Your Taxes Come 2011

This post will be short and not-so-sweet:

The Demorat-controlled House and Senate have adjourned in order to “take a break.” In the midst of an economic and political crisis.

They have deferred making any kind of decision regarding the extension or cancellation of the Bush tax cuts.

The Demorats somehow think that doing nothing is better than doing something.

With this marked exception:

The IRS has said that, with no direction, it is essentially too late to change, on the required national scale, the tax tables with which Americans will be held.

You know what that means?

Your taxes will skyrocket come January 1st of 2011.

Remember who did this:

Your local Demorats.

BOHICA, America.

With this caveat:

When you screw “middle-class white America,” you also screw middle class American blacks, Mexicans, Asians, et al.

Because taxes are, after all, color-blind.

Courtesy of the Left.


NJ Gov Chris Christie: A Man With The Balls To Say NO And MEAN It

I hate New Jersey. I’ve been there once, when I went to the bathroom at a Chevron station. It was disgustingly filthy like the rest of the state at the time.

It was like driving through Bakersfield only, in truth, slightly worse.

I almost wish I lived in New Jersey instead of Fornicalia these days, because their governor is remarkably candid, truthful, efficacious. He is almost (dare I say) the Anti-Politician.

He has essentially, with his newest public disclosure, slammed the state door in the face of Mr Obama and his ridiculous nation-destroying minions. He has embarrassed them in public and at a press conference. And I think that’s wonderful.

Mr Obama is pushing an infrastructure pogrom nationally (see the White House blog here). All of the Standard Sycophants stood by Mr Obama as he made his announcement, including a few Republicans. Except that the Devil Is In The Details. And Mr Christie dared to point out — to the major dismay of DC — some of those nasty little niggling details.


He isn’t on the guest list, but New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will be on everyone’s mind Monday when President Barack Obama calls for a bipartisan commitment to quickly approve $50 billion in federal spending on roads, rails and airports.

A group of mayors, governors and former transportation officials, including a few Republicans, will join the president at the White House to endorse his push to spend the money as soon as possible to help boost the sagging economy.

But Christie showed just how tenuous that bipartisan commitment is in the current economic and political climate when he announced last week that New Jersey would no longer pay its share of the largest public works project in the country – a proposed rail tunnel between New York and New Jersey. Christie says that the tunnel’s cost – $8.7 billion a few months ago, but now $11 to $14 billion – are spinning out of control.

Christie charged that the escalating price tag for the tunnel would cost the state $2.5 billion more than expected, and he attacked the twenty-year old project as a waste of the taxpayer’s money. But he said Friday he would wait two weeks to make a final decision, after Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and a plane load of federal officials flew to Trenton and told the governor that New Jersey would lose $3 billion in federal funding if the tunnel project is shelved.

Imagine that.

A man who knows how to say NO to tainted and illegal funds requiring obeisance to DC.

And apparently a man who doesn’t want his state to be subsumed into DC’s Borg Assimilation Project.


And a federal government trying to hold him hostage via withholding of further federal funds.

Pay to play, baby. You go along to get along with Obaka. Or you’re cast aside.

I ask: who is Stronger? Obaka or Christie?

Reflections On A Monday

I’m down in the Sacramento Valley as I write this post, at my wife’s house in Ghetto Centrale. Today is to be the warmest day of the week, perhaps into the 80s. It’s certainly filled with blue skies outside as contrasted to the miraculous and wondrous thunderstorm I encountered up at my cabin Tuesday night of last week.

The night skies were, then, split with the millisecond forks of white-hot lightning, illuminating the living room entirely. The thunder would gap for seconds then, minutes later, the bed-rattling booms seemed as directly over my cabin. As opposed to some thunderstorms this one lasted for a good hour or more. I love thunderstorms; the rain cascaded off my roof in sheets onto the deck.
There’s another thunderstorm coming just 22 days from now.
One that will affect the entire nation and not just my, literally, little neck of the woods.
There are rumors, terrible rumors floating about in DC that the national media, “in the tank” for Leftists and Demorats — their own kind, you see — refuse to cover, editorialize upon or even speak about covertly outside of their own newsrooms. And that is:
A great deal of the Demorats in DC are concerned that Mr Obama simply isn’t listening to them. He refuses to see that his philosophy is slaughtering the chances of any hope of a Demorat win in these remaining 22 days. They are concerned that he is incapable of compromise, incapable of learning from history and incapable of true political ingenuity or brilliance.
In essence: himself incapable of change.
People speak and write of the political brilliance of Obama. Comparatively speaking, Mr Obama is but a mere petulant child in contrast with William Jefferson Clinton, who was wise enough to know when to re-craft himself and his policies in such a way that he is still held as a Demorat ideal.
Mr Obama may be brilliant but he is an arrogant ideologue and a dunce. After all of his higher education, what has he actually learned? I submit: very little. He still does not see, purposely, reality.
Therefore, I conclude, he is quite incapable of changing his own path of political destruction or the path of destruction on which he has placed this nation.
Investors Business Daily says that, at our current rate, the US won’t recover its lost jobs until the year 2020. Another complete decade of misery and stagnation.
The jobless rate has been at or above 9.5 percent for a year and two months, the longest stretch since the Great Depression.
More senior staff including defence secretary Robert Gates, and senior advisor David Axelrod, leave their ObamaJobs at the White House.
An excellent summation of Mr Obama here.
November, here we come.