Muslim Mosque At Ground Zero: Please Watch

(Thanks to Culturist John!)

Perhaps it seems as though I’ve been doing little of late save denigrate Islam. You may read me or pass my blog as you see fit. For those choosing to stay, please watch this video which, again, emphasizes the true nature of Islam:

Is it a matter of culture or racism? I submit: no, not with regard to Islam. It is a matter of mindset and philosophy wrapped in a religion that brooks no dissent, no interference, no questions.

Islam: Pissing In The Face Of Americans

Anyone with an inkling of intelligence is already aware that Islam intends to build a mosque in New York City, directly adjacent the WTC “ground zero” site. It intends to open this mosque, called the Cordoba House, on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 next year. Advocating the mosque is the Cordoba Initiative. Start there for an investigation of who and what is behind the push.

Here is the disgusting, defeatist aspect (from the New York Times): “City officials, including Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg; the City Council speaker, Christine C. Quinn; and the Manhattan borough president, Scott M. Stringer, have rallied behind the proposal. “

Those who object are considered as racists. Read all of Mark Williams’ posts here.

The man asks excellent questions of us, as Americans, that few people seem willing to hear, much less answer. Further, why are these questions asked by someone from the UK rather than from a much larger figure in the US media?

I suspect you all know the answer.

In the meantime, Islam fully well intends to stand over us in a dominant position and unleash a full bladder of urine directly into our collective faces. Then demand we ask politely and submissively for another expulsion.

Ah, Islam: the religion of peace, tolerance and understanding.


All You Need To Know About Mr Obama:

(Thanks to Always On Watch for video!)

Further, with the above video in mind, I reprint my comment here on The Malcontent, with regard to the current BP oil situation:

You cannot tell me that Mr Obama is not well educated and unintelligent. In terms of his personal philosophies.

Therefore, acceding that, I believe his lack of federal response is PURPOSEFUL. He’s willing to take the hit, to a degree, in ORDER to help push the ability to remove all domestic drilling, which he has already put in progress.

At the same time his ongoing drumbeat — on the order of the Master of Propaganda himself, Josef Goebbels — is BP BP BP BP BP BP BP.

Though he KNOWS he could have, WEEKS ago, ordered Jindal’s permit requests to be signed, amongst a HORDE of other things the federal government could have done on behalf of those southern coastal states.

Mr Obama wants drilling STOPPED. He wants higher TAXES. He wants CONTROL of business, particularly those involving energy. He wants to ENABLE CapNTax.

To say that Mr Obama is merely “stupid” is puerile and continues to let him fulfill his plan of power.

Look for the STRATEGY and the TACTICS, people. THINK like Alinsky! Go READ about the Cloward-Piven Strategy.

I repeat: this is ALL purposeful.

Please, think about it. I submit: there is a willing and purposeful thread running through all of Mr Obama’s actions and inactions. When people have called him a Socialist, he is. When people have called him a Communist, he is.

And if you think he has your best interests at heart, he doesn’t.

He has Saul Alinsky’s and Cloward-Piven’s tactics on his mind always.