Jobs Created: A White House Lie

The Obama Administration says:

The Obama administration’s $787 billion stimulus bill directly saved or created about 650,000 jobs as of the end of last month, administration officials announced this morning.

Bloomberg says this is a “made up metric.” I’ll write it outright: lies. Malkin writes here. Hot Air here.

The Associated Press embarrassed Mr Obama by writing:

An early progress report on President Barack Obama’s economic recovery plan overstates by thousands the number of jobs created or saved through the stimulus program, a mistake that White House officials promise will be corrected in future reports.

The government’s first accounting of jobs tied to the $787 billion stimulus program claimed more than 30,000 positions paid for with recovery money. But that figure is overstated by least 5,000 jobs, according to an Associated Press review of a sample of stimulus contracts.

The AP review found some counts were more than 10 times as high as the actual number of jobs; some jobs credited to the stimulus program were counted two and sometimes more than four times; and other jobs were credited to stimulus spending when none was produced.

For example:
_ A company working with the Federal Communications Commission reported that stimulus money paid for 4,231 jobs, when about 1,000 were produced.
_ A Georgia community college reported creating 280 jobs with recovery money, but none was created from stimulus spending.
_ A Florida child care center said its stimulus money saved 129 jobs but used the money on raises for existing employees.

There’s no evidence the White House sought to inflate job numbers in the report. But administration officials seized on the 30,000 figure as evidence that the stimulus program was on its way toward fulfilling the president’s promise of creating or saving 3.5 million jobs by the end of next year.

The reporting problem could be magnified Friday when a much larger round of reports is expected to show hundreds of thousands of jobs repairing public housing, building schools, repaving highways and keeping teachers on local payrolls.

So, I suppose Mr Obama created 650,000 new jobs.

Wait — wait. Do you feel it? Did you see it?

I created 173 new jobs just now.

Because I said I did.


Alan Grayson:

At the risk of seeming to continuously bleat, I find I must steadily emphasize the obvious because the national US media consistently refuse to cover the most basic of stories, if they somehow conflict with the idealistic path plotted by the current Obama Administration.

The story of Alan Grayson is being smothered by the US media; you’ll only read about it on blogs and on the internet. And hear sound bites on Conservative talk radio.

Alan Grayson says that Republicans, with regard to health care, believe you mustn’t get sick and — if you do — must die quickly.

That would be quite the opposite of the true-life implications of ObamaKare. Watch the video:

Who is Alan Mark Grayson (b. 03-13-58), you logically ask? He is a member of the House for Florida’s 8th District.

Grayson already made a statement about Ben Bernanke’s adviser, Linda Robertson, here.

This lobbyist, this K street whore, is trying to teach me about economics,” he said.

Someone just reach up and slap me.

Just slap me.

Because had any of this occurred under a GOP administration, it would have been headline news for days and days and days.

And the fact, now, that I bring this up could be construed, under my current government, as defeatist and obfuscatory and “fishy” and insurrectionist.


New York City:

The canary in the proverbial coal mine:

RUSH: Mayor Bloomberg, state and city revenues in New York are falling because of the Wall Street collapse. State lawmakers are considering income tax increases for households earning between $250,000 and $1 million. They already pay a 6.85% income tax rate. Mayor Bloomberg, who as recently as six months ago would have supported this, had something different to say about it recently on the radio. It’s sound bite number 11.

BLOOMBERG: One percent of the people that live in the city, the households that file in the city pay something like 50% of the taxes. In a city that’s about 40,000 people so, you know, a handful left, any raise would make it revenue neutral. The question is, “What’s fair?” If one percent are paying 50% of the taxes, you want to make it even more? A little over half the people, half the households who file tax returns don’t pay any taxes. And about 30% of the households that file get a credit from the government. The government sends them a check. That’s the Earned Income Tax Credit.

Did you get that? ONE PERCENT (roughly 40,000) of NYC residents pay HALF of that city’s taxes?? Patterning the fed after NYC?

New Yorkers are fleeing the state and city in alarming numbers — and costing a fortune in lost tax dollars, a new study shows.

More than 1.5 million state residents left for other parts of the United States from 2000 to 2008, according to the report from the Empire Center for New York State Policy. It was the biggest out-of-state migration in the country.

The vast majority of the migrants, 1.1 million, were former residents of New York City — meaning one out of seven city taxpayers moved out.

Not quite in keeping with the Big Socialist Dream of Our Hero.

You mean — people with money can actually make decisions?? Looks, to me, like the Official Blueprint for any taxpayer in the future.

Well — that’ll certainly have to stop shortly!

In the meantime:

“The Most Trusted Name In News” isn’t.

Despite every machination of the Obama Administration to defeat Fox News.

Even MSNBC beat CNN.

Tidal turning?