T-Mobile: Control Over the First Amendment

From Wired.com:

T-Mobile told a federal judge Wednesday it may pick and choose which text messages to deliver on its network in a case weighing whether wireless carriers have the same “must carry” obligations as wire-line telephone providers.

The Bellevue, Washington-based wireless service is being sued by a texting service claiming T-Mobile stopped servicing its “short code” clients after it signed up a California medical marijuana dispensary. In a court filing, T-Mobile said it had the right to pre-approve EZ Texting’s clientele, which it said the New York-based texting service failed to submit for approval.

EZ Texting offers a short code service, which works like this: A church could send its schedule to a cell phone user who texted “CHURCH” to 313131. Mobile phone users only receive text messages from EZ Texting’s customers upon request. Each of its clients gets their own special word.

T-Mobile, the company wrote in a filing (.pdf) in New York federal court, “has discretion to require pre-approval for any short-code marketing campaigns run on its network, and to enforce its guidelines by terminating programs for which a content provider failed to obtain the necessary approval.”

Such approval is necessary, T-Mobile added, “to protect the carrier and its customers from potentially illegal, fraudulent, or offensive marketing campaigns conducted on its network.”

It’s the first federal case testing whether wireless providers may block text messages they don’t like.




An American Professor Puts America In Her Place:

An American academic celebrates 9/11.

I would care for, in reflection, your reactions to this revelation:

Block-I chant portrays ‘neither patriotism nor remembrance’

David Green, University Academic Professional

September 15th, 2010 – 10:29 PM

September 20th, 2010 – 9:51 AM

The vast majority of 9/11 observances in this country cannot be seen as politically neutral events. Implicit in their nature are the notions that lives lost at the World Trade Center are more valuable than lives lost in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and elsewhere; that the motives of the 9/11 attackers had nothing to do with genuine grievances in the Islamic world regarding American imperialism; and that the U.S. has been justified in the subsequent killing of hundreds of thousands in so-called retaliation.

The observance at Saturday’s football game was no different. A moment of silence was followed by a military airplane flyover; in between, Block-I students chanted “USA, USA.” This was neither patriotism nor remembrance in any justifiable sense, but politicization, militarism, propaganda and bellicosity. The University is a public institution that encompasses the political views of all, not just the most (falsely) “patriotic.” Athletic planners should cease such exploitation for political purposes. They might at least consider how most Muslim students, American or otherwise, would respond to this nativist display; or better, Muslims and others that live their lives under the threat of our planes, drones and soldiers.

The overwhelmingly white, privileged, Block-I students should be ashamed of their obnoxious, fake-macho, chicken-hawk chant, while poverty-drafted members of their cohort fight and die in illegal and immoral wars for the control of oil. University administrators need to eliminate from all events such “patriotic” observances, which in this country cannot be separated from implicit justifications for state-sponsored killing.

David Green,

University Academic Professional

This is one of a myriad of American university professors who are purposely and stridently influencing the next generation of Americans. Your children.

This is your future, America. This man and those like him are creating the next generation of leaders and decision-makers.

Sorry it took me a few days to find this.

Please weigh in, with comments.


Apparently this professor was on the Michael Medved show on Wednesday the 22nd, and came across as remarkably arrogant, vituperative, hostile, interrupting frequently. Not necessarily a major shock, I would submit.

Weasel Zippers covered the event here, and one commenter wrote:

Gort says:

The young, pot-smoking, campus-trashing, flag-burning, religion-mocking, Mao-worshiping rebels of the 1960s and 1970s became gray-haired professors. They taught our current generation − including our president and many of those who voted for him − to remain childish narcissists all their lives. Childish narcissists may vent their anger and frustration at Daddy. But in the end, they expect him to provide them with “everything.” Regrettably, this is now what passes for liberalism. Leftists are the lowest form of life in the universe. Even bacteria have a useful purpose. Leftists are nothing but a blight. Now is the time to ridicule Liberals as failed humans. Look at them as bio-fuel.

If you would like to extend your considered and thoughtful views to University Academic Professional Dr David Green, his e-mail address is: davegreen84@yahoo.com. Use multi-syllabic words over four-letter words, pretty please. Jejune would be a good word in which to start or base your missive.

The GOP: Pledge For America


– Stop job-killing tax hikes

– Allow small businesses to take a tax deduction equal to 20 percent of their income

– Require congressional approval for any new federal regulation that would add to the deficit

– Repeal small business mandates in the new health care law.

Cutting Spending:

– Repeal and Replace health care

– Roll back non-discretionary spending to 2008 levels before TARP and stimulus (will save $100 billion in first year alone)

– Establish strict budget caps to limit federal spending going forward

– Cancel all future TARP payments and reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Reforming Congress:

– Will require that every bill have a citation of constitutional authority

– Give members at least 3 days to read bills before a vote


– Provide resources to troops

– Fund missile defense

– Enforce sanctions in Iran

Works for me.


Revealed: Why The RMS Titanic Sank

Louise Patten, a writer and granddaughter of Titanic second officer Charles Lightoller, recently alleged:

LONDON (Reuters) – The Titanic hit an iceberg in 1912 because of a basic steering error, and only sank as fast as it did because an official persuaded the captain to continue sailing, an author said in an interview published on Wednesday.

Louise Patten, a writer and granddaughter of Titanic second officer Charles Lightoller, said the truth about what happened nearly 100 years ago had been hidden for fear of tarnishing the reputation of her grandfather, who later became a war hero.

Lightoller, the most senior officer to have survived the disaster, covered up the error in two inquiries on both sides of the Atlantic because he was worried it would bankrupt the ill-fated liner’s owners and put his colleagues out of a job.

“They could easily have avoided the iceberg if it wasn’t for the blunder,” Patten told the Daily Telegraph.

To me this is a potential major revelation, as I once was a member of the Titanic Historical Society. The RMS Titanic is one of my major interests.

Instead of steering Titanic safely round to the left of the iceberg, once it had been spotted dead ahead, the steersman, Robert Hitchins, had panicked and turned it the wrong way.”

Patten, who made the revelations to coincide with the publication of her new novel “Good as Gold” into which her account of events are woven, said that the conversion from sail ships to steam meant there were two different steering systems.

Was the sinking a matter of a simple error?

Crucially, one system meant turning the wheel one way and the other in completely the opposite direction.

Once the mistake had been made, Patten added, “they only had four minutes to change course and by the time (first officer William) Murdoch spotted Hitchins’ mistake and then tried to rectify it, it was too late.”

Patten’s grandfather was not on watch at the time of the collision, but he was present at a final meeting of the ship’s officers before the Titanic went down.

There he heard not only about the fatal mistake but also the fact that J. Bruce Ismay, chairman of Titanic’s owner the White Star Line persuaded the captain to continue sailing, sinking the ship hours faster than would otherwise have happened.

“If Titanic had stood still, she would have survived at least until the rescue ship came and no one need have died,” Patten said.

Video of the disaster here.

Any thoughts or opinions?