“Occupy Wall Street” — It’s REAL Purpose Is To Bring Down YOUR Local Governments:

Cloward-Piven Strategy.

Frances Fox Piven.

It’s nothing more than the enacting of the Cloward-Piven Strategy in a “grass roots” fashion, enabled by the American DEM/MSM, as well as by the very agencies they seek to destroy.

More pointedly:

To so overload “the system” — by having to deal with the OWS antics, their marches, their violence, their public health issues, their crime, their obstructions — that the system is crushed from within. That is to say: in order to crush the system so that it can be rebuilt in the stylings of Leftists and Socialists.

And yet the bulk of city, county, state and federal government bureaucrats lack the mental capacity and horsepower to determine that the condoning of these actions clearly enables a continuing and ever-building major public health crisis, but is purposely taxing governments on every level with unnecessary attention and spending, diverting the funds and services from actual taxpayers.

And further: making the lives of those persons who live, work, or own a business in the areas affected are inconvenienced, disrupted or affected to the very fullest.

I wrote about the Cloward-Piven Strategy here, back in 2009, before Glenn Beck picked it up.

The Cloward-Piven Strategy is named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Their goal was to overthrow capitalism by overwhelming the government bureaucracy with entitlement demands. The created crisis provides the impetus to bring about radical political change.

Cloward and Piven published an article in the May 2nd, 1966 issue of The Nation, entitled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty.” A PDF version of that specific article is here. And from there an entirely new concept for the destruction of this country was born. For a detailed explanation, you must read this article.

Both Cloward and Piven cited Mr Alinsky as inspiration for their works.

We already know that Mr Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, has said that “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

Further Links:

Cloward/Piven Government, The American Thinker;
The Cloward-Piven Strategy, by Robert Chandler, Washington Times;
Coward-Piven; A Guide To The Political Left;
Coward-Piven On Steroids, by Digoenes Jones, MD;
Obama, Voter Fraud & Mortgage Meltdown, by James Walsh
Recent Efforts To Overload The American System
Cloward-Piven Strategy: Domination By Crisis

And again, as I wrote here, it’s absolutely no mistake that the survivor of the C-PS, Frances Fox Piven, has attended OWS events:

That said, this overview of the C-PS is worth watching:

Because THIS is the belief of too much of the electorate:

Unfortunately, those persons with the IQ of an average houseplant can indeed vote in this country.

And the violence currently seen at any and all of the OCCUPY movement camps? Backed by Frances Fox Piven because it’s simply a strategy:

In a little-known video, here was one predominant reason for voting for Mr Obama.

Another reason for having voted for Obama:

“Too late to vote for the white guy?”

Cloward-Piven and OCCUPY? What do you think?


Obama: The Smartest President EVER — And Still Refusing To Increase Jobs

Certainly a long post title, but accurate. Because Mr Obama is the smartest man ever:

Robert at American & Proud notes that talk show host Michael Medved featured an author on his show who wrote a book stating that Mr Obama was simply the best president. Period.

As you attempt to wrap your head around that warped concept, let me get with the specifics. The book, by author Frank J Fleming, is entitled “Obama: The Greatest President in the History of Everything.” I suppose that about sums it up. And published just in time for Mr Obama’s re-election campaign.

As Robert writes, part of the product description indicates:

Oh, but Barack Obama was no mere man. He was a paragon of intelligence and civilized society. A savior to the world’s depressed. A lightbringer. A genius thinking thoughts the common man could never hope to comprehend. And his words — his beautiful words read from crystal panes — reached down to our souls and told us all would be well. With the simple act of casting a ballot for Barack Obama, we could make the world an immeasurably better place — a world of peace, of love, of understanding, of unicorns, of rainbows, of expanded entitlements. This was his promise. And now, having had him as president for more than two years, we can say without reservation that he has delivered all his promises and more and is the best president this country — or any country — has ever had or could even imagine to have.

The book can be purchased through Amazon for the massive price of $1.99 on Kindle.

Though a nicely-accomplished parable, the truly sad portion is this: way too many people really think this way.

On that note, how about another video:

Because the smartest president in the history of our nation has directed the USDA to not only kill 200,000 jobs, but continue to ensure that America will not become energy independent by relying more on its own innate resources.

From The Washington Examiner:

President Obama’s United States Department of Agriculture has delayed shale gas drilling in Ohio for up to six months by cancelling a mineral lease auction for Wayne National Forest (WNF). The move was taken in deference to environmentalists, on the pretext of studying the effects of hydraulic fracturing.

The Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP) recently estimated that drilling in the Utica shale, which is affected by the suspension of the mineral lease auctions, would produce up 204,500 jobs by 2015. [Update: the USDA estimates that the creation of only a few dozen to 200 jobs will be delayed by this study.]

“The President’s plan is to simply say ‘no’ to new energy production,” House Natural Resources Committee chairman Doc Hastings, R-Wash, said to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar during a hearing pertaining to hydraulic fracturing. “It’s a plan that is sending American jobs overseas, forfeiting new revenue, and denying access to American energy that would lessen our dependence on hostile Middle Eastern oil.”

Certainly, it’s fine that Mr Obama sends money to Brazil in order to enable their oil drilling whilst — at the same time — negating further oil drilling off our coasts and on our own sovereign soil. Mr Obama said to Brazil: “We want to help you with the technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely. And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers.”

I wrote about that here.

Yes indeed, people. Clearly, the finest president ever — not just in the history of our nation, but of the planet itself. So calm, so composed.

And whose Socialist and anti-Capitalist philosophy still won’t let him harvest our own abundance.


On a final serious note: the report — linked next — indicates that the US has the greatest oil reserves on the planet. Untapped. Please read.

Addendum: should we decide to kill the Canadian/US Keystone oil pipeline, the Chinese have indicated to Canada that they are interested. Canada will sell to China if the Unites States isn’t motivated or declines. And Mr Obama will do his level best to ensure we’re oil-starved by killing this proposed pipeline.

Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead

And the lyrics:

I called up my friend LeRoy on the phone
I said, “Buddy, I’m afraid to be alone
‘Cause I got some weird ideas in my head
About things to do in Denver when you’re dead”

I was workin’ on a steak the other day
And I saw Waddy in the Rattlesnake Cafe
Dressed in black, tossing back a shot of rye
Finding things to do in Denver when you die

You won’t need a cab to find a priest
Maybe you should find a place to stay
Some place where they never change the sheets
And you just roll around Denver all day

Then LeRoy says there’s something you should know
Not everybody has a place to go
And home is just a place to hang your head
Dream up things to do in Denver when you’re dead

You won’t need a cab to find a priest
Maybe you should find a place to stay
Some place where they never change the sheets
And you just roll around Denver all day

You just roll around Denver all day


Why I Still Like Newt:

Because he’ll always be The Smartest Man In The Room.

And that has to count for something.

Scott Pelley: Speaker Gingrich, if I could just ask you the same question, as President of the United States, would you sign that death warrant for an American citizen overseas who you believe is a terrorist suspect?

Newt Gingrich: Well, he’s not a terrorist suspect. He’s a person who was found guilty under review of actively seeking the death of Americans.

Scott Pelley: Not– not found guilty by a court, sir.

Newt Gingrich: He was found guilty by a panel that looked at it and reported to the president.

Scott Pelley: Well, that’s ex-judicial. That’s– it’s not–

Newt Gingrich: Let me– let me– let me tell you a story– let me just tell you this.

Scott Pelley: –the rule of law.

Newt Gingrich: It is the rule of law. That is explicitly false. It is the rule of law.

Scott Pelley: No.

Newt Gingrich: If you engage in war against the United States, you are an enemy combatant. You have none of the civil liberties of the United States. You cannot go to court. Let me be– let me be very clear about this. There are two levels. There’s a huge gap here that– that frankly far too many people get confused over. Civil defense, criminal defense, is a function of being within the American law. Waging war on the United States is outside criminal law. It is an act of war and should be dealt with as an act of war. And the correct thing in an act of war is to kill people who are trying to kill you.

Male Voice: Well said. Well said.

Obama vs Newt Gingrich?

No hesitation: Newt.


My Tribute To Sacramento Radio, Pt I

Frankly: this post isn’t for you. It’s for me.

Most of my radio heroes are dead or way retired.

  • -Wolfman Jack
  • Dr Donald D Rose (610, KFRC, San Francisco)
  • -Carter B Smith (680, KNBR, San Francisco)
  • -Mike Cleary (680, KNBR, San Francisco)

I learned, later, that in terms of “show prep” it would take Dr Don at least six hours of prior preparation per shift. And that was why he was a stellar broadcaster. He was the highest paid Bay Area broadcaster at the time. Because he worked for it. Then, it was unheard-of for broadcasters to make six figures per year. Dr Don did it.

Whilst at KFBK, 1530-AM in Sacramento in the very early 70s, I worked with:

  • Ron Lyons;
  • Gaylord Walker;
  • Dick Garcia;
  • Gil Krause;
  • Tony Russell;
  • Dick Francis;
  • Wally Ray (one of the FIRST major black broadcasters in Sacramento)
  • Harry Warren, news
  • Russ Francis (engineer)

In my formative years intertwined with college, I was first hired to dispatch for Bill Black’s KFBK Traffic Eye.

Myself and another college student (and two others) were hired to dispatch not only for the traffic reports, but for the station’s critical incidents. I can recall calling officially on the air:

“KJO762 to KK6718.”

That translated minimally to “62 to 18” The call letters KJO762 belonged to McClatchy (we shared the channel with KOVR Channel 13 at the time), whilst the KK6718 was Bill Black’s airplane, where he provided traffic updates during morning and evening drive time.

Which led to my life of being able to exquisitely multi-task for the next few decades.

From there, I also worked as dispatcher, traffic radio personality, editor and programmer before the age of 20. I worked as an AM editor and as an a KFBK-FM programmer. I mostly didn’t have the first foggiest of what that meant or what I could take that advantage-of. I only knew that I drew a paycheck until it was severed.

Because, simultaneously, I was working for a few other radio stations as well as my university’s editorial staff.

My relationship with KFBK was severed on a number of levels. First, because I lacked inside political clout. Second, because I was something of a flake. was the first to be sacrificed because I was connected to no one.

But, on the other hand, I had the opportunity to do the things that I did next because of Bernie, the Security Guard (and another whom I cultivated):

– I met Morton Downey, Jr, who was the controversial talk-show host there;
– I also met Rush Limbaugh in the early 1980s, who got his first Big Show opportunity there

Simply because I could still walk into 21st & Q. And, also, directly into the “morgue” of The Sacramento Bee.

KFBK radio here.

Ron Lyons here.

Gaylord Walker’s death by cancer in Sacramento is no longer documented on the net. He was an amazing man. I babysat his St Bernard. He would give the Sacramento freeway sprinkler report with regard to the iceplant and vegetation on the various freeways, to include 50 and 99 and 80.

Ron Lyons left KFBK and his house at “Zero Zero Plumeria,” in order to move back to the Bay Area and work for KNBR, another radio station I greatly admired at the time. Then to KCBS, where he retired in 2004 at the age of 65, having worked 49 years in radio.

My favorite Ron Lyons quote: “Sacramento is the only place where Smokey The Bear says: GO AHEAD.”

After his divorce from Lana Ray (whom he later remarried and stayed with until his passing), he stayed with me and my family for some months, whilst he drove his vomit yellow Ford Pinto. He was ever-invaluable to me by being kind enough to provide his apartment at Roach Arms on Marconi Avenue to me and my soon-to-be-wife for some frantic copulatory antic sessions.

Only much later — a few years ago — did I learn that the time I encountered Ron Lyons were some of the worst years of his life. I didn’t have his insight; I only remember that he was incredibly funny, an incredible drunk who fueled my own need for alcohol, and was as real a person as can possibly be imagined.

Ron Lyons — true name of Ronald Gryce Tomberlin — passed away in 2007

I had a place in my local Sacramento radio. I had a place. And, due to my youth, they were some of the most challenging and, yet, some of the best days of my life. Thanks, then, to WWSU, WVUD, WHIO (on the east coast), and then to KERS, KEG, KNDE, KOBO and, of course, KFBK AM and FM.

I took quite a number of photos at the time. If I can find them, or their negatives, I’ll be making some updated posts.

In many ways, because radio can be so creative (and yet so stifling and frustrating), I sometimes wish I’d stayed in radio. It stoked my creative juices. It led to the very first “two up” radio show in radio history: the KERS “Dr Fong’s Classique Radio Travesty of the Air,” with my best college friend — who later became the Best Man in my Starter Marriage.

We were the FIRST radio show to feature TWO “radio personalities” on a shift which is, now, predominantly common. We would play, on this FM station, things ranging from a parakeet training record to a combination of The Section’s “Smiling Ed” with an Elektra sound effects record of a small plane’s radio traffic whilst coming into LAX for a landing. We would eat breakfast on the air. We would play albums of Led Zeppelin in French. We would play bootlegs of Jethro Tull and the Electric Light Orchestra.


Halcyon Radio Days.