Rush Limbaugh, The NFL Racist:


Bring the documentation. List the websites. Cite the YouTube videos. Give me the MP3 files.

Bring them. Give them.


They simply don’t exist.

If they existed, they would have been used against Rush Limbaugh the MICROSECOND they existed in the digital ether.

Rush and I both worked for the KFBK radio station in Sacramento during different years; me before him in the late 1970s. I met him briefly. He’ll not remember me. But he set the pace with regard to Conservative radio and — talk radio in general. A massive precedent was set in 1988. He sensed a vacuum and filled it. Every dollar he garnered from this he deserves. Because it was his idea.

And now? Rush Limbaugh with his millions of dollars isn’t “good enough” to co-own an NFL team?

What garbage!

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said:

I’ve said many times before we’re all held to a high standard here, and I think divisive comments are not what the NFL is all about,” Goodell said at an NFL owners’ meeting. “I would not want to see those comments coming from people who are in a responsible position in the NFL, absolutely not.”

Produce your statements. Produce your evidence. Roger Goodell is a reverse racist himself, an appeaser, a caver, and will end up reducing NFL revenues. If he thinks I’ll ever purchase another NFL product again, he is sorely mistaken. And I have more purchasing power now than at any other time in my life.

I am SO tired of this racist crap:

The Rev. Al Sharpton reportedly sent a letter to Goodell on Monday urging the NFL to reject Limbaugh’s ownership bid. Jesse Jackson also expressed public opposition to Limbaugh’s bid.

Oh. So, fine. The Black Racist Pimps weigh in.

That makes everything okay.


What’s the old saying, those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones? A maxim that Rev. Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson would do well to live by; Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton have sent a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell imploring him not to allow Rush Limbaugh to purchase the St. Louis Rams. In the letter, Sharpton asked for a meeting to explain the “myriad” of reasons why Limbaugh should not be allowed to own an NFL team.

And how about what who alleges and when?

Any verification? Any truth? Any backup sources?

From 2003, Limbaugh had the temerity to provide an opinion about Philadelphia Eagles QB Donovan McNabb. He didn’t say anything more than what hundreds of thousands of people were already thinking:

Sorry to say this, I don’t think he’s been that good from the get-go,” Limbaugh said. “I think what we’ve had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn’t deserve. The defense carried this team.”

Horror of horrors!

But apparently, when it’s Rush Limbaugh, anyone can say anything about him. And not have to source their statements or provide any amount of proof. From the Culture & Media Institute:

One of the most damaging accusations you can level at opponent is call that individual a racist in one form or another. And that’s the tactic MSNBC and others left-wing opponents of Rush Limbaugh are taking to thwart his bid to purchase the St. Louis Rams.

During a segment on MSNBC on Oct. 13, former Pulitzer Prize winner Karen Hunter appeared to voice her opposition to the Limbaugh’s NFL bid. She made one of the most outrageous – likening Limbaugh’s ownership of an NFL team to being a plantation owner, a metaphor that invokes the image of antebellum South during the 19th Century, when slavery was rampant.

An educator, a darker-hued female making statements like this about Rush Limbaugh? A professor, an author, winner of a Pulitzer Prize, a learned scholar? She, of all persons, a professional journalist, would only be making quotes or allegations but only based upon iron-clad facts, yes?

Karen Hunter said:

I can just see the visions of plantation grandeur dancing in his head as we speak,” Hunter said. “Yeah, it doesn’t make you a racist to want to own a team. But, it does kind of with all his history question his power position over these players who make millions of dollars and his ability to be able to move them around, deny them contracts and do whatever he wants willy-nilly. It’s the ultimate power position to be an owner of an NFL team.”

So: Al Davis, owner of the Oakland Raiders, in the “ultimate power position”? Jerry Jones, the Dallas Cowboys, in the “ultimate power position”? Or the City of Green Bay, in the “ultimate power position”? All mostly Horrible White Folks, involved in business, doing nothing but “keeping the black man down”? And, oh, yeah, the NFL is comprised of 65% blacks or mixed race. And a good business owner, whose job is to have his business make an actual profit, wishes to have 65% of his employees fail in the job they’re tasked to accomplish? And spend millions and millions of dollars to enable this failure?

Again, this is insanity. But wait, there’s more from Karen Hunter. She further says:

The words you even put up – two of the statements that he said about the NFL looking like the crypts (sic) and the blood (sic),” Hunter said. “He even said that Dr. Martin Luther King, his killer, James Earl Ray should have a medal given to him, a medal of honor. He says, ‘We miss you, James.’ You can go online as to the top 10 Rush Limbaugh racist comments.”

These are just lies. Unsubstantiated, racist LIES, from unsubstantiated sources. Plied by agendist “journalists” who don’t know the first thing about legitimate journalism.

And by “journalists” who don’t, again, know the first thing about conducting interviews or refuting bald statements made by melanin-enhanced individuals. Because that would be — ooooooo — “touchy“. . .

Rush Limbaugh wakes up in the morning with a target painted on his forehead. He goes to sleep with a target painted on his forehead. He has had each and every word he’s spoken, for years, immured either on tape or video or on hard drive.

If he’d said a fraction of the things alleged, there would be YouTube videos and MP3 files rampant around the internet. On every liberal website. For days and days and weeks. The internet would have been RIFE with these videos and files quite some time ago — had they been TRUE.

Rush is what the Left would term a “target-rich environment.”


PRODUCE the videos where Rush makes the James Earl Ray quote. For God’s sake, this is so fundamentally simple. Rush himself streams video and audio for EVERY show.


US Debt: What You Need To Know

Mr Obama wants to spend and spend and spend. There is no end of his spending in sight. I suppose he thinks cash really does come out of a printing press. Similar to this thought: “Why do we need farms and farmers? I can get anything I want at the market.”

A sense of our actual debt is difficult to grasp. I am a visual learner and relate much more readily to information that I see in combination with hearing. For this reason, I suggest you visit the US National Debt Clock web site. You can actually see what our debt looks like — below:

This is a static screen capture photo. The debt has increased since I created this screen capture on Tuesday. Please check the debt clock website.

The spending has to stop. It simply has to stop. I would recommend you immediately visit Defeat The Debt. Everyone needs to understand the dangers posed by $11+ trillion dollars in debt. Play the video.

And yet, despite that, the Senate Finance Committee passed what some call the Sen. Max “Baucus Bill” for ObamaKare (D-Montana, chairman of the committee) on Tuesday the 13th; he declared: “We are going to get this done.”

Maine RINO Olympia Snowe said, upon passage: “When history calls, history calls.” She was the only Republican who checked the “okay” box in this committee, and enabled it to pass on a 14 to 9 vote.

One more step towards an assured tanking of our entire nation.

And that’s not even in consideration of Cap & Tax — which is, of course, next.

Turn your pockets inside-out, America. Then bend over, grab your ankles and cough.


Mr Obama Is Wrong On Most EVERYthing:

A recent report from Price Waterhouse Coopers has the Demorats in a dark furor because the truth is — somehow, and much to their pointed consternation — continuing to slip out regarding Mr Obama’s plans with regards to ObamaKare, and that is this: it will cost Americans horribly.

And despite the American dollar finding itself in an amount of remarkable peril, and imperiled further, Mr Obama and his minions absolutely insist on continuously blowing the doors out on spending.

This, as all logical, thinking, rational persons know, is not only unsound and unsustainable (to use a term popular with the Left) but clearly insane. Any average third grader knows and recognizes the First Rule of Holes: when you’re in one, stop digging.

The PWC study indicates — from

A major new report confirms the worst fears of many: Health care reform will raise the costs for most Americans—by about 18% on average. That is on top of existing inflation of health coverage.

Once the plan is fully phased-in (by 2019), a typical family of four would pay an extra $4,000 each year.

When combined with existing inflation, costs would rise from today’s $12,300 annual average to $25,900. Of that 111% increase, $9,600 is due to existing factors uncorrected by the legislation, and $4,000 due to additional costs created by the legislation.

For single persons, the differential is projected at $1,500 a year. Premiums would rise from today’s $4,600 a year to $9,600 overall.

Associated Press writes:

Their (insurance companies) dire message that health care legislation will drive up premiums for people who already have coverage comes as a warning shot at a crucial point in the debate, and threatens President Barack Obama’s top domestic priority.

Democrats and their allies scrambled on Monday to knock down a new industry-funded study forecasting that Senate legislation, over time, will add thousands of dollars to the cost of a typical policy. “Distorted and flawed,” said White House spokeswoman Linda Douglass. “Fundamentally dishonest,” said AARP’s senior policy strategist, John Rother. “A hatchet job,” said a spokesman for Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont.

The very clear point is this: if you currently have a form of healthcare coverage by way of your employer or even by COBRA, you are targeted. You will pay.

The bottom line is this: Obama’s legislation would cause health care costs to go up faster than under the current system. And this is a complete contravention to what Mr Obama and his minions portray.

And they are LYING. Let me make this abundantly clear: Obama and his sycophants are LYING. For those of you who just tuned in: Mr Obama is LYING. Could I possibly be clearer?

Here is the actual PWC document that is under fire.

At just the time when Mr Obama wants to keep spending exponentially, he should be cutting taxes and favoring business across the board.

How is it that one can spend oneself out of a recession and into prosperity?

If you buy into this you are likewise mentally addled.



Demorats, Leftists, Socialists, are rather selective.

They’d rather you didn’t know:

1. Petro-Energy — Not Moribund:

America is not going to bleed its wealth importing fuel. Russia’s grip on Europe’s gas will weaken. Improvident Britain may avoid paralysing blackouts by mid-decade after all.

The World Gas Conference in Buenos Aires last week was one of those events that shatter assumptions. Advances in technology for extracting gas from shale and methane beds have quickened dramatically, altering the global balance of energy faster than almost anybody expected.

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Tony Hayward, BP’s chief executive, said proven natural gas reserves around the world have risen to 1.2 trillion barrels of oil equivalent, enough for 60 years’ supply – and rising fast.


OPEC states are cheating on quota cuts. Non-compliance has fallen to 62pc from 82pc in March. Iran, Nigeria, Venezuela et al face a budget crunch. Why comply when non-OPEC Russia is pumping at breakneck speed?

The US Energy Department expects shale to meet half of US gas demand within 20 years, if not earlier. Projects are cranking up in eastern France and Poland. Exploration is under way in Australia, India and China.

Texas A&M University said US methods could increase global gas reserves by nine times to 16,000 TCF (trillion cubic feet). Almost a quarter is in China but it may lack the water resources to harness the technology given the depletion of the North China water basin.

2. Global Warming Isn’t: