Palin Denies Breast Implants Rumor

Sarah Palin shot down rumors Friday night that she had undergone an operation to receive breast implants.

“Breast implants – did you have them or not, because that’s all over the Internet about you, and the mainstream media,” Greta Van Susteren asked Palin on her Fox News “On the Record” show.

“Boobgate is all over the Internet right now because there’s a lot of, I guess, bored, idle bloggers and reporters with nothing else to talk about,” Palin replied. “No, I have not had implants. I can’t believe that we’re even talking about this.


No, I have not had implants,” she said in an interview with FOX News host Greta Van Susteren, who asked the former governor of Alaska point-blank about speculation she’s had breast implants.

“A report like that is about as real and truthful as reports that [my husband] Todd and I are divorcing or that I bought a place in the Hamptons or that [my son] Trigg is not my own child.”

I believe it.

She is literally her own woman. Good or bad, she has made her own decisions.

It was her decision to step away from the remainder of Alaska’s Governorship.

She took heat from me and thousands of blogs for that.

You know what?

She still has stature.

And she STILL frightens the crap out of Leftists.

I ask: WHY is that?

Moreover, why isn’t Joe Biden asked about his hair plugs? Why arent’ the bulk of House and Senate males asked about their own hair plugs, their own dye jobs, the thousands of dollars spent — like Clinton and Edwards — on their own narcissistic Metro “perceptions”?

In this case I submit: sexism.

Anyone beside me notice she’s only carrying a pellet rifle?

Nine Trillion Dollars Lost, And Your Government Doesn’t Care

Usually I try to be a tad escapist on Sunday posts; I was all set to get a bit maudlin and reflective since I’ve spent the entire weekend rearranging my cabin, which looks like a tornado ripped through, to accommodate the furniture and other family articles from my father’s house. I’ll write about that next week, perhaps.

In the meantime, having gone to Wordsmith’s and read his Friday post, I decided I absolutely must replicate the video here with some additional comments and notations. And I may leave this post up for an extra day or two, so as many readers as possible understand:

Your federal government cannot account for $9 trillion of your taxpayer dollars, and it apparently couldn’t care less.

First, watch the video:

Then, from the article:

The Federal Reserve apparently can’t account for $9 trillion in off-balance sheet transactions.

When Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Orlando) asked Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman of the Federal Reserve some very basic questions about where the trillions of dollars that have come from the Fed’s expanded balance sheet, the IG didn’t know.

Worse, nobody at the Fed seems to have any idea what the losses on its $2 trillion portfolio really are.

After viewing the video, do you possess any inclination to think that the IG for the Federal Reserve seems to much care, or is much motivated?

How about this for a motivation: I’d recommend a nice, cold, miniscule JAIL CELL for this incompetent.

And I have another series of recommendations:

It is far PAST time to track white collar crime and then chip up the penalties to persons responsible for public and private losses.

You may not know it, but all law enforcement agencies are mandated by federal law to track and classify crimes so that the FBI can complile and disseminate crime trends and statistics for the nation. Sadly, white collar crimes are NOT a mandated federal tracking point. They NEED to be.

Further, there absolutely must be stratospherically-higher penalties for white collar crimes.

I recommend that prison sentences up to and including LWOP (life without parole) and DEATH be federally instituted and based upon the dollar amount of losses suffered by injured parties and/or victims, on a predetermined sliding scale.

For example, Kenneth Lay of Enron should have had his penalty be death, for the staggering monetary losses he forced uninvolved parties to suffer in their retirement funds and otherwise. At MINIMUM his penalty should have been LWOP in Leavenworth or the United States Penitentiary Administrative Maximum Facility (ADX) — otherwise known as Colorado’s Supermax. No “Club Fed.” Mostly like any given federal prison more aligned with a possible “Club Ass-ream” under the tab of “be my white bitch.” Michael Milken, junk bond king, should have suffered the same fate.

These penalties would also, of course, attach not just to private firms and persons but government appointees and administrators as well.

Like, say, the completely clueless, incompetent, uncaring, uninterested, unmotivated “Inspector General” Elizabeth Coleman of the Federal Reserve.

How can you not know or not care where or how $9 TRILLION taxpayers dollars are and disappeared? This is, clearly, negligence beyond negligence.


Reading Miranda Rights To Terrorists?

I’m a little late on the issue, I believe, but when I heard it today my first thoughts were: “no, this simply cannot be true.”
But it has not been refuted by the Obama Administration.
What’s the issue? From

A senior Republican on the House Intelligence Committee is accusing the Obama administration of quietly ordering the FBI to start reading Miranda rights to suspected terrorists at U.S. military detention facilities in Afghanistan.

You must be kidding, yes?
The Miranda Decision, based upon Escobedo, pertains only to American citizens and but upon American shores. This is a civilian and not a military application.
Any US law enforcement officer knows the three-pronged test for Miranda application:

1. Custodial
2. Interrogation
3. By a peace officer
The next paragraph settles on the back of Captain Obvious:

The move is reportedly creating chaos in the field among the CIA, FBI and military personnel, according to Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich. The soldiers, especially, he says, are frustrated that giving high value detainees Miranda rights — the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney — is impeding their ability to pursue intelligence on the battlefield, according to a story first reported by the Weekly Standard.

I’m sorry, folks, but this is sheer insanity.
You are not just asking but demanding that this country be subject to attack.

Rev. Wright: “Them Jews”

Again, I suspect you’re not hearing or reading much of this in the DEM/MSM; no surprise there, as the DEM/MSM did their level best to discredit anyone who brought up, during the presidential campaign, Mr Obama’s association with the terrorist William Ayers and his terrorist wife Bernardine Dohrn, as well as black racist and former spiritual mentor to Mr Obama, the man who married the Obamas, Reverend Jeremiah Wright of the Trinity United Church of Christ.

Rev. Wright said this week (who calls our country “the United States of white America“) at the 95th annual Hampton University Ministers’ Conference, to David Squires of the Daily-Press of Newport News, Virginia — when asked if he’s spoken recently to Mr Obama:

. . . them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck, or in eight years when he’s out of office.”

Anyone ask the next obvious question: “And who might ‘them Jews’ be?” Rahm Emanual perhaps? He’s the Big Jew on the Obama staff.

No. Of course not. No journalist has anything even remotely resembling an inquisitive or accusative mind when it comes to Mr Obama or any topic possibly associated with Mr Obama. Of what did the DEM/MSM always accuse former President Bush? Oh, yes, that’s right: lack of any intellectual curiosity. RH: Rampant Hypocrisy, DEM/MSM.

Rev. Wright also said that “the Jewish vote, the A-I-P-A-C vote, that’s controlling him, that would not let him send representation to the Darfur Review Conference, that’s talking this craziness on this trip, cause they’re Zionists, they would not let him talk to someone who calls a spade what it is.”

Isn’t it odd how that focus simply isn’t turned inwards now, towards our current President and his associates? By our current media?

Please allow me to bring some further obvious DEM/MSM hypocrisy to light regarding current national events.

You heard and read of the recent horrible killing of US Holocaust Museum guard Stephen Johns by the elderly 88-year-old POS whose name I won’t write here. Isn’t it amazing, though, how immediately the DEM/MSM made the alleged link between that solitary asswipe and the murderer of abortionist George Tiller, 51-year-old Scott Roeder?

It’s all about Right Wing radio, Right Wing blogs, Right Wing media. Blah blah blah.

How much time, column-inches, posts, airage, was provided to cover and reveal the black MUSLIM degenerate who PURPOSELY made friends with his US Army recruiter station victims and then came back to KILL THEM?

A Muslim who purposely made friends so he could kill them. A Muslim who could purposely be making friends with you. So he can kill you. And then more.
No. Minimized completely.

The Tiller killing, the Holocaust killing — they fit the DEM/MSM narrative.

It confirms their worldview — the country is seething with Right Wing fully-automatic machine-gun-carrying nutjobs whose only purpose is to receive subspace signals sent from Dick Cheney’s Secret Bunker. The DEM/MSM is incredibly protective of anything even remotely denigrative to Mr Obama and has no problem with burying stories that do not confirm to their Leftist agendas and philosophies.

Killer Islamists and Jihadis in America?


Rest easy, America. Your media will keep you truthfully informed.