America: Still Exceptional

Despite what our current regime in DC might think, helmed by the defeatist Mr Barack Hussein Obaka and bolstered by the DEM.

But exceptional for a limited time only.

Because America, like any other country at any other point in history, can only absorb so much “undermining.”

Do you not recall the Underminer in the 2004 animated film, “The Incredibles“? Did he not say:

Behold, the Underminer! I’m always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me! I hereby declare war on peace and happiness! Soon, all will tremble before me!

Mr Obama is The Underminer personified, as well as his administration. He and they do not believe in the inherent goodness and exceptionalism of this country. They instead believe that our influence, our power, our internal strength, needs to be minimized and, further, turned over to other agents and influences. And that is why, frankly, they and their kind need to be cast aside.

Any rational, logically-thinking and globally-aware human being of average intelligence knows that government, historically, has not been and will not be, in the future, The Answer.

The Answer lies with God, and the will of the Individual.

The Answer lies within ourselves. Either we work, we sweat, we toil, we expend energy in a fight for our labors, our jobs, our family, our friends, our property, or we decide to be Kept by a government. As has been said any number of times:

A government big enough to give you all you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.

Yes, we’ll barbeque today, we’ll drink some beer, we’ll grill some meats, have friends over, perhaps watch some fireworks.

But I submit the bulk of America still misses the point: we are an exceptional country. We have NOTHING to feel guilty for.

GUILT is an emotion that others, who wish to take us DOWN, want us collectively to experience.


If it were not for the United States of America, in its short, short run, the bulk of the planet would be operating under ever-more oppressive regimes and hundred-of-millions of human beings would have been further exterminated for the desires of a handful of tin-pot dictators.

A strong America keeps a strong planet.

A weak America enables Evil to propagate.

Uncomplicated as that.

From the Heritage Foundation:

In 1776, when America announced its independence as a nation, it was composed of thirteen colonies surrounded by hostile powers.

Today, the United States is a country of fifty states covering a vast continent. Its military forces are the most powerful in the world. Its economy produces almost a quarter of the world’s wealth. The America people are among the most hard-working, church-going, affluent, and generous in the world.

And our current dilemma, which must be handled and then diminished:

GOVERNMENT DEPENDENCY: William Beach and Patrick Tyrrell, “The 2010 Index of Dependence on Government: Dramatic Spike in Dependence Projected,” June 28, 2010:

The vision of the Founding Fathers was that we would control government, not that government would control us. The dependence of everyday Americans on government threatens our republican form of government, as well as broader civil society.

Despite the storm clouds not only on our horizon but hovering directly over each state, America is still exceptional. And everyone who states “not so” is an Underminer.

Plain and simple.

On this, our July 4th, I respectfully ask: draw a line. Make a choice. Us or them. Parasites or Hosts. Doers or takers. Patriots or Underminers.

I know on which side of the line I stand.


Happy Sunday Mexican News


(AP) CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico — A spray-painted sign threatening death for U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents was found Friday next to a school in a northern Mexico state capital, officials said.

Addressed with profanity to “Gringos (D.E.A.),” the unsigned graffiti warned: “We know where you are and we know who you are and where you go. We are going to chop off your (expletive) heads.”

Aaah, that’s another reason why we want loving, hard-working, entitlement-refusing illegal Mexicans in our country.
Have a nice Sunday.

TSA: “We Can Search The Shit-Filled Diapers Of 95-Year-Old Cancer-Ridden White Women In Wheelchairs, But We Can’t Screen A 24-Year-Old Black Man”

And, damn it, TSA is proud of that.

They already said they did nothing wrong by, essentially, strip-searching a dying grandmother.

Now, just a few days later, some petty Nigerian loser, who was found with a number of boarding passes on his person — none of whom, of course, was him — somehow managed to pierce SIX LEVELS of TSA security and take a nice, leisurely, stinky jet ride on Virgin America airways on Flight 415 and, once down — THEY LET HIM GO.

Why? Because the TSA was incompetent, afraid, quivering, and the man was a young black.

From the LA Times:

Another tear in the airport security net

Federal authorities and Virgin America are trying to explain how Olajide Oluwaseun Noibi was able to get through layers of airport security — and then avoid arrest for five days after officials discovered he was a stowaway.

Virgin America Flight 415 from New York to Los Angeles was already two hours into its journey when some passengers in the upscale “Main Cabin Select” section complained that the man seated in 3E reeked of body odor.

A flight attendant asked Olajide Oluwaseun Noibi for his boarding pass and was surprised to see it was from a different fight and in someone else’s name. She alerted authorities, and Noibi went back to sleep in his black leather airline seat. When the plane landed, authorities chose not to arrest Noibi, allowing him to leave the airport.

So, of course, because he got away with it the first time, he tried it a second time. No shock there.

Bear witness, ladies and gentlemen, to the complete unraveling of a once-great and civilized society known as the United States of America, now helmed by witless incompetents on all levels, from Janet Napolitano up to Barack Hussein Obama.

I reiterate, you cretins, arrogant bastards and bastardettes: how the hell do you ever sleep at night?


$250K As Per Obama: You’re An EVIL RICH Jet Owner!

Wasn’t it said that Mr Obama would drive down the threshold of the Super Rich?

And that encompasses, now, those who make $250K a year. Trust me, in Fornicalia, $250K a year in double incomes ain’t that much. And you ain’t drivin’ no jet. From

President Obama has a new term for the people he wants to tax more: jet owners.

In his news conference today, the president said: “I think it’s only fair to ask an oil company or a corporate jet owner that’s doing so well to give up that tax break….I don’t think that’s real radical.”

(Courtesy of JetSuite Air)

Asking private-jet owners to give up tax breaks may not be that radical. And it probably would be supported by the vast majority of the nonjet-owning voters.

The problem is that most of the people that would be subject to the higher taxes the president wants aren’t likely to be private-jet owners. Someone earning $250,000 a year – among those scheduled for a tax increase in 2012 – is unlikely to afford a jet –or even a few charter trips on a jet.

Nothing like starting “class warfare” anew.

And yet, from Fox News in 2009:

Just a few months after lawmakers scolded auto executives for flying to Washington in private jets, Congress approved a tax break in the stimulus package to help businesses buy their own planes.

The incentive — first used to help plane makers recover from the 2001 terror attacks — sharply reduces the up front tax bill for companies who buy assets like business planes.

In the meantime, Our Hero’s Perfect Subsidized World includes (to the Parasites, courtesy of the Hosts):

by Mark Weaver

FAIRFAX, Va. — Resort-style swimming pools with fountains and heated spas, billiards rooms, granite counter tops, ceramic tile, indoor basketball courts, stainless steel appliances — many Fairfax County taxpayers cannot afford such luxuries. But they are paying for these amenities for use by low-income residents who live in subsidized housing in affluent neighborhoods.

“They’re a part of our rental program where we subsidize the rents for the individuals in the units, and we end up having to pick up the condo fees,” supervisor Pat Herrity told 630 WMAL News.

Herrity does not advocate putting low-income residents in “ghetto-style” housing but he takes issue with taxpayers who cannot afford such luxuries being forced to pick up the tab for people who qualify for subsidized housing.

Our Mr Obaka an assumptive “shoe-in” come 2012?