“Any Republican” Beats Barack Hussein Obama

From the Gallup poll:

PRINCETON, NJ — Registered voters by a significant margin now say they are more likely to vote for the “Republican Party’s candidate for president” than for President Barack Obama in the 2012 election, 47% to 39%. Preferences had been fairly evenly divided this year in this test of Obama’s re-election prospects.

In the meantime, with regard to the biggest issue of the year, our national debt ceiling, Ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi weighs in:

(CNSNews.com) – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said she is “almost too busy” to continue listening to what is going on in the debt limit meetings at the White House with congressional leaders.

There are other more highly-pressing issues, to include cleaning her fish-tank and ordering a new wall sconce for the office.

And, finally, in a fit of pique our Mr Obama decided that simply walking away from a debt ceiling meeting was a proper concluding statement.

Anyone besides me wondering where the location might be of Mr Obama’s “transparency”? And his “hope”? I know what the “change” still resides in my pocket, along with an abundance of lint.


How To Handle Somali Pirates

The Russians know how:

Further explanation:


How about that – the Russians captured the pirates, tied them up, put them on the boats, then set them all on fire – puff, no more pirates. All quite logical and simple.

This video shows Russian Navy commandos on a Somalian pirate ship shortly after the pirates had captured a Russian oil tanker. Tsk tsk. Wrong country to, apparently, screw with.

The Euro Union navy that patrols these waters would not interfere because they feared there could be “casualties.”

All explanations are in Russian with the single exception of when a wounded pirate says something in English and the Russian soldier says “This is not a fishing boat.” All conversations between the commandos are in Russian. If you don’t understand Russian, the pictures speak for themselves.

The soldiers freed their compatriots and the tanker. The Russian Navy Commandos moved the pirates back to their own (pirate) ship, searched the pirate ship for weapons and explosives, documented the guns and rifles with video, and then left the ship and exploded it with all remaining pirates hand-cuffed on board.

The commandos sank the pirate ship along with the pirates and without any bothersome court proceedings, lawyers, hearings etc. That is, they used the anti-piracy laws of the 18th and 19th centuries where the captain of a rescuing ship can decide what to do with pirates. Usually, they were hanged. In this case, some high-order explosives worked quite effectively.



Thanks, Don!

Welcome To Your New Emergency Services Paradigm

I said and wrote this at least 25 years ago, and I say and write it now:

  • – You get the kind of law enforcement you deserve;
  • – You get the level and quality of law enforcement you pay for;

I could, obviously, also say and write that with regard to the fire services as well.

That stated, from NBC:

San Jose budget cuts aren’t hurting all businesses, and in fact, one group in particular seems to be cashing in on the city’s economic woes: prostitutes.

Prostitution has made a rapid comeback to San Jose street corners in the past few weeks, according to NBC Bay Area sources.

After police budgets were slashed July 1, San Jose PD’s Vice Unit was disbanded, said San Jose Police Department spokesman Jose Garcia. This meant that part of their job responsibility – cracking down on prostitution and brothels – was reassigned to the police department’s Covert Response Unit.

The CRU was originally responsible for narcotics busts in the area and despite the newly added responsibilities, the unit’s size increased by one officer. It now totals 14. Sources say the result has been an increase in illegal prostitution.

Two police sources told NBC Bay Area that prostitutes have even been traveling from as far as Oakland and Fresno to take advantage of San Jose’s less scrutinized street corners.

Another Fornicalia agency, Stockton PD, took big cuts recently. And with that came a rash of murders and shootings — Mexican murders. Continuing still.

Stockton PD also had its own “drive-by” shooting on headquarters.

Evidence markers A and B now mark where two bullets struck Stockton Police headquarters Wednesday night.

At 8:50 p.m., six officers were in the back lot of the department on Market Street when they heard four or five rounds fired.

“They’re trained, they know the difference between a firecracker and shots fired,” says Detective Roseanne Clarke. The bullets were lodged between the first and second floors of the building. Based on trajectory patterns and the tall brick garage surrounding the property, those rounds were fired from westbound Highway 4. “It does not appear that it was a random act, but that it was actually intentional to hit our building,” says Clarke.

More shootings.

Nortenos are fighting Surenos — which means that Nortenos — those Mexicans who consider themselves already from the North or Norte — are fighting Surenos — those Mexicans who swarm from Mexico itself and are considered, in the state gang culture, interlopers.

Local, state and federal governments purposely cut citizen safety venues first, in order to make taxpayers hurt immediately. Government can’t hurt; only you need to be hurt. The American Taxpayer. I call American Taxpayers the New Niggers. You can be berated, cut, hurt, slashed, hacked, lynched, sacrificed — and government simply doesn’t much care. Purposely.

At the same time, do you find that silly, stupid, frightening, fattening, illogical governmental programs — locally — are cut? Of course not! That would be unimaginable!

You want to cut cops? Be my guest. I’ve spent 40 years in law enforcement, seen and done it all, and I’m not far from retirement, perhaps another three years. I am clearly the exception in terms of lengthy career, and not the rule.

But I’ll make sure I get every last dime due me within the law and contracts under which I operate. At this point I make a good six figures a year. It only took me 40 years to do so. And I’ll protect my retirement with all my heart and soul. Because I was already paying $100,000 for a Fornicalia house in 1978 dollars “back then.”

When I first started with the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Department in 1978, I made $5.97 an hour and was “represented” by the Operating Engineers union. They primarily negotiated for big equipment construction workers. Cops were a sad third party. I was quite not “cutting a fat hog” back then nor was my motivation for it extant.

I got shot at (three times), cut, stabbed, spat upon, engaged in numerous fights, literally saved 10+ lives (though not via CPR; I am 0-for-3 with CPR). I am, however, 1-for-1 in terms of shootings. And I survived that critical incident — luckily — when I was much younger. If you know me, you know that event; I wrote about it earlier.

I worked when cop cars had bench seats and 440 magnum engines. I worked when there were no portable radios and the only link you had with “cover” was back in your car. I worked when I carried a .357 Colt Python and had 6 in the cylinder and two speedloaders on the belt. And no more rounds. Daring officers carried another box of rounds in their cases. I was one of them. Most officers did not.

I don’t have a molecule of guilt within me when I take my retirement. I’ve put up with bullshit that you, as civilians, cannot even remotely imagine. Except those in combat. Except that my combat extended for 15+ years. I’ve put up with PC bullshit and made Career Survival my point for living. You want a system? I know how to navigate that system. Further, I’ve done “babysitting” and “hand-holding” for my sufficient share of adults.

I am due every damned dime coming to me. I’m still employed as a cop, a supervisor.

And smiling still.

All you others?

Welcome to your New Emergency Services Paradigm. Where you potentially get cops operating at slightly above room temperature. With no link to the past, no current vetting, where T-ball is the norm. TBall Esteem Cops. I’ve seen them. Hell, I supervise them. They cry when they get a splinter and demand a few days off. There are exceptions. But they are not the norm.

I’ve got mine.

Quite frankly: You’re on your own.

And I couldn’t care less. I’ve paid my price.


Obama: Never Raise Taxes In A Recession

Mr Obama wants to raise your taxes. And not by just a hair. He wishes to raise taxes by $1 trillion dollars. From The Weekly Standard:

In a 75-minute meeting Sunday night, President Obama once again demanded that more than $1 trillion in tax increases be part of any deficit reduction package attached to a vote on the debt ceiling. In the session, Obama rejected a Republican proposal to seek $2.5 trillion in spending cuts and reforms, and insisted on higher taxes on businesses and wealthy individuals.

Actually, the Associated Press (AP) says no, Mr Obama’s tax hike would hurt low- and middle-class families:

Proposals under consideration include raising taxes on small business owners and potentially low- and middle-income families. You won’t hear about that from Obama. Instead the president focuses on the very rich, and speaks euphemistically. Here are a few of the phrases the president has used of late to talk about what amounts to raising taxes for some:
— “What we need to do is to have a balanced approach where everything is on the table.”
–“We need to take on spending in the tax code.”
–“The tax cuts I’m proposing we get rid of are tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires; tax breaks for oil companies and hedge fund managers and corporate jet owners.”
–“You can’t reduce the deficit to the levels that it needs to be reduced without having some revenue in the mix.”
However, Mr Obama appears to be just a tad bit contradictory:

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And above is video evidence of this, in an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd in August of 2009. To acquire the exact quote, please fast forward to the 5:20 mark.

The specific (outside) question to Mr Obama: “Explain how raising taxes on anyone during a deep recession is going to help with the economy.”
The specific answer by Mr Obama: “First of all, he’s right. Normally, you don’t raise taxes in a recession, which is why we haven’t and why we’ve instead cut taxes. So I guess what I’d say to Scott is – his economics are right. You don’t raise taxes in a recession. We haven’t raised taxes in a recession.”
Further, Mr Obama said: “We have not proposed a tax hike for the wealthy that would take effect in the middle of a recession. Even the proposals that have come out of Congress – which by the way were different from the proposals I put forward – still wouldn’t kick in until after the recession was over. So he’s absolutely right, the last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of a recession because that would just suck up – take more demand out of the economy and put business further in a hole.”
Just a wee-bit-o-hypocrisy eh, Mr Obama?
Because if the debt ceiling isn’t raised by the August 2nd deadline, the globe will collapse in on itself and life as we know it will end.
The same thing Mr Obama said would occur if we didn’t pass each and every Porkulus Package.
I’m still here.
And so is our staggering debt.