Obama: Rewriting History Whilst Pandering For Votes — Acts Of Desperation With November In Mind

Playing to Mexican voters whilst addressing the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, Barack Hussein Obama said:

Mr Obama acts as though history never existed. He and many of his ilk have what I term “Historical Alzheimers”; that is, they rewrite history whenever it is convenient for their speeches or their bills — and are primarily not held to answer because the bulk of Americans and, of course, the massive bulk of journalistas are ignorant, purposely or otherwise, of actual history.

History, like many things with the Left, can be rather INconvenient because, if you check, the conglomerate to be known as Mexico declared its independence from Spain on September 16th of 1810. Mexico was officially recognized as its own sovereign nation on September 27th of 1821.

Again, inconveniently, America declared its independence in 1776. Just a few — ahem — years prior. This is incompetent pablum for the ignorant masses.

Mr Obama and his minions fervently believe and hope that you are that stupid.


Of The Three MAJORS:

Evening News Ratings: 2009-2010 Season

By Chris Ariens on Sep 21, 2010 11:45 AM

The ratings are in the for just-completed 2009-2010 network evening news season. And when compared to 2008-2009 season, “NBC Nightly News” ABC’s “World News” and the “CBS Evening News” have lost a combined 739,000 Total Viewers and a combined 338,000 A25-54 viewers.

“Nightly News with Brian Williams,” which finishes at #1 for the 14th season in a row, lost the least: -138K Total Viewers (8.698M in 08-09 v. 8.560M in 09-10), while Katie Couric‘s CBS program, lost the most: -343K (6.053M in 08-09 v 5.710M in 09-10). “World News” which saw Charles Gibson anchor the first few months of the season, and Diane Sawyer picking up in December, lost the most younger viewers: -221K (2.351M in 08-09 v. 2.130 in 09-10).

The 2008-2009 season included coverage of the 2008 presidential election and inauguration.

Bad News.

My Bad.

Your Bad.

Do YOU care?

I don’t.

I couldn’t give a fuck less.

They brought it upon themselves.


For Sexist Males Only:

How do you like your women?

I like mine with curves, and few straights.

I like mine with padding, and few bones.

I like mine with an abundant ass and big tits.

And great legs, and alluring feet. My wife made me become a foot fetishist. I wasn’t until then.

And big nipples. Large areola are good, but big nipples are best. Not teenage nipples, but real female nipples. The size of your big toe.

Shaved or unshaved?

I enjoy hairy pussies. But I enjoy a clitoris free of hair. I like dark pussies with the clitoral area free of hair, but with a dark bush above.

My wife recently exposed her pussy to me, free of hair, and I can’t wait to dive into her clit. She took all the hair off recently; it works for her — but — I love to eat her smoothe clit and pussy lips. Everything north is just bush. That I don’t hate.

The better for an adventure.


Real Demorat Voters: Exhausted

This woman dares to ask, in public, what most Demorat voters are thinking: where’s my Hope? Where’s my Change? Where’s the money you promised? Where’s my new house and car, paid for by my government? Why did I lose my job? Why can’t I find a better job? Or any job at all?

When the Demorats begin to question Mr Obama in a public forum like this — albeit ever so sweetly and courteously, as this woman — ?


How in the hell did this woman ever make it into Mr Obama’s Town Hall meeting? Any guesses or assumptions made?
[h/t to Jenn @ The Political Jungle]