More On Cloward-Piven?

After watching and listening to Mr Obama and his minions over the course of the past year, I have become increasingly convinced that there is more to Mr Obama’s playbook than he would have you believe. Some would say the goal is simply the advancement of liberal ideas and programs. I submit that this is the merest cover for the overarching and final end game of the Cloward-Piven Strategy.

Apparently Gene Schwimmer of The American Thinker is running parallel thoughts. Or is he?

Mr Schwimmer takes a very different tack a short distance into his article:

So, irrespective of the Cloward-Piven Strategy’s ultimate goal, its intermediate goal is undeniably to bring down the current system. And needless to say, “Treason!” “Hang ’em!” or some polite-society equivalent is the instinctive reaction from conservatives. But if they could restrain themselves and think for a moment, conservatives might realize that Cloward and Piven have some interesting company.

Cloward and Piven, meet Ayn Rand.

Recall the basic plot of Atlas Shrugged: John Galt, a disgruntled inventor whose work is appropriated for “the common good,” decides to “stop the motor of the world” by convincing the world’s innovators, inventors, and producers to stop innovating, inventing, and producing. Galt’s theory is that, deprived of these people’s intellect and industry, the state would be forced to supply the wealth that Galt and his ilk do not. As the state has no means to do this, the system would break down, force government to “get out of the way,” and herald the advent of pure capitalism.

Mr Schwimmer then smacks us right between the headlights:

So if we do in fact share, at least temporarily, Cloward-Piven’s intermediate goal, should we not at least consider working with, rather than against, them? Why not a Cloward-Piven-Rand Strategy whereby, simultaneously, we convince the innovators, inventors, and producers to stop innovating, inventing, and producing — and they convince every eligible American to apply for every available social program and lobby for government at all levels to create even more? Would our combined efforts not bring down the current system — a goal we both share — even faster?

Ultimately, the Cloward-Piven crowd’s path and ours would necessarily diverge, to put it mildly. But for the present, while we share a common goal, why not work together, just as America and the Soviet Union fought together in World War II?

Later, when the war is the war won, when the common enemy — the current system — is defeated, we can go back to fighting each other.

And then may the better system prevail.

Is this the goal of Conservatism? To take down the system?

The questions pour out of my head now.



Sheriff Joe Arpaio Fights Back Again

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department in Arizona is hopping mad. And after the federal government told him to stop doing his job — which made the federal government look bad — he’s not stopped. If anything, he’s become more resolute in enforcing immigration laws on the books.

See the story here.
And please note this sentence in page two of the story: “She acknowledged, however, that state law would allow him to continue making his arrests.”
Polls indicate that, right now, Arpaio could waltz into the Arizona governor’s chair.
Here is a man with convictions and the guts to do what’s right.

Demorats: BLACKMAILING & EXTORTION For ObamaKare Votes!

As I wrote before, the Demorats will do anything lawful or unlawful to assure they have sufficient votes to ram ObamaKare down the throats of Americans.

Now, they have taken the fine art of vote acquisition from the questionable to the obscene:
Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson (D) has been told, essentially, that unless he votes with the rest of the Demorats on ObamaKare, the Obama Administration will shut down Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska which, in turn, threatens ten thousand jobs.
And Obama creates jobs??  He cares about Americans??
This is beyond heinous.  This is beyond backbiting, name-calling, midnight phone calls, threats of removal from plum appointments and commissions.
Further: this imperils the very security of the United States of America.
And all because the Obama Administration must, absolutely must ram down ObamaKare and it doesn’t care one whit about who has to be cast aside or threatened or hurt or even if it could place the entire security of the United States in jeopardy.
From the breaking story at StopTheACLU:
As our source put it, this is a “naked effort by Rahm Emanuel and the White House to extort Nelson’s vote.” They are “threatening to close a base vital to national security for what?” asked the Senate staffer.

Indeed, Offutt is the headquarters for US Strategic Command, the successor to Strategic Air Command, and not by accident. STRATCOM was located in the middle of the country for strategic reasons. Its closure would be a massive blow to the economy of the state of Nebraska, but it would also be another example of this administration playing politics with our national security.
Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of the United States of America, if this doesn’t expose Mr Obama and his administration and sycophants as the massively-dangerous idealogues they are, then you are beyond hope and haven’t a handful of functioning brain cells extant.