Pushing The Envelope, Part VI:

The human being has always pushed the envelope into and beyond the realms of danger. This is the sixth of various weekend postings displaying how restless Man is with the mundane and how he purposely crosses the threshold into danger willingly — and sometimes unwillingly.

Now witness: Danny MacAskill — who is not a teenager but a mature adult (26 years old) whose skills are rather preternatural.

Beautifully filmed in Scotland, it illustrates the amazing connection that can occur between Man and Simple Machine — and reminiscent of Parkour. Enjoy!


Please see my previous five “Pushing The Envelope” parts:

Part V: Black Devil
Part IV: Train Wrecks
Part III: Ghost Rider
Part II: Bas Rutten, Street Fighter
Part I: Parkour

Thanks, Chris!


A Man And His Dog, Pt II:

Earlier, on August 26th, I wrote about the devoted dog who refused to leave the casket of his owner, SEAL member Petty Officer Jon Tumilson, one of 22 SEALs shot down in Afghanistan in their Chinook helo on August 6th — a crash that killed thirty-eight soldiers and crew members overall.

Tumilson’s Labrador retriever, Hawkeye (below and above), was being taken care of, temporarily, by a friend.

From the UK Mail Online, it appears the friend, Scott Nichols, has had Tumilson’s dog Hawkeye willed to him.


Maxine Waters: give blacks MORE!

Representative Maxine Waters, a black female Fornicalia Demorat — of course — wants the United States to fund a new jobs program of a TRILLION DOLLARS or more.

Hey, no problem. Pocket change. From her Sunday appearance on Meet The Press:

I’m talking about a jobs program of a trillion dollars or more. We’ve got to put Americans to work. That’s the only way to revitalize this economy. When people work they earn money, they spend that money, and that’s what gets the economy up and going.”

What can you say about this, other than it is based solely in race by a female black Demorat whose only existence is predicated on naught but race.

Ignorant OTRPs (One Trick Racist Ponies) like Maxine Waters are so yesterday and, on the other hand, so incredibly transparent. They exist not to “move on” from race issues but to keep race issues on Front Street solely to pander to the ignorant, the racist, those who generationally have relatively prospered from Free Cheese.

I can remember, even in the early 80s when I was married to my first wife, who was a nurse — and worked in what was then the “county” hospital where those on welfare delivered their children. After working there, and then working for a private hospital, she said she had never been called more bad names than there. By welfare women. Black, Mexican, white, it didn’t matter. She was called a bitch, a cunt, a fucking whore. By women, delivering children, who didn’t have to pay one red cent for their personal delivery care. One of the major reasons she decided to leave and strike out on her own, not connected to the county or the state in L&D — Labor and Delivery — her favorite venue.

A racist like Waters does nothing more than confirm people’s racial stereotypes and keep her “own people” down. It puts money in her personal bank account every month. She smiles inwardly with every check stub.

She no more has a concept of what a “trillion” actually means than she can grasp any concept that isn’t racially-shaded.

To Maxine and Al and Jesse et al: you simply need to go away and die off. Only then might this country actually shed its Race Glasses and move ahead.

As opposed to doctors who say: “first, do no harm.” The Race and Poverty Pimps and Pimpettes say: “first, line my pockets.”