Let’s Larf At Nance:

He really doesn’t have much of a chance against Nancy Pelosi, but I enjoyed the entertainment value provided by the new video of Congressional challenger John Dennis:

That said, Pelosi’s district — San Francisco — is [no shock, eh?] brain-glazingly Leftist and her job approval — again, in SF only — hovers at 50%. There are roughly 10% to 13% registered Republicans in the 8th District, Pelosi having been “affixed” since 1988. In 2008, if you recall, the illustrious Cindy Sheehan ran against the NanceMeister, with N-Pel still grabbing 72% of the vote.

Here’s a clue as to the Safety Factor of Pelosi’s 8th District seat: the GOP hasn’t been able to install one candidate there since the first half of the 1900s.

Some good things about Mr Dennis, should you live in the 8th and Care To DareCon:

He advocates cutting federal spending, abolition of the Departments of Education, Commerce & Agriculture, doing away with capital gains taxes, cutting income tax and demanding a surplus in the federal budget.

Good luck with that, John. San Francisco is a shockingly-expensive market in which to run.

Still, nice video.


Sunday Flight

Chris recently sent me the link to this video — a wonderful video and an incredible testament to our dwindling Greatest Generation.
It made me remember my father and the sacrifices he and his generation made to secure the future that we are living now.
Can you imagine what they think of what is currently happening to the country they loved and died for?

Ah Islam, the Religion of Peace and Tolerance:

After all, the Muslim woman who killed two co-workers and critically injured a third at the Kraft plant in Northeast Philadelphia this Friday the 10th was typified as “very spiritual:”

She’s not a loose cannon. She’s a hard worker, works very hard. She’s very spiritual.”

Except for the niggling little fact that she had just been suspended and escorted from the building on Friday, September 10th. That, of course, certainly justifies coming back with a .357 magnum and opening fire upon your fellow workers.

From the story:

The reason Hiller was suspended had not been made public Friday afternoon and while some co-workers said she had a history of run-ins with other workers and management, Dorsey said like anyone, they sometimes had their differences, but always got along.

“We talked about her Muslim faith and I wished her happy Ramadan,” Dorsey said. “I might be wrong, but my guess is she had some people that she had issues with and a personal agenda, a score she had to settle.”

So, of course, like any good Muslim you tend to settle your scores with — wait for it — a .357 revolver.

Silvertips? JHP? AP? Ranger? Black Talon? Doesn’t say.

She’s a killer. But hey, she’s at least “spiritual” with regard to Islam.

Trust me: the writer of this article, Karen Araiza, is about to be disciplined for her negative usage of Islam in the story by her management staff.

Because, after all, Muslims don’t burn bibles and desecrate Christian crosses, do they?

After defeating their rivals in Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement, Muslim extremists are focusing their attacks on Christians in Gaza City. Christians in Gaza City have issued an appeal to the international community and a plea for protection against the increased attacks by Muslim extremists.

Gunmen used the roof of the school during the fighting, and the convent was “desecrated,” Mussalem told the AP.

“Nothing happens by mistake these days,” he said.

Father Musalam additionally told The Jerusalem Post that the Muslim gunmen used rocket-propeled grenades (RPGs) to blow through the doors of the church and school, before burning Bibles and destroying every cross they could get their hands on.

Nah. Can’t be Muslims.

Ah, Islam: the religion of Peace and Tolerance.


Obama: Created the GREATEST American Debt In HISTORY

Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, Says Gov’t Data
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
By Terence P. Jeffrey, Editor-in-Chief

(CNSNews.com) – In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan.

I suspect this says it all.

It certainly does for me.

For those who voted for this simpleton — to include my nephew and two nieces (if you actually took the time to vote) — because you are young and easily swayed by emotions — may you actually reap what you have sown. And thusly it shall be.

To my nephew and two nieces: you have NO idea what you have installed and the kind of debt to which you have committed yourselves. Further, you possess the incorrect melanin to become favored in your future. You will be perceived to be the favored and coddled minority.

Because you were.

Your futures are in, at best, disrepair. At worst, they are shattered. Your lives will be broken once your parents’ cash is spent. And it is oh-so-limited in being shared between three. Your parents’ estate will be taxed, minimum, at 55% + beginning in 2011. Too bad your parents didn’t pass away in 2010.

You voted for your future to be decimated. Here come the 2011 tax increases. To start.

Good luck with that Hope and Change.