A Piece of Michael Jackson

How many people do you think took a piece of Michael Jackson in death?

How many locks of his hair were cut?

How many photographs were taken, aside from official ones, at his home whilst he awaited medical treatment — by cell phone cameras — or other digital cameras prior to making any 9-1-1 call?

How many persons took a snippet of the clothing he wore in death?

How many persons took a small item from the room in which he was initially found?

How many medical or emergency responders took photographs of themselves, grinning or serious, in the box medic transporting him to the hospital?

How many doctors or nurses let themselves into his room for covert photos or “souvenirs” following his pronouncement?

How many persons will boast, in the coming days and weeks, that they will have a “piece of Michael Jackson” to sell, rent, loan, lease or retell?

With themselves, of course, being at the center of said point?

Michael Jackson, in life, was worth millions.

Trust me. His worth, in death, will be every bit as valuable. Wait a day. At most. Then check out eBay, YouTube, CraigsList.

And how did he get there?

Locks of hair were taken from Billy the Kid in death. And from Marie Antoinette, and Beethoven, and Charles I. Like items were taken from Bonnie and Clyde and from John Dillinger. It is rumored that multiple locks of hair exist from JFK but only upon his assassination. Check the photographs. History is my professor.


Farrah Fawcett: 1947 – 2009

One hears that deaths come in 3’s.
Ed McMahon just passed away; so now has Farrah Fawcett.
Farrah Fawcett, whom every young boy adored for various reasons in the 70’s, passed away today at the age of 62, the victim of cancer.
Drudge & Breitbart report:

Posted Jun 25th 2009 5:20PM by TMZ Staff
We’ve just learned Michael Jackson has died. He was 50. Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him. We’re told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back. A source tells us Jackson was dead when paramedics arrived. Once at the hospital, the staff tried to resuscitate him but he was completely unresponsive.

Death apparently does come in 3’s.


How can ANYONE possible think there’s even the slightest shred of common sense left in the Demorat Party?

[BZ WARNING: Pour your favorite adult beverage, then another two, and be sitting down prior to reading this.]

(Reuters) – Two U.S. Democratic lawmakers want Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to relax recently tightened standards for mortgages on new condominiums, saying they could threaten the viability of some developments and slow the housing-market recovery, the Wall Street Journal said.

And who might those two Demorats be, you ask?

Why, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D, NY) and — you guessed itBarney Frank, who is still Chair of the House Financial Services Committee.

Can things get any more ridiculous or idiotic? This isn’t a ploy; they really are this stupid.

Sure — let’s just start the whole financial meltdown of this country and, by extension, the world all over again.


Ed McMahon Dies At Age 86

And it wasn’t pleasant.
You might think that, because he was involved in entertainment, Ed McMahon was possessed of millions.
That would not be true.
He worked hard for every dollar earned. He frequently donated “voiceovers” to many causes. When Johnny Carson died in 2005, thing changed once again.

Despite his many business ventures, McMahon encountered hard times in his last years. He faced foreclosure on his Beverly Hills mansion last year after falling behind in payments on $4.8 million in mortgages. In the end a deal was worked out allowing him to stay in his home, but he was also being sued over other debts.

Could you, will you, consistently work into your 80s?
Perhaps we should all step back and appreciate another passing designee of The Greatest Generation.
Where work didn’t stop. No matter where or how the celebrity.

Cap & Trade: HR 2454

You must always pay attention, these days, to what Washington is doing. This administration, in particular, is attempting to ram down multiple egregious issues simultaneously.

Do not let “cap and trade” pass undisclosed and unnoticed. Please watch this video:

Check out AmericanSolutions.org. This site, assembled by Newt Gingrich and many others, is the one responsible for last year’s DRILL NOW push.

I already wrote about “cap and trade” here, way back on November 3rd of 2009. And what of an actual “Climate Czar” — I wrote about that here.

Sign here to help stop the massive proposed energy tax enabled by Obama’s “cap & trade” policy.

This will do nothing but ensure jobs are lost and America fades. At the expense of, naturally, Mr Obama’s prime philosophy.