Obama: Energy Prices Will “Necessarily Skyrocket” — AFFIRMED

Ben Lieberman writes the Truth. Finally, someone in the written MSM “gets it.”

From the New York Post:

President Obama has a solution to the Gulf oil spill: $7-a-gallon gas.

That’s a Harvard University study’s estimate of the per-gallon price of the president’s global-warming agenda. And Obama made clear this week that this agenda is a part of his plan for addressing the Gulf mess.

So what does global-warming legislation have to do with the oil spill?

Good question, because such measures wouldn’t do a thing to clean up the oil or fix the problems that led to the leak.

The answer can be found in Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s now-famous words, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste — and what I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

But, as I keep hammering home, that is precisely the point of the current crisis and the point of Mr Obama’s under-reaction. It’s time to sacrifice our southern coasts on behalf of an agenda.

Continuing, from Mr Lieberman:

Now the president is repackaging cap-and-trade — again — as a long-term solution to the oil spill. But it’s the same old agenda, a huge energy tax that will raise the cost of gasoline and electricity high enough so that we’re forced to use less.

The logic linking cap-and-trade to the spill in the Gulf should frighten anyone who owns a car or truck. Such measures force up the price at the pump — Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs thinks it “may require gas prices greater than $7 a gallon by 2020” to meet Obama’s stated goal of reducing emissions 14 percent from the transportation sector.

Of course, doing so would reduce gasoline use and also raise market share for hugely expensive alternative fuels and vehicles that could never compete otherwise. Less gasoline demand means less need for drilling and thus a slightly reduced chance of a repeat of the Deepwater Horizon spill — but only slightly. Oil will still be a vital part of America’s energy mix.

Oil must be a major part of American energy. There is no viable alternative. There are smaller chunks of the plan but any one of those parts — or even the conglomerate — isn’t remotely sufficient to step in as a fossil fuel replacement.

Sadly, the bulk of Americans and youth think of oil solely in association with cars and trucks on the freeway. They are told they “want” electric cars. We are not equipped to handle the demand of electric vehicles. You remember, don’t you, when a barrel of oil peaked at $147 in July of 2008?

When was the last time we built a refinery? When was the last time we built an electrical generation station?

To the Obama Administration:

If you really want to bring America to a complete standstill, you just bring on the $7 a gallon gas.

I dare you.


Muslim World Now Disappointed In Mr Obama

Literally, every day, there is a brand new nationally-egregious event in the news involving Mr Obama’s administration. Myself and other Conservative bloggers wake in the morning and think: what defeatist measure or ridiculous act will occur today, and how will it be misinterpreted, obfuscated or purposely not covered by the American DEM/MSM?

A recent case in point:

Obama’s ratings slump in Muslim world
Approval of policies down since Cairo speech in 2009

The people in Muslim countries are losing confidence in President Obama’s leadership since he gave a major outreach speech in Cairo last year, according to a worldwide poll released Thursday.

The survey by the Global Attitudes Project, a project of the Pew Research Forum, showed that Mr. Obama’s favorability ratings in Muslim countries dropped significantly from 2009 to 2010, as has support for his foreign-policy actions in the Middle East and South Asia.

Mr. Obama’s ratings were highest in Indonesia, where he spent part of his childhood. A healthy majority of Indonesians – 66 percent – have confidence in his leadership, though that number is still down from 71 percent last year.

Opinions of the president are also negative toward his dealings with specific policy areas. The survey shows strong disapproval of Mr. Obama’s performance on bringing peace between Israel and the Palestinians. For example, 90 percent of Lebanese and 88 percent of Egyptians disapprove of the way he has dealt with the conflict.

Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Muslim American Society, said the results were unsurprising and called the Israeli-Palestinian issue the “big elephant in the room.”

And somehow, this is a bad thing?

How much Historical Alzheimers is extant? I submit: involving the media, more than we can feature.

Directly following 9/11, this country literally bent over backwards for Islam. Up until that time, not so much. The day after, MSM pundits and editorial pages expected that pickup-driving, shotgun-toting white males would engage in Muslim pogroms all over the country. It simply didn’t happen.

The Strategy For CapNTax:

I told you it would be forthcoming. I also said there wouldn’t be any huge moves before November — negative things in which to further allow the electorate to “judge” Demorats. There is a plan.

The Washington Post now confirms this, via “The White House’s lame duck climate strategy”:

– Pass a watered-down version of CapNTax.
– Lay the foundation
– A watered-down version will pass more readily than a “comprehensive” version
– Get the frogs — YOU — used to being in the hot but not yet boiling pot

But several sources familiar with the administration’s thinking confirmed it has started pressing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to bring up a slimmed-down energy and climate bill next month. Such a measure would pass more easily than a comprehensive climate bill, and could still be negotiated with the broader bill the House passed a year ago.

Under this scenario, the final product of any House-Senate conference could come up for a final vote in a lame-duck session after lawmakers have faced voters in November, thereby cushioning the vote’s political impact.

It is not 2010 that will be onerous, America; it will be 2011 and beyond.

The Demorat-controlled House and Congress have the wrecking ball hoisted; they sit in the cab with their hands on the controls. They are moving the crane’s tower backwards, in order to begin that final cold chunk of steel’s movement forwards. . .

Directly into your home.


The Federal Government: Working AGAINST States On The Spill

Can you believe this?

How difficult would it have been to round up thirty fire extinguishers, and some life vests and allow the barges to keep doing their jobs?

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. See my prior post.

The purpose here is political.

The purpose is to bankrupt this country, change it markedly, oppress you, enslave the electorate and eliminate capitalism.

Make no mistake.