How long will this consent be willingly proffered — considering that the American Taxpayer is ignorant, forgetful and naive?

I submit that already some persons are questioning the drinking of their own cups of Kool-Aid.

It’s up to the SENATE to stop this crushing bill. But will they?