Goodbye 2009 and Hello 2010: More of the Same From Obama

We are simply going to spend our way into — not just a depression, not just inflation, not just hyper-inflation, but a potential depression.

Mr Obama is showing he has absolutely no intention of curbing spending whatsoever for 2010.
He has essentially cut Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac a blank check. Late on Christmas Eve the Obama Administration removed the $400 billion dollar loan cap. Now? No cap whatsoever. Cui bono? you might ask. The answer: not the citizens. With the billions already sucked up by FM/FM, read this:
Just 31,382 borrowers nationwide had received permanent loan mods as of Nov. 30 under the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), the Treasury Department reported. Meanwhile, First American CoreLogic says that 1.7 million homes are likely to be lost to foreclosure next year.
So, once again, where did the money go? Who is monitoring? No one knows; no one is monitoring.
But wait, there’s more:
GMAC already received $12.5 billion dollars from the federal government. Now it’s going to get an additional $3.8 billion. What a deal!
H.R. 4173, the “Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act,” was passed by the House earlier this month. Here are some high points of the bill, courtesy of Barney Frank:

— For all its heft, the bill doesn’t once mention the words “too-big-to-fail,” the main issue confronting the financial system. Admitting you have a problem, as any 12- stepper knows, is the crucial first step toward recovery.

— Instead, it supports the biggest banks. It authorizes Federal Reserve banks to provide as much as $4 trillion in emergency funding the next time Wall Street crashes. So much for “no-more-bailouts” talk. That is more than twice what the Fed pumped into markets this time around. The size of the fund makes the bribes in the Senate’s health-care bill look minuscule.

— Oh, hold on, the Federal Reserve and Treasury Secretary can’t authorize these funds unless “there is at least a 99 percent likelihood that all funds and interest will be paid back.” Too bad the same models used to foresee the housing meltdownprobably will be used to predict this likelihood as well.

More Bailouts

— The bill also allows the government, in a crisis, to back financial firms’ debts. Bondholders can sleep easy — there are more bailouts to come.

— The legislation does create a council of regulators to spot risks to the financial system and big financial firms. Unfortunately this group is made up of folks who missed the problems that led to the current crisis.

— Don’t worry, this time regulators will have better tools. Six months after being created, the council will report to Congress on “whether setting up an electronic database” would be a help. Maybe they’ll even get to use that Internet thingy.

Essentially, as writer David Reilly says, 4173 is nothing more than a $4 trillion dollar “gift” from Mr Frank.
And finally, don’t forget, Mr Obama not only wants another stimulus package for 2010, but insists on passage of his ObamaKare and CapNTax bills — sure to cost further trillions of dollars.
Folks, does anyone besides me think this is a recipe for the complete fiscal annihilation of the United States?
Yeah, right; let’s really welcome in that New Year.

My New Readers and Commenters:

Everyone’s time is precious.

When you take time out of your busy day to surf the internet and wind up here for a moment or two, I am honored.

I’d like to take this time to give a shout-out to my newest readers and commenters, in no particular order — when possible I want to reference your profile and/or the blog you write yourself:

Mr Chuck: His profile indicates “Born in Dallas, TX, grew up and schooled in Highland Park. Texas A&M Graduate Class 1960 2 tours 1961-1965 Vietnam with MACV-SOG Captain, hamlet pacification and eradication of Viet-Cong chieftains.” God bless you, soldier, and thank you for your service to this country. My Dad (who passed away this year) has a brother, Jim, who currently lives in Highland Park.

LL: His blog is “Virtual Mirage.” He also has a blog entitled “US Mexico Border Security.” Both, very well done.

NEO, SOC: Welcome back. Neo’s blog is here at “Caucasionally Challenged Christian.” He also has “Kids Say The Funniest Things.”

Donald Douglas: A powerhouse at “American Power.” Mr Douglas is “a pro-victory Associate Professor of Political Science teaching in Southern California. I love my country, and I fully support current U.S. military operations around the world. I despise the hard-left radical agenda and discourse. I also abhor irrationalism in argumentation. I welcome comments and debate, and I’ll defend my positions vigorously. Yet in friendship, you’ll find no one more trustworthy nor loyal; in battle you’ll find an umatched competitor whose tactical elan would make Machiavelli proud.”

Old NFO: His blog is “Nobody Asked Me.” He describes himself as “an old retired Navy Mustang, back working since I kinda like to eat once in a while. Raised in the South, but lived all over the world.” Nice P-3 Orion shot, indeed.

deaconbleu: he’s a pain in the ass. But he must find something he likes because he keeps coming back.

WoFat: His blog, “WoFat Rides Again” indicates he is “Retired New Orleans cop. Criminal area of interest: Asian crime and gangs. Blog about anything that is of interest, or pisses me off.” Welcome, my Peace Officer Brother.

Country Girl: She describes herself as “a Mom of two. I am also a hard worker; nothing is for free. I love to take care of anyone who is in need.” Wow. Talk about a True American Woman.

KurtP: His blog is “A Trainwreck In Maxwell.” Texas, that is. Thanks for visiting once again, Kurt. Boston Terrier?

Tim: A challenger indeed. He makes me think. His home is “Tim’s Blogfest.” For me, he leans kinda left — okay, fairly far left — but he’s honest, sincere and measured. And, oh yeah: because I’m in the mountains he’s one interested skiier. Check him out.

Sue: Not a frequent commenter but I’d love to have her back consistently. You can access her portion of the Blogosphere at “POLITICS and RELIGION.” She describes herself: “I am a 56 year old Christian woman who is saddened to see her country going down the tubes, but who knows that her God is in complete control of the mess we have become. Praying God will spare this country from the wrath to come. . .”

cj: Here is one very interesting person. She describes herself as: “a 50 year old, single, female who is a writer by desire and a public safety officer because I need to pay my bills. It makes the people I owe money to happy when I do.” Her blogs are “An Angry American,” and “My Years of Reading Seriously.” God bless you, my Peace Officer Sister.

FJ: Occupation? Harpooner. Interests? “Hunting down and killing the great white leviathan.” A euphemism? Digital domain: “FJ’s Blog.” FJ has a massive South American interest — an interest to which we should be paying more attention.

Greybeard: I’ll let him make the summation: “Obstreperous. Conservative. Independent. Ex- Dogcatcher, Ex-Cop. Ex-County Civil Defense Director. Retired ARMY Viet Nam Veteran. Small Business Owner. EMS Helicopter Pilot.” Go here to his blog at “Pitchpull.” You know: pulling some pitch? As in helos?

Jo: Sorry, your profile doesn’t go anywhere. Thanks for visting and reading, though! UPDATE: Jo’s blog is “Southern Sass On Crime.” My apologies Jo, and kudos to your decision. Been there myself.

Lonerider: Describes himself as “Just a geek, who moved down here from Canada about a decade ago, married a Texan and now have two native Texan kids.”

Chris: Great photo of he and his beautiful wife. He describes himself as “a married conservative man with a beautiful daughter who is ready to runble with anyone who tries to take away my freedom.”

David Wyatt: A man whose name is “in the clear” and unafraid. His blog is “Hallelujah Tis Done.” My guess is: he plays the banjo!

Jennifer Leeland: Holy moley, a published writer visits my blog! I have purchased some of her books for my wife and she enjoyed them! Her web page is here. She definitely is “romance with an edge.”

Clint: His blog, “The.Outer.Marker” should be followed! He is an “Airline pilot by day, but dedicated to advancing the ideals that have made the United States of America the greatest country in the world, by night.” Great blog, great conservative insight.

Nickie Goomba: Ah, a man in my own proverbial “back yard.” Dude, we’re pretty much across the river from each other! Separated by a few thousand feet in altitude. Nice avatar too. Primary blog is the “Goomba News Network.” Give me a blast on the e-mail. I’d like to buy you a beer some time!

Ron Russell: His blog is “TOTUS.” I’m guessing it’s not quite the same TOTUS. Or am I wrong? What, Ron, does the first “T” stand for?

Chicago Ray: CR actually lives in — imagine this! — Chicago. A web and HTML genius, CR is sufficiently skilled to have his own business. His blog is — you guessed it! — ChicagoRay. As you might guess, his blog is a visual wonder. You want to create a website? Go to Chicago Ray!

Borepatch: Clearly, a weapons devotee with an interest in our Second Amendment. His blog, “Bore Patch,” is a wonderful spot to find. As he describes: “Internet Security and Firearms. Either way, helping you keep your muzzle clean. No extra charge.” As the former Rangemaster for my 2,000 + department, I can relate to an interest in our Constitutional Freedoms.

In summary:

Somehow, in the merest past few weeks I’ve managed to acquire an entirely new set of readers. And, as we all know, a blog lives and dies with not only its standard readers — what I call my “Usual Suspects” — but also by its fresh blood.

A massive THANK YOU to all my loyal readers, and to my newest readers. Please come back. I value each and every one of you, indeed!


Janet Incompetano: The System Worked?

Big Sis says the “system worked“:

Big Sis says the “system didn’t work”:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Considering the fact pattern known to this point, I’d say the system failed miserably.

If it weren’t for ONE passenger with balls and a technical/human problem, Northwest 253 could have had an entirely different catastrophic ending.

There were — ahem — some clues beforehand:

– The man paid cash for his ticket;
– He had no luggage;
– He had no passport;
– His FATHER called an American embassy to warn of his son’s predilections;
– He was ON a “watch list” — oh yeah, that’s right: the “wrong” watch list

He sat in seat 19A. That seat was purposely acquired above the fuel tank of the Airbus A330-323X aircraft, number N820NW.

But ask Mr Obama and his administration?

This is nothing more than a singular crime, not an act of WAR.

With no greater a priority than a burglary or a simple assault in your neighborhood.

Big Sis has nothing but euphemisms for you: the Overseas Contingency Operations.

These people are not only deluded but ignorant. Bordering on demonic.

I’ll sum it up thusly: Janet Napolitano couldn’t care less about YOU. You think she flies commercial?


My apologies if I didn’t get the second video right. I still have a dial-up and have to second-guess and triple-guess my input.

Moderate, Moderate, Moderate

That’s the rallying cry barked by some in the Republican Party — and by many Demorats or Media Hounds who enjoy criticizing the GOP. Things like: “The GOP is attempting to kill itself by refusing to place more people of moderate values under the Republican Tent.”

Critics of the GOP invariably point to Barry Goldwater, for Christ’s sake, waaay back in 1964 as THE prime example of “too far.” Oh, please.
It would seem to me that the current problem with the GOP is that it has lost its way, had its rudder ripped away by persons laboring under the GOP label who are pretty much nothing of the sort — that is to say, truly Conservative.
Yes — some naysayers may be indicating — you must realize that every Republican voted down ObamaKare. But that, in my mind, is because even a dead clock carries the proper time twice a day.
Let’s examine, for a moment, some of that Big Tenting advocated by — uh, let’s see: the RNC and Michael Steele. How about:
– Pennsylvanian Arlen Specter;
– The lovely and dashing Olympia Snowe;
– Lindsay Graham;
– Tim Pawlenty;
– Even Mr John (Gang of 13) McCain.
And in my neck of the woods, how about Mr Green Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger?
True Conservatives all, yes?
Uh, no.
Now, even the Demorats are having their issues with “moderates.” They think they need more. William Daley wrote in The Washington Post:
The announcement by Alabama Rep. Parker Griffith that he is switching to the Republican Party is just the latest warning sign that the Democratic Party — my lifelong political home — has a critical decision to make: Either we plot a more moderate, centrist course or risk electoral disaster not just in the upcoming midterms but in many elections to come.

All that is required for the Democratic Party to recover its political footing is to acknowledge that the agenda of the party’s most liberal supporters has not won the support of a majority of Americans — and, based on that recognition, to steer a more moderate course on the key issues of the day, from health care to the economy to the environment to Afghanistan.

The party’s moment of choosing is drawing close. While it may be too late to avoid some losses in 2010, it is not too late to avoid the kind of rout that redraws the political map. The leaders of the Democratic Party need to move back toward the center — and in doing so, set the stage for the many years’ worth of leadership necessary to produce the sort of pragmatic change the American people actually want.
While I would wholeheartedly agree that as the Demorats lean further Left, they are virtually assuring greater losses — I wholeheartedly disagree with its opposite contention: that the GOP needs to lean further Left as well.
In my opinion the Demorats want the GOP tent to be sufficiently large so as to eventually “become” the Demorats themselves. You could start with the above-mentioned individuals.
And a final question: do you see Demorats and “Progressives” (whatever in the hell does that mean anyway?) opening their tent flaps wide for Conservatives?
I might leave you with one quote from Mr Barry Goldwater:
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.