Obama Unmasked, Part II: Drilling

Ken Salazar LIED and those lies were exposed with the newest ruling by a federal judge:

The court is unable to divine or fathom a relationship between the findings and the immense scope of the moratorium,” Feldman said in his 22-page decision. “The blanket moratorium, with no parameters, seems to assume that because one rig failed and although no one yet fully knows why, all companies and rigs drilling new wells over 500 feet also universally present an imminent danger.”

When Ken Salazar portrayed the situation as one way, drilling experts said the last thing one should do is close — in terms of safety — the affected 33 drilling rigs.

Ken Salazar bald-assed lied.

Realistically the closure would affect 7,000 people immediately and 30,000 jobs directly linked in the gulf region.

As in: those jobs would be gone.

What the Leftist media isn’t revealing is this: gulf fishing doesn’t provide any more. The bulk fishing industry is dead, killed by regulations. Shrimping is dead, fishing is dead — and the only sector providing jobs in the gulf is — wait for it — wait for itpetroleum.

Obama will appeal.

The decision should be known within the next two weeks.

However, if you’re in the mood for some salacious and pernicious irony, then let it be known that, though US Enviros forced drilling into massive depths (a mile or more down), the danger of which resulted in the current gulf spill (because drilling in shallow waters isn’t nearly as dangerous), this might ruffle your skirts:

Petrobras, Brazil’s petroleum consortium, was very recently given $2 billion dollars by Mr Obama for them to invest in extremely deep oil drilling. He’s not much interested in deep water drilling off US shores, as witness his 6-month moratorium, but he’s more interested in Brazil’s drilling as such.

Doesn’t that seem a bit odd to you, perchance?

Absent this inconvenient factoid: CUI BONO?

It occurred “way back when.”

This is a SET-UP. This is ILLEGAL. This is an ABORTION. This is WRONG. But, of course, because it occurs at the behest of a diluted genetic who claims black and embraces white when it saves him and embraces black when it saves him, he can do no wrong.


Gen Stanley McChrystal To Resign

Joe Klein, ahead of others, says he has information indicating General McChrystal has submitted papers of resignation following the publication of an article in Rolling Stone (article here):

[Updated at 6:04 p.m.] Gen. Stanley McChrystal has “offered to resign,” according to a Twitter post from Time magazine’s Joe Klein on Tuesday. Earlier, Klein, citing “a very reliable source,” told CNN that McChrystal had already submitted his resignation.

Gen McChrystal made a very poor decision in terms of allowing anyone from Rolling Stone access to he and his staff, first and foremost.

In terms of ROEs, that is an issue that should have been screamed from the highest towers for some time.

I submit this: Gen McChrystal was wrong to engage the media, and was wrong to speak out of school. I believe Mr Obama will accept McChrystal’s resignation and that, also, is wrong.

This is a situation that will result in more American deaths in Afghanistan particularly in light of the specified announcement of a withdrawal timetable.

Taking McChrystal off the military chart will indicate immaturity on Mr Obama’s part, as well as his thin skin and his listening to advice from his hyper-political staff. Even U.S. Grant was retained. Even Patton was retained. Even MacArthur was retained for some time.
On the other hand, Mr Obama is no Lincoln, no FDR, no Truman. He makes Carter look cogent.


Obama Unmasked, Part I: Amnesty

There is almost too much news to comprehend.

– It is egregious
– It has to do with Obama
– It will impact your freedoms
– It will impact your taxes
– It will impact your children for generations
– It will impact our very Constitution

Where shall I begin?

How about the real reason for Obama’s desperate search for amnesty for illegal invaders?

From the above video:

SEN. JON KYL: I met with the president in the Oval Office, just the two of us. Here’s what the president said.

“The problem is,” he said, “If we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.”

[gasps from the audience]

KYL: In other words they’re holding it hostage. They don’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with comprehensive immigration reform.

I explained, “You and I have an obligation to secure the border. That’s an obligation. It also has some potentially positive benefits. You don’t have to have comprehensive immigration to secure the border, but you have to have a secure border to get comprehensive immigration reform. You may be surprised, maybe you don’t think that there’d be any more incentive, but I’m not so sure that that’s true. In any event, it doesn’t matter we’re supposed to secure the border.”

That’s why this is being done. They want to get something in return for doing their duty. And that’s—

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Chicago politics.

KYL: Yeah.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s all done for votes. Period. In order to keep the Democrats in power forever. Period.

Mr Obama is “ruling by decree.”


Your Federal Government: Cooperating To Its FULLEST In The Gulf

Government obstructionism? Red tape? Cross every “t” and dot every “i”? In a time of extreme peril? No one has the power to set anything aside?

Yes, that’s your federal government at work.

From Reuters:

Bureaucracy frustrates U.S. Gulf oil spill efforts
19 Jun 2010 20:16:24 GMT

Source: Reuters

* Local officials frustrated by delays, red tape
* Barges halted for 24 hours for safety inspections
* Military-type chain of command urged
By Jeffrey Jones
GRAND ISLE, Louisiana, June 19 (Reuters) – Those on the front lines of the U.S. Gulf Coast oil spill say they are forced to fight two battles — one against the crude washing into lush wetlands and another against needless bureaucracy.

Sixty-one days after the BP Plc well began spewing crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico, angry local officials blame dozens of federal agencies involved in approving response plans, a maze of regulations and poor coordination for their struggles beating back the slick.

“My experience has been frustration, too much red tape, no a sense of urgency. For the state and the coastal parishes that are directly affected to put forth a plan, you have to kick and scream every step of the way to get it approved,” said John Young, council chairman for Jefferson Parish in Louisiana.

“The president said it’s a war. I agree we’re under siege, but if it was a war, we’d be occupied territory now.”

“. . . we’d be occupied territory by now.”

There’s no refuting BP’s role in the initial catastrophe chain resulting in the spill. None whatsoever. There is no refuting the federal government’s role insisting on BP and others drilling in waters over a mile deep because it was “bad” to drill either close to shore or our own sovereign soil. Resulting, of course, in these wells being geometrically-major problems at those depths.

Yes, there is no refuting the fact that the government has taken a laissez-faire attitude towards one of the greatest recent threats to our shores.

Anyone remember General Russel L. Honore and Katrina? “Stuck on stupid“? Where’s the gulf’s Gen Honore?

Just remember this, my dearest readers: if you are not affected now, what happens in the future when your area is struck with catastrophe? And what if politics or agendas are somehow involved? Do you think your area or your community is any more “special” than an entire series of coastal states as are currently affected in the gulf region?

Because, after all, one person really does have the power in this current administration to grab the bully pulpit and get things moving — if they want to.

Do you think Mr Obama will gallantly stride his federal government into your area and cast aside red tape in consideration of your plight?

Do you?