Winning The Florida Straw Poll: Herman CAIN??

Of the 2,600+ votes cast, GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain won the CPAC Florida straw poll on Saturday, with these results:

  • Herman Cain, 37.1%
  • Rick Perry, 15.4%
  • Mitt Romney, 14.0%
  • Rick Santorum, 10.9%
  • Ron Paul, 10.4%
  • Newt Gingrich, 8.4%
  • Jon Huntsman, 2.3%
  • Michele Bachmann, 1.5%

The Hill concludes that Rick Perry is certainly not unbeatable. Whatever he did, he did to himself. And the return numbers for Bachmann are, at minimum, execrable: last place.

Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain has, obviously, clear experience in the business arena with minimal experience in politics. However, he not only had to meet a payroll but manage a large business that spanned states, nations and continents. Good for Herman Cain. As opposed to certain current personnel, he’s actually had to work in the cut-throat environment of private business, exhibited both management and leadership skills — and not only met those challenges but thrived and succeeded.

Would I object to Herman Cain? Certainly not. Perhaps with a tip-o-the-cap to Marco Rubio or Allen West as VP?

As always, things are in a state of damned-near-unpredictable flux.


And it has so pissed off the Leftists that Mr Cain is successful, black and Republican.

The Coming Economic Crash: Europe First

America is on the economic brink of collapse.

But Europe is much, much closer and will the tipping point for the rest of the world.

And we will feel it here in the United States. We will be injured seriously. The only reason we’ve not gone down yet is because the rest of the world still mostly values the dollar, and our historical economic power. Despite the fact that the current administration is doing its level best to level us. And US.

GOP Debate: No Fire Whatsoever

I’ll sum up the Fox News/Google Thursday night GOP debate:


But there were some insight3B”>this come from? Perry sounds more like an apologist on the order of GW Bush. Deja vu all over again?

Mitt Romney handled himself with greater aplomb than Perry. Romney was the class act of the night’s field. He was the objective “winner.”

Ron Paul was — uh — Ron Paul. He’d do for gold what Obama did for the dollar.

Bachman came off poorly. Gingrich came off much, much better than her. The rest of the group is, at this point — also considering Herman Cain, who came off not just well but superb — mostly unelectable in reality.

But the bottom line?

Who burned for the GOP?

Who could face Mr Obama in a debate and set the TV screen on fire for the Conservative side of the equation?

At this point?

No one that I can discern.


My greatest thanks to Bushwack at American & Proud for his fabulous assistance with my new masthead, which I designed and then he, with his massive HTML skills, installed perfectly!