Rain Along The Coast

I’m currently on vacation on the Fornicalia coast, enjoying my — ahem — birthday week. I’ve been posting when possible.

When we first entered Mendocino County it was quite rainy; we encountered a downed tree across the roadway and a downed wire from a power pole some miles later. A rather challenging drive, it was. Things cleared up for a day and now it is absolutely pouring and very windy.

Oddly enough, it is the kind of day I thoroughly adore. We can hear the waves pounding and barely see the entrance to the harbor through our veranda door.

Most people enjoy bright sunny days on their vacations; at the coast, my wife and I both appreciate the cascading of the waves upon rocks and jetties, the sound of the foghorn, the slanting downpour, the encroachment of ocean fog from the furthest point of visible land right to our very doorstep.

Whilst here we’ve visited two of our favorite bookstores, had a couples’ massage and enjoyed the company of my brother and his girlfriend for two nights. The Jacuzzi tub in the room overlooks the mouth of Noyo Harbor and we watch fishing vessels leave and return.

For just a brief bit of time, we put politics aside and engage ourselves in the few moments my wife and I have to share together. These are the last meager days we will partake of each other; the contingent at my work has been decimated to the point where no one is getting the holidays off, save those with annual vacations scheduled almost a year prior.

My 35 years on board counts for little, when facility seniority rules. I have been assigned to my current position only slightly more than a year. There are other supervisors who have been here over ten years, but with much less overall time. They win, I lose. I am the interloper, they are the constants.

Who wants to have the holidays off, anyway?


Click on each image for a full-sized version.

Demorats: Predicting A Landslide — For Themselves

One has but to check the various e-mails sent out to the Demorat minions to note the ebullience with which the Dems hold their chances of keeping both the House and Senate. They believe they possess the final tidal wave which shall keep them in power in order to do The Obama’s Good Works.

With their adherence to the White House and Congress, one can rest assured that the following will continue and, in fact, be expanded — perhaps exponentially:

Spending: there is no limit to a federal budget. The word “limit” has no meaning because the pockets of the American Taxpayers are deeper than anyone can imagine.

Taxing: there is no limit to federal taxation. The word “limit” on taxation has no meaning because the pockets of the American Taxpayers are deeper than anyone can imagine.

CapNTax: American corporations have to be put in their place and bit-by-bit, systematically, broken down so that they become so incredibly needy as to beg for federal largesse and, further, forgiveness. CapNTax is not, make no mistake, about “saving the environment.” It is, however, all about the shell game of moving dollars about so that DC gets the first and largest bite. The Mexicans have a name for this: “La Mordida.”

Regulation: it doesn’t matter what business, what venture, what topic, large, small, all is immaterial. Everything needs more regulation and, by extension, more government monitoring and, by further extension, more government bureaucracy, more government employees, more government funding.

With the continuance of the current administration and the current power structure, you can expect, simply, more of the above — to include the monitoring of your health, decisions on your health, monitoring your bank accounts, your funds, the removal of wealth, the minimization of the individual, the redistribution of power and wealth. Not to mention a lessening of national sovereignty and the ability to govern ourselves absent world courts.

If you enjoy all of the above then please, continue to vote as you wish. But beware of demographics, Demorats — you may not care how they play out, say, twenty years from now.

Just ask Europe how it enjoys its investment in multi-kulti and socialism.

And oh, by the by, Gallup indicates someone may indeed be upset come November 3rd.


Mr Obama and his minions still don’t get it; more “stimulus” coming. An interesting pull quote:

In some of his strongest words yet, Thomas Hoenig, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, said Monday that more expansive monetary policy was a “bargain with the devil.”

Even China is worried about further printing of the US dollar.

But logic is immaterial to Mr Obama; it’s all about philosophy. You can be guaranteed his path shall not deviate a millimeter.

Here comes the landslide . . .


In conclusion, Bill Whittle asks: do you want more DC Elitism?
(h/t to Ryan at C.L.)

USBP Agent: Telling The Truth About ILLEGAL Immigration

This article is sufficiently important that I have reprinted it in full from PoliceOne.com:

By Thane Gallagher, U.S. Border Patrol

There really is nothing more annoying than being told that a law that you spend most of your time enforcing is merely a ‘civil infraction.’ Most media outlets use this term to describe an illegal alien’s presence, even those considered to be all about “no-spin” such as Bill O’Reilly. Not that I’m that surprised. You’d expect that from media types, however, it really puts a bad taste in my mouth when I hear elected officials using the same rhetoric. But the sobering reality is that many Congressional officials, despite their high priced Ivy League educations, don’t even know what the law actually says.

Well, what does the law actually say? Under Title 8, Section 1325 of the United States Code, “Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers,…be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than six months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than twovil infraction’ doesn’t quite describe this particular section of law. Sure, a suspect has the option of paying a civil penalty depending on a judge’s discretion, but clearly a jail sentence describes a purely criminal penalty.

Now, I’ve been in the law enforcement business a long time. Does it seem silly to anyone that I’ve been issued a sidearm, TASER, baton, handcuffs, and radio, given access to multi-billion dollar information systems, infrastructure, fingerprint technology and further, allowed to use very fast, very powerful patrol sedans and 4x4s to detect, apprehend and yes, sometimes chase down those people seeking to break the laws of this great nation, all for just a ‘civil infraction’?

The crime of “Entry Without Inspection” (or EWI, pronounced “ee-wee”), is a Misdemeanor for a first time offender. No big deal, but certainly not a ‘civil’ matter. By that definition, should DUI be considered a ‘civil infraction’? However, that same crime becomes a Felony once that suspect has been formally deported and removed from the United States, only to return.

Under Title 8, Section 1326 of the United States Code, “any alien who — (1) has been denied admission, excluded, deported, or removed or has departed the United States while an order of exclusion, deportation, or removal is outstanding, and thereafter (2) enters, attempts to enter, or is at any time found in, the United States,… shall be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both. For certain classes of aliens, convicted of other felony crimes, these aliens shall be fined under title 18, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.”

Yikes. I’ve personally arrested and been responsible for prosecuting hundreds of aliens under this particular statute and they’ve received prison sentences upwards of eight years, to be served in a Federal Penitentiary.

Again, what about any of that resembles a ‘civil infraction’?

In future writings, I’ll explain why then a Misdemeanor and/or a Felony crime is often handled through Administrative channels (a.k.a. Deportation). But let’s not make a critical mistake and view a system that is, by design, similar to that of ‘diversion’ for narcotics users, as one that relegates a Misdemeanor or a Felony crime to that of a ‘civil infraction.’

And what does this all mean? Well, like any law enforcement issue, it requires a little extra digging and research to see the fine print. Illegal immigrants, whether you encounter one on a street corner, vehicle stop, domestic call, shooting call, coffee shop, supermarket, hospital, etc., are not easily classified as merely committing a ‘civil infraction’ and in many instances, they can be considered a Felon just for their presence on U.S. soil.

For Border Patrol Agents, the act of trespass will either be a Misdemeanor or a Felony. But don’t believe those that seek to minimize these crimes as merely ‘civil’ because those brothers and sisters of mine that have died in the line of duty would beg to differ.

“Civil” indeed?

Please remember this when you hear our ignorant politicians speaking about illegal immigration.

Also note: “The Homeland Security Department says about half of the 392,000 people it removed from the country in the past year were criminals.” And that’s only from the small percentile of illegals actually in custody.


Vote OUT Boxer; “BZ Recommends” On The Fornicalia Propositions:

Time to call Babs Boxer “ma’am” instead of “Senator,” I say:

Call Me Senator from RightChange on Vimeo.

(thanks and h/t to Jenn @ The Political Jungle)


BZ Recommends:

Prop 19: NO. There are sufficient dopes in Fornicalia, thank you.

Prop 20: YES. Take districting away from the pols.

Prop 21: NO. No taxes for your car in a park.

Prop 22: YES. Local tax revenues should remain local.

Prop 23: YES. KILL AB32. Kill it not just dead, but damned dead.

Prop 24: NO. This is a tax. Kill it dead.

Prop 25: NO. 2/3rds vote to pass a budget to a simple majority? Not just NO but HELL no.

Prop 26: YES. A “fee” IS a TAX. Let’s tell Demorats we don’t buy euphemisms.

Prop 27: NO. Pretty damned simple: drawing their own lines? Just say NO.

Fornicalia absentees: mail in your ballots post-haste!

Other Fornicalia Conservative and moderate voters: do not, I beseech, do not fail to vote!

No Brown, no Boxer, let no Demorat stand.


Assange Can’t Stand The Heat

Julian Assange, he of WikiLeaks, can sure dish it out.

He’s just decided to release even more American classified documents. From WikiLeaks.org:

At 5pm EST Friday 22nd October 2010 WikiLeaks released the largest classified military leak in history. The 391,832 reports (‘The Iraq War Logs’), document the war and occupation in Iraq, from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2009 (except for the months of May 2004 and March 2009) as told by soldiers in the United States Army. Each is a ‘SIGACT’ or Significant Action in the war. They detail events as seen and heard by the US military troops on the ground in Iraq and are the first real glimpse into the secret history of the war that the United States government has been privy to throughout.

He is bound and determined to undermine the United States of America to the fullest extent possible.

Despite the fact that new information indicates chemical weapons were indeed found in Iraq.

But he can’t take it. He folds like a House of Cards when the light of revelation is shone upon himself. Imagine that. What a running c#@*.

When CNN, of all Leftist media places, lobs something towards him that isn’t completely Softball in nature, he dives into the foetal position first, then huffs imperially off the set.

To question the Great Julian Assange is to invite heresy and chaos into one’s life, clearly.

There exists what is typified as a civil war inside WikiLeaks. From the UK Independent:

At least a dozen key supporters of the website are known to have left in recent months. They say Wikileaks has ignored reams of new exposés because so much attention has been paid to the Iraq and Afghan conflicts.

The heavily encrypted arm of the website that allows users to safely send information to the organisation has been offline for four weeks, making new submissions impossible.

According to former supporters, the submission section is down because a number of key personnel have fallen out with Assange over the direction of the website and his behaviour. “Outside of the Iraq and Afghan dossiers, Wikileaks has been incapacitated by internal turmoil and politics,” Smari McCarthy, a former Wikileaks volunteer and freedom of information campaigners from Iceland, told The Independent.

“Key people have become very concerned about the direction of Wikileaks with regard to its strong focus on US military files at the expense of ignoring everything else. There were also serious disagreements over the decision not to redact the names of Afghan civilians; something which I’m pleased to see was not repeated with the Iraq dossiers.”

Wikileaks admits that one member of the submission team has left but says that wing of the website is down for a system overhaul and will be back online soon.

Yeah. Right.

Trouble in Paradise, sir?

Dissension within your ranks, sir?

Finally, the New York Times hones in:

LONDON — Julian Assange moves like a hunted man. In a noisy Ethiopian restaurant in London’s rundown Paddington district, he pitches his voice barely above a whisper to foil the Western intelligence agencies he fears.

He demands that his dwindling number of loyalists use expensive encrypted cellphones and swaps his own as other men change shirts. He checks into hotels under false names, dyes his hair, sleeps on sofas and floors, and uses cash instead of credit cards, often borrowed from friends.

Much has changed since 2006, when Mr. Assange, a 39-year-old Australian, used years of computer hacking and what friends call a near genius I.Q. to establish WikiLeaks, redefining whistle-blowing by gathering secrets in bulk, storing them beyond the reach of governments and others determined to retrieve them, then releasing them instantly, and globally.

Now it is not just governments that denounce him: some of his own comrades are abandoning him for what they see as erratic and imperious behavior, and a nearly delusional grandeur unmatched by an awareness that the digital secrets he reveals can have a price in flesh and blood.

Several WikiLeaks colleagues say he alone decided to release the Afghan documents without removing the names of Afghan intelligence sources for NATO troops. “We were very, very upset with that, and with the way he spoke about it afterwards,” said Birgitta Jonsdottir, a core WikiLeaks volunteer and a member of Iceland’s Parliament. “If he could just focus on the important things he does, it would be better.”

He is also being investigated in connection with accusations of rape and molestation involving two Swedish women. Mr. Assange has denied the allegations, saying the relations were consensual. But prosecutors in Sweden have yet to formally approve charges or dismiss the case eight weeks after the complaints against Mr. Assange were filed, damaging his quest for a secure base for himself and WikiLeaks. Though he characterizes the claims as “a smear campaign,” the scandal has compounded the pressures of his cloaked life.

I say again:

He can dish it out.

But apparently he can’t take it.