Thanksgiving, November 24th of 2011

This Norman Rockwell painting, entitled “Freedom From Want,” first appeared in the Saturday Evening Post on March 6th of 1943. It was one of Mr Rockwell’s Four Freedoms paintings. [The other three noted are Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship and Freedom from Fear.]

The original oil on canvas painting, 45.75 x 35.5 inches, is housed in the Norman Rockwell Museum of Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

This painting (and the other three) was intended to inspire patriotism during WWII.

However, according to Wikipedia, “outside of the United States, this image is perceived as a depiction of American overabundance.[4]

Perhaps I might ask in closing: are any of you having to deal with so-called “overabundance?”

I, myself, am not.

Happy Thanksgiving to my readers.

Frankly, here, I am thankful for you.


US Government’s CBO Report: Obama’s Stimulus HURT The Economy — And So Do ILLEGALS!

Again, more of what you won’t find plastered across the DEM/MSM for the next few weeks, because of the incredible BIAS inherent in the LMGC (Leftist Media/Government Complex):

From The Washington Times:

The Congressional Budget Office on Tuesday downgraded its estimate of the benefits of President Obama’s 2009 stimulus package, saying it may have sustained as few as 700,000 jobs at its peak last year and that over the long run it will actually be a net drag on the economy.

CBO said that while the Recovery Act boosted the economy in the short run, the extra debt that the stimulus piled up “crowds out” private investment and “will reduce output slightly in the long run — by between 0 and 0.2 percent afD”font-weight: bold;font-size:130%;” >1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County ( L. A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal aliens working without a green card.

2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

3. 75% of people on the most-wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

9. 21 radio stations in L. A. Are Spanish speaking.

10. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 4.9 million speak Spanish. (There are 10.2 million people in L. A. County .)

(All 10 of the above statements are from the Los Angeles Times)

Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.
Over 70% of the United States ‘ annual population growth (and over 90% of California , Florida , and New York ) results from immigration.
29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens

So what hurts the economy?

Illegal activities.

And further, I submit:

Instead of spending BILLIONS of dollars, there needs to be logic and proportion and reality. How about one easy solution: deliver $1,000,000 to each LEGAL American citizen over the age of 21 and let THEM determine their fiscal future.

[Note: Government is never going to end poverty. It is never going to create private sector jobs.]

Many would pay off their homes. Many would pay off their bills. Some would piss their money away on drugs and other illegal activities. So be it. Those who are smart would succeed. Those who are stupid would not. But, despite that, money would be injected into The System.

And all it would cost is roughly $310,000,000 dollars.

Government spending is not the same as productivity. Productivity occurs in the private sector. Productivity: that’s the key. No amount of government spending can produce productivity. Government spending destroys productivity. It destroys it.

Leftists say: we need more spending.

The focus needs to be on productivity, it needs to be on goods and services. The private sector creates wealth and productivity.

Government “stimulus” — NO.

Involving the Departments of Failure — NO.

Providing power down to its lowest level:


You truly want more spending, Demorats? All it would cost is $310 million.

Taken to the lowest common denominator.

Refute that, Leftists, Demorats, Liberals. I’ll print ALL your comments in response.


Where Does Your Blog Go?

I, admittedly, have a most miniscule and microscopic portion of the overall Blogosphere devoted to this puny site.

I’d be deluding myself if I thought otherwise.

Just about every other site I refer in The Usual Suspects have greater hits than me.

That said, I still monitor my hits and their sources.

Because of a Feedjit hit, I submit this hierarchy:

As displayed here, a number of hits sourced from Dubai seemed to be interested in my

Another reason I enjoy listening to Newt:

Oh my gosh, isn’t it sad when the truth particularly zings to the heart of the OWS matter?


This is the 48th anniversary of the slaying of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, on November 22nd of 1963. And we still don’t have the full truth regarding his assassination in Dallas on that day.

Also: Happy Birthday to my good friend, Richard Keith Carson from Vashon Island, Washington!

The truth from Chris Matthews: Obama’s glow is fading

Finally, the truth is out: Mr Obama runs his administration like your average teenager.

As Mr Matthews says:

There’s nothing to root for. What are we trying to do in this administration? Why does he want a second term? Would he tell us? What’s he going to do with his second term? More of this? Is this it? Is this as good as it gets? Where do we go? Are we going to do something the second term? He has yet to tell us.

He has not said one thing about what he’d do in his second term. He never tells what he’s going to do with reforming our healthcare systems, Medicare, Medicaid, how he’s going to reform Social Security. Is he going to deal with long term debt? How? Is he going to reform the tax system? How? Just tell us.

Why are we in this fight with him? Just tell us, Commander, give us our orders and tell us where we’re going. Give us the mission. And he hasn’t done it.

And I think it’s the people around him. Too many people like little kids with propellers on their heads. They’re all virtual. This social networking — I get these e-mails — you probably get them, I’m tired of getting them. Stop giving them to me. I want to meet people.

Their idea of running a campaign is in the virtual universe of sending e-mails around to people. No it’s not. It’s meetings with people. It’s forging alliances. It’s White House meetings and dinner parties that go on until midnight. And he should be sitting late at night now, with senators and members of Congress and governors working together on how they’re going to win this political fight that’s coming.

I don’t have a sense that he’s ever had a meeting. I hear stories that you will not believe. Not a single phone call since the last election. They don’t call. He never calls. That’s the message. Members of Congress, I keeping asking: ‘when did you hear from him last?’ (silence) He doesn’t like their company. That’s a problem, by the way.”


And this from the National Journal:

President Obama should abandon his run for a second term and turn over the reins of the Democratic Party to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, two one-time Democratic pollsters wrote in Monday’s Wall Street Journal, which appeared online Sunday.

Patrick H. Caddell and Douglas E. Schoen argued that just as Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson decided not to pursue additional runs though they could have, Obama should do the same.

“He should abandon his candidacy for re-election in favor of a clear alternative, one capable not only of saving the Democratic Party, but more important, of governing effectively and in a way that preserves the most important of the president’s accomplishments. He should step aside for the one candidate who would become, by acclamation, the nominee of the Democratic Party: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,”Caddell and Schoen wrote.

Because, right now, there are nothing but kids sitting at the adults’ table in the White House.