Why We Need LESS Democracy:

I have a minimum of three posts backed up for today.

That said, I had to push those posts aside for this one.

A The New Republic article suggests — no, STATES — that this nation needs to set aside the US Constitution.

Too Much of a Good Thing

Why we need less democracy.

In an 1814 letter to John Taylor, John Adams wrote that “there never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” That may read today like an overstatement, but it is certainly true that our democracy finds itself facing a deep challenge: During my recent stint in the Obama administration as director of the Office of Management and Budget, it was clear to me that the country’s political polarization was growing worse—harming Washington’s ability to do the basic, necessary work of governing. If you need confirmation of this, look no further than the recent debt-limit debacle, which clearly showed that we are becoming two nations governed by a single Congress—and that paralyzing gridlock is the result.

So what to do? To solve the serious problems facing our country, we need to minimize the harm from legislative inertia by relying more on automatic policies and depoliticized commissions for certain policy decisions. In other words, radical as it sounds, we need to counter the gridlock of our political institutions by making them a bit less democratic.

So let’s just institute a monarchy.

Let’s just make Mr Obama a King.


Not out of the realm of possibilities for the Left.

King Obama.

All hail!

Meanwhile, back at the presidency:

Things are not going particularly well for Mr Obama recently:

– ObakaKare is actually on its way to the US Supreme Court;
– Mr Obama’s fundraising ability encounters a “huge dropoff“;
– Senate Demorats don’t think Mr Obama’s jobs bill is much of a priority;
– Mr Obama gets “testy” during a Black Entertainment Television interview;

Europe is set to explode, Americans are making and spending less for the second straight year — all on Mr Obama’s Watch.

At some point, Mr Obama is going to have to “own it.”

The DEM/MSM will continue to do its level best to protect Mr Obama.

And it’s only Mr Obama’s third year in office.


Obama and blacks: more views

Deroy Murdock writes in the National Review Online:

September 23, 2011 12:00 A.M.
Obama Lies about the ‘Do-Nothing Congress’
His party, not the Republicans, is the obstacle.

‘This Congress, they are accustomed to doing nothing, and they’re comfortable with doing nothing, and they keep on doing nothing,” President Obama whined at a September 15 Democratic National Committee gathering in a private Washington residence.

Now that his “Blame Bush” hobby horse finally has retired to the glue factory, Obama resorts to pinning America’s woes on the “Do-Nothing Congress.” If only these parliamentarians would stop taking endless lunches, sipping cocktails at Capitol Hill happy hours, and napping at their desks, America might have some chance of returning to normal.

Obama speaks as if the entire Congress were in lock-step Republican opposition to his every initiative. Damn those pesky elephants!

Of course, Obama’s rhetoric cynically turns things upside down.

Congress consists of a do-something House of Representatives, run by Republicans, and a do-nothing Senate controlled by Obama’s very own Democrats. Obama evidently believes that if he can keep spouting clever lies and distortions, no one will call him on it. Well, it’s time to do so.

The 112th Congress has been characterized by a very active legislative pace in the Republican House, featuring the passage of many measures designed to revive America’s exhausted economy.

The Democratic Senate, meanwhile, is a much lazier place, where House Republicans’ measures go to die.

The figures bear this out, beyond debate.Translated: Mr Obama, when are you ever going to begin taking responsibility and custody of your actual actions and inactions?

THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is a telling measure that NO ONE in the DEM/MSM want you to realize or understand:

While House Republicans adopted a budget last April 15, the Democratic Senate has not approved a budget since April 29, 2009. This Democratic inaction seems to violate the U.S. Congressional Budget Act, which requires passage of an annual budget resolution. Indeed, the Senate rejected Obama’s budget in May by a vote of 0 to 97 — with every Democrat in the chamber voting nay.

And, oh yes, Mr Murdock is black.

Contrast this with Fornicalia Demorat Representative Maxine Waters, who is outwardly “curious” but inwardly PISSED because, in his recent address to the black caucus, Mr Obama said, pointedly, TO blacks:

Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes. Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’. We are going to press on. We have work to do.”

Further, Politico.com notes that Rep Waters said:

The California Democrat told CBS’s “Early Show” the president would never have addressed other communities like gays or Jews or Hispanics in the way he did at the annual awards dinner for the Congressional Black Caucus on Saturday when he told the audience to “stop complaining.”

“I don’t know who he was talking to, because we’re certainly not complaining,” said Waters, who has been critical of Obama in the past. “We are working. We support him and we are protecting that base because we want people to be enthusiastic about him when that election rolls around.”

Mr Obama, of course, clearly loves Jews anyway.

Whilst, at that black caucus, Mr Obama dropped the “g” at the end of every “ing” word and ensured there was just a bit of a “southern negro” twang and stridency in his address, along with a decibel level that he hoped would be reminiscent of Martin Luther King — a man who, despite his dalliances, was geometrically and infinitely the greater person than Mr Obama could ever hope to be.

Pandering, thy word is Obama.

And let Mr Obama attempt to even hold blacks to task for a brief moment?

An unthinkable event!

Everyone can see the screeds and hypocrisies rampant here, yes?



Tavis Smiley, PBS-funded, doesn’t care much for Mr Obama’s remarks at the black caucus either; but, specifically, Smiley is doing the same thing as Mr Obama.

And here’s the rub — Maxine Waters (above) asks how Mr Obama could possibly speak to blacks like that, when he wouldn’t dare do so to Mexicans or Asians or gays?

And here’s the answer blacks won’t like: because Mr Obama is perceived as black! He can “get away with it.” So under the guise of blacks being able to say and write the word “nigger” because they’re black (and many other “specialty” situations) — so can Mr Obama do this.

Omigosh, blacks having a reverse taste of their own racial medicine, perchance?

Breaks my little clotted heart, it does.

Yamaha TW 200

Yes, I went and did it.

I purchased a motorcycle.

For roughly 59-cents. (Blogger, nor anyone else, offers up the actual “cents” symbol systemic during the 50s and 60s. Good luck with that.)

It’s a fairly new Yamaha TW 200, a 2010 model, which came perfectly stock.

Here is what a factory TW 200 looks like:

Mine is very similar.

Because I couldn’t truck it up from its point of delivery in Roseville, I had to ride it up to my cabin in the Fornicalia mountains over back roads I’d never considered, over routes I’d ignored.

And, during that, knowing that the bike was so terribly new as to not yet been over its 600-mile first service. Meaning: I had to treat it with kid gloves.

It struggled to reach 50 mph. 55 mph made me wince. I couldn’t remotely envision this bike making 60 or 65 mph though people have said it can be done.

On the other hand, the bike made me grin like