WSJ Poll: Should the Senate pass the $849 billion health care reform package?

That’s the question posed by the Wall Street Journal:

Should the Senate pass the $849 billion health care reform package?
Click on the link and you’ll find that, at the time of this blogpost’s creation, it was 6.2% in favor of passage (with 2,683 votes) and 93.8% against passage, with 40,275 votes.
Isn’t it odd that this and other polls clearly indicate the bulk of Americans do not wish ObamaKare — and yet, with and by any means necessary lawful or unlawful it is clear that Reid, Pelosi and Obama are going to ram this bill by fiat down the throats of all Americans and strongarm the cash from your wallets and purses.
That’s like stuffing an emetic down your throat and then forcing you to re-consume the results.

In the Rasmussen poll, Mr Obama’s numbers have plummeted from a +30 on January 22nd of this year, flattened to 0 on June 28th, began going negative on June 30th (-2) and were the worst (-19) on December 13th.
Joe Lieberman just may be the solitary fly in the Demorat ointment.  If so, don’t be surprised if Reid decides to push the Nuke 50 button.

Pushing The Envelope, Part II: Bas Rutten, Street Fighter

The human being has always pushed the envelope into and beyond the realms of danger. This is the second of three consecutive Sunday postings displaying how restless Man is with the mundane and how he purposely crosses the threshold into danger willingly — and sometimes unwillingly.

Depicted here is an all-out, eye-opening view of street fighting.  This is one highly dangerous man.  Someone as accomplished and straightforward as this, you’d not see him coming, be able to control or defeat him.


The Federal Government: Give Me MORE Of Your Money!

My guess would be that, as with most American citizens and not illegal invaders or freeloaders, you’ve had to cut back in your purchases in consideration of the current economy.  

You’ve likely had to pare down on eating out, you’ve starting “brown-bagging” it to work again or more frequently, stopped any number of magazine subscriptions, sold some items locally or on e-Bay, had to cut back on the type and amount of food purchased, cut way back on entertainment.  You’ve likely had to entirely revamp your lifestyle and re-think or re-examine your fiscal life; where you are now and where you wish to be in the foreseeable future.  And mostly ponder: can I make it?  Can my family make it?  And worst yet, likely some of you have actually lost your jobs.

You’ve not only had to ensure you don’t spend more, you’ve had to make actual cuts in your budget; some of them might be rather Draconian in nature.
Not so the Federal Government.
Oh no.  Now, the average federal employee makes $71,000 a year — $30,000 more on average than the private sector or other state and local government scales.
How about you?  Do you make $71K annually?
The federal government decided to raise the ceiling on “tolerable debt.”  Now your federal government proposes to raise the debt limit potentially up to $1.9 TRILLION dollars.
What’s your debt limit?  Can you decide to arbitrarily print your own money if you don’t feel like cutting spending?
Further, the IRS is licking its chops in anticipation of biting deeper into more American wallets and, in anticipation of this — in a recession, mind you! — is hiring hundreds more employees.
It is simply fiscal insanity.
No sane person can possibly think you can SPEND your way OUT of a recession.  
TARP hasn’t worked but — oh no! the sky is falling we have to enact TARP immediately or it all  will fail! — and yet, all the things promised to be solved by TARP haven’t been.
All the things promised to be solved by the BILLIONS in Porkulus haven’t been.  Further, NO ONE can account for the money spent.
And Mr Obama wants to enact a second Porkulus.
Insanity, ladies and gentlemen.  The sheerest of insanity.  OR.  More steps in the purposely-plotted road to the Cloward-Piven Strategy.
You really haven’t any idea, America, just what kind of monster you’ve elected.

Fornicalia Bans Big Screen Televisions

On November 19th, the Fornicalia Energy Commission voted 5 – 0 for new efficiency regulations affecting flat screen televisions up to 58 inches. Those rules become law on January 1st of 2011.

Ever more Draconian rules will take effect January 1st of 2013, mandating a 50% power savings.

Either meet these rules in those time frames or don’t sell televisions in Fornicalia.

In a statement responding to the ruling, the Consumer Electronics Association argued that the regulations would lead to higher prices, lost retail jobs and a decline in Fornicalia tax revenue.

Also in response, the Reason Foundation’s Steven Titch writes:

The energy commissioners are really concerned about our prosperity. They fret that too many people are buying bigger TVs, hooking them up to Digital Video Recorders (DVRs), cable boxes, computers and digital cameras. We simply can’t have that. These home electronics now consume about 10 percent of household electricity, according to PG&E. So here comes the state’s nanny to tell taxpayers how they should be using electricity and to tell us we are using too much of it watching big screen TVs.

This, of course, in consideration of Fornicalia’s current unemployment rate of 12.5%. And the unemployment rate of 15.8% in Fresno County, Fornicalia.

You’re flushing your toilets too much. You’re using too much toilet paper. Your fecal material is too thick and too dense due to your horrific eating habits. You exhale too much carbon dioxide and, again, your nasty eating habits result in excessive flatulence.

The sky is falling.

Well? Maybe it really is.