CNN’s Lou Dobbs: Amnesty Proposal

Though this is from May of 2007 where, during the Bush presidency, an amnesty bill was proposed, many people posting this very important video do not make that fact known and clear.

That said, however, it is vitally important to watch and recognize the implications of this bill because, on its face, these are precisely the elements the Democrats want to include in whatever final version of an amnesty bill comes down the pike from the Obama Administration. Or perhaps even worse — though I’m unsure how that could possibly be.

Whilst on topic, were you also aware:

Here, Arizona rancher Roger Barnett has been portrayed as a racist and vigilante. For wanting to do something as abjectly silly as trying to protect not only his property, which he owns, but to assist the US government in doing its own job. Heresy!

California has not only the highest rate of illiterates (23%) but is 49th out of 50 states in terms of “business survivability.” California’s poor economy and over-the-top regulations ensure this. At last estimation 135,000 residents have left California, whilst 242,000 immigrants have come in. This is a surcharge — a net gain — of 107,000 immigrants who don’t speak English and likely don’t have jobs or technical skills to bring to the California work table.

So: what is the true cost of illegal immigration?

Illegal immigration is a losing proposition all around, in terms of budget, security and resources.

Yet your federal government objects to an Arizona bill it essentially has not read which, in fact, directly mirrors current federal legislation.

We are on the cusp of true disaster.