BZ’s Saloon, 03.04.25; Ukraine: Cui Bono?

On this episode of BZ‘s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show:

Ukraine: Cui Bono?

The answer: everyone except the Ukrainian proles.

I thought I’d have time for President Trump’s address to the Congressional infants, and I thought I’d have time for Happy Stories but, sadly, such was not the case.

However, if you want to discover just WHO is profiting from Ukraine or, perhaps more importantly, who ISN’T — listen to the show in order to hear some astounding revelations!

1. US Debt Clock:

2. Bwoke. It’s all Bwoke. Which is a corruption of Broken and Woke.

3. Not one original thought in their empty little heads.

4. Fauxcahontas: nah, no coordination.

5. Chuckie Schumer: nah, no coordination.

6. If you want a nice NO ONE CARES video.

7. Geopolitical scholar Jeffrey Sachs gives the EU Parliament a history lesson regarding Ukraine and the Rooskies. GREAT video.

8. Tucker Carlson: Ukraine is getting RICH off our weapons, which they’re re-selling for profits, and skimming our CASH.

9. War makes MONEY, both in the US and the EU: European defense stocks soar as arms makers expect orders boom.

10. Zelenskyy got refused by Dad; now he went to Mom. Ukraine war briefing: Starmer urges west to keep aid flowing as US announces suspension.

11. Retired General Mark Milley stands to make a shit-ton of money from Ukraine, via JP Morgan Chase, the traitor.

12. Joe Biden Brags about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired, to keep his son from being subject to criminal charges.

13. Rubio says Zelensky broke down the Trump meeting by ambushing both Trump and Vance.

14. RFK Jr lays out the ENTIRE Ukraine/military grift and corruption. This ties it all together!

15. Host Shocked as Rubio Explains How Ukraine Double Crossed the U.S.

16. Texas Rep Wesley Hunt nails it about tariffs, Canada, and lame duck Justin Trudeau.

17. If Trump is “Putin’s Puppet,” then why wasn’t Bill Clinton, who had some nice things to say about Vladimir Putin?

18. Democrats, in a meeting with Zelenskyy just prior to the tête-à-tête with President Trump and VP Vance, convinced Zelenskyy to yank defeat from the jaws of victory.

BZ’s Saloon, 03.01.25: Trump’s Restoration & Happy Stories!

On this rare Saturday evening edition of BZ‘s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show:

It’s the TRUMP RESTORATION, not some limp-wristed “counter-revolution.”

The worlds of Demorats, Leftists, Globalists, and Europe are falling apart, while the US begins to stand up for itself.

Plus: MORE Happy Stories than you can shake a dead Meerkat at!

As BZ stated during the program:

What we are witnessing is completely unprecedented in modern times, a full and utter re-writing of American Politics, much less Global Politics – because what is occurring on US terra firma is being replicated, to a disturbing degree, as far as Europe is concerned, all around the world.

And the DLG, Demorats, Leftists, and Globalists are shocked, gobsmacked, caught short, and screaming like the elite pigs they are over the fact that their own Free Shit Spigot is in the process of being turned to the right, literally and figurately.

It is far past high time, but the proverbial New Sheriff is in town, and he is done being anyone’s bitch any more. He is standing up for not just the United States of America, but the American Taxpayer as well – who funds the entire planet.

We’ve discovered this via USAID, via numerous audits, via DOGE, and via the verbiage and attitudes displayed by Europe, the UK, the EU, regarding their own oppression of their people, their tyranny, their censorship, and their arrogance beyond belief. Ungrateful whelps, about 95% of them.

Let’s the blunt. The only reason the bulk of these countries exist today in any semblance of civilization, is due to the blood spilled by American soldiers, the Marshall Plan, and the extreme generosity and benevolence bestowed upon these countries NOT by the US government – which doesn’t produce any money at all, but spends it exorbitantly – but by the goodwill, sometimes voluntarily, but primarily forced by said American Taxpayer.

I’ve always said that, if you want a tax revolt, just make individuals and families pay taxes like businesses. Pay quarterlies. Only then will people wake up and begin to realize just how MUCH they are paying in taxes, and perhaps begin to understand the correlation between those taxes and how horribly the US government pisses away the cash from which you are fleeced.

The most brilliant move in the world, back in 1943, was the government’s instigation of income tax withholding. As late as 1939, less than 4 million individual tax returns were filed, out of a total population of about 140 million people. And more importantly, the total taxes owed amounted to less than 4% of their income. Can you imagine? 4 percent?

It was Congress that passed the Current Tax Payment Act of 1943, which required employers to withhold employee income tax.

Fast forward to now when, at slightly over one month with President Trump in office, American citizens, Europe, South America, Central America, Canada, Mexico, are finally beginning to see that – not only is the free ride ending, but we want you off the ride and exiting the amusement park.

Because for the American Taxpayer, and those adults currently in charge, the days of bending to the will of an overbearing DC government — and to the wills of those foreign nations who have been trained, like zoo animals, to open their mouths with expectant smacking sounds, and demand feedings at certain times of the day, packaged beautifully, only the finest cuts of meat allowed, are winding down.

And the animals are howling, yelling, screaming and, like baboons, throwing their shit not only around their self-created cages, but at the zookeepers who cart out the prime cuts every day, on schedule, like clockwork.

Who does that? We do. Our hard-earned American Tax Dollars are forcibly removed from our paychecks, our couches are turned upside down for the remaining pennies, we feed and fund the planet, other countries, and the animal recipients complain that we don’t move fast enough, provide just the right napkins, we don’t cut their vittles into the proper bite-sized chunks, bitch about the lack of condiments, improper seasoning, poor presentation, and insufficient deference to their important personal dietary requirements.

There’s a reason the US Fish and Wildlife Service has said for multiple decades, “don’t feed the bears.” And in the zoos too. Why not?

Because it makes them lazy, dependent, fat, and potentially quite violent when they understand they’re no longer getting their way. “What? Me having to work? Now? Figure out how to provide for myself? Defend myself? No way.”

In summary, they, like Volodymyr Zelenskyy, are arrogant and ungrateful motherfuckers who, as I said, have been absolutely trained by prior administrations to demand more, harder, faster, better, sooner, wider, higher quality, and be quick about it.

And when the Free Cheese Ride is ending –- when those who are paying the freight are finally beginning to say “whoa, whoa, whoa there. What the hell is going on? Why is everyone doing great, but I’m getting kicked in the nuts?”

Yes, getting kicked in the nuts, by unthankful and ungracious nations, organizations, agencies, all around the planet, whose only rallying cries are “pay more, keep the checks coming, shut up, and work harder.”

And I am, like I hope you are, really damned tired of that shit. Particularly in light of what has been exposed via DOGE, USAID, and now peeks under the hoods and into the closets of the Social Security Administration, the Pentagon, the IRS, and the rest of the herd.

Because these assholes, engorged as they are on American Taxpayer Dollars, are precisely like Mr Creosote from Monty Python’s “The Meaning of Life.”

No matter how swollen, no matter how sated and overstuffed they are, they always demand “one more wafer-thin mint,” delivered on the requisite silver platter, by the properly-coiffed and suited butler, in white gloves, perfect doily, and with extreme deference.

It should truly be no shock that the zoo animals are rebelling and throwing their own poop, and that of the other outraged animals. They’re all Mr Creosote. Volodymyr Zelenskyy amongst them.

Zelenskyy, the EU, and the rest of the organizations –- to include our very own Perpetually Enraged Machine, the Demorats — with hands still extended, are beginning to think that the American Host is becoming aware of being surrounded by all the parasites.

And that’s accurate. Zelenskyy is no more different than the rest of the trained, barking harbor seals around the planet, with mouths open, like Malcolm McDowell in “A Clockwork Orange.”                                                      

The corruption, on every level, has been so long in terms of time, the fraud, waste, and abuse so wide, so deep, so endemic, the money from hard-earned American Taxpayer Dollars so ridiculously stupid and nonsensically spent, the amounts so incomprehensible, that actual Americans are having a difficult time trying to understand how readily they’ve been assfucked for so many decades and why, to this point, no one has done anything remotely serious about it.

Why did it take Donald John Trump, OMB, Orange Man Bad, the guy with the dead orange cat on his head, to ask everyone into the tent? Black, white, pink, purple, burnt umber, cerulean, he didn’t care.

Why did it take Donald John Trump, OMB, Orange Man Bad, the guy with the dead orange cat on his head, to seal the border, when everyone knew it absolutely had to be sealed, but no one did a thing? Mouth music only. Flapping lips. Flecks of spittle. But zero action.

And why did it take Donald John Trump, OMB, Orange Man Bad, the guy with the dead orange cat on his head, to examine DOGE and say “great idea, let’s start cutting the fat from these agencies and positions, and start helping out the real hero on the entire planet, The American Taxpayer?”

Why, indeed? Because everyone else was supping at the trough, both sides of the aisle, with their own favorite pet projects, pork, largesse, and they were all the benefactors.

Because the Gaslighting is wearing off. People are beginning to see that the obvious is, in fact, the obvious. Meaning: the louder some person or group or organization or religion or NGO or agency complains, it’s their Fiscal Ox getting gored, and the louder the cry, the deeper the sword thrust.

Which I think is absolutely glorious. Because the standard Mark I, Model I Leftist buzzwords come flying out of gullets again, like “our democracy,” and “unconstitutional,” and “unfair,” and “Hitler,” and “dictator,” and “we didn’t elect him,” and all the rest of the verbal vomitus concomitant with their massive grifts having been exposed to the light of day.

And the fact that we, the American Taxpayer, are finally reminded to don our cowboy boots, so we can squish the roaches and beetles scurrying to the once-safe corners of the realm.

So let’s go back to Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy for a moment. Because he had, if you think about it, a shockingly-simple task yesterday.

So simple, in fact, that only an incompetent like Zelenskyy could manage to pull defeat out of the jaws of such a pre-arranged victory.

Which continues to prove: he’s the poster child for how to fuck up a wet dream.

It’s exactly like an interview for a well-paying job you really want:

  • Show up on time
  • Wear a suit
  • Be respectful
  • Say “yes sir” and “no sir”
  • Answer the questions
  • Be positive
  • Don’t try to overtalk the interviewer
  • Don’t lecture
  • Be grateful
  • Take your victory, no lap
  • Shut up
  • Leave expeditiously

The employer has something YOU want. HE is sitting in the catbird seat. Not you.

A little humility goes a long way. Arrogance and confrontation gets your stupid, black, Castro-wanna-be uniform kicked out of the White House. Especially if you insult the Vice President of the United States, calling him a “bitch” — suka — in Russian.

The American Media Maggots, and of course the EuroSlut press, were all clutching their pearls and searching for the nearest fainting couch, when Trump and Vance stood up for America. It was no more complicated than that, as far as they were concerned. What horrible barbarians.

Trump is dealing primarily with Ukraine. Zelenskyy is a temporary rep. And what if things were a bit more complicated? What if you had never read “The Art of the Deal”? And what if Patton had never read Erwin Rommel’s book on tank war?

You’ve noticed a change in Trump, I’m sure, since he came within a fraction of an inch of being assassinated on live television last June. He has been more circumspect, more cognizant of his mortality. And, if you’ve noticed, a lot more deliberate and yet calmer in his speech. Until yesterday.

Some say Trump and Vance were just thugs. I wonder. Maybe they suspected that Zelenskyy was going to continue to NOT read the room, NOT read the prevailing political prairie winds, NOT read the tea leaves or the current temper of the times. And so, because he’d managed to bulldoze Joe Biden, did he think he could mastermind the situation, in America’s house, on live television, and illustrate what a forceful and powerful leader he was?

Zelenskyy has a goal. He wants NATO.

When Zelenskyy began appealing to the emotions of the American people, JD Vance stepped in, accusing him of disrespecting Donald Trump. This was brilliant strategy. It’s important to understand that Zelenskyy is trying to gain access to NATO.

But remember: If Ukraine joins NATO, the US would have to defend Ukraise, if Ukraine were attacked, via NATO agreements. The defense of Ukraine would necessitate direct conflict with Russia. Russia, not being the smoothest of strategists, and lacking personnel and equipment, would like have China come to its aid.

Now we’d be fight a direct war and a proxy war with both Russia and China.

Putin has indicated that Russia would never sign a peace treaty if Ukraine, another border state, got admitted into NATO.

We have to remember that Demorats met with Zelenskyy prior to the meeting, live, with Trump. They, I’m sure, blew up his skirts and told him what a brave and powerful man he was. Go in there and show Trump who’s boss.

Will Zelenskyy come back to the US, hat in hand? I don’t think so. Will he survive politically back home in Ukraine? Unknown.

Will we get a rare earth metals deal – beneficial to Apple’s Tim Cook and his half a trillion-dollar investment here in the US? Unknown. But if we do, and American corporate interests are on the ground, Russia would be stupid to attack. Not saying it wouldn’t occur.

Zelenskyy doesn’t want to come back and humble himself. So it appears he’s going to make a world tour with outstretched hands and open mouth.

People continue to forget about President Trump’s background. Negotiations are his environment. It’s not about what you say immediately. It’s all about the deal. Read his damned book. This is all a series of steps, towards a goal. A statement, a feint, a threat, maybe making good on threats, a feint, a removal of a threat, coercion, manipulation, all the elements of conducting serious deals.

It’s as if Demorats, Leftists, and Globalists think it’s fundamentally “unfair” to utilize your requisite training, education, and experience over your foes or adversaries in a given deal or situation.

Everything is strength, coercion, politics, manipulation. And lessons have to be learned, or you’re a victim in perpetuity.

That’s how Life works. Because Life is tough. It’s tougher if you’re stupid and unaware of reality.

1. US Debt Clock.

2. Jeffrey Epstein: an intelligence spook? Working for the FBI? The CIA? Is THAT the reason that NY FBI Asst Director in Charge James Dennehy refuses to cooperate with providing the Epstein logs, photos, videos, materials to DOJ AG Pam Bondi?

3. The microphone captured Zelenskyy calling JD Vance “suka,” Russian for “bitch,” during the 02.28.25 White House meeting with Trump and Vance.

4. Scott Jennings: “I mean, all Zelensky had to do today was put on a tie, show up, smile, say thank you, sign the papers, and have lunch. That’s it. And he couldn’t do that.”

5. Bret Baier: I gave Zelenskyy numerous opportunities to apologize to Trump.

6. Zelenskyy leaves the US, and wrests £2.6 billion in loans and aid from UK’s Keir Starmer to help assist Ukraine’s defense.

7. Lindsey Graham: “I say this with great sadness: The last group of people that I would count on to defend freedom are the Europeans.”

8. When it’s personal, Lindsey Graham gets upset, and it got personal with Zelenskyy. As it got personal here, regarding the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.

9. The Usual Demorat Warmongers met with Zelenskyy prior to the Trump/Vance tête-à-tête.

10. Secretary of State Marco Rubio puts on a masterclass as he articulates the Trump Administration’s strategy on Ukraine and the meeting with President Zelenskyy.

11. Shaun Lewis delineates Russia v Ukraine.

12. The massively racist Pastor Jamal Bryant.

13. Haiti illegal invader stabs and kills three children in a Fayetteville NC home. Shhh. You won’t hear this anywhere else. Illegal invaders are great people. Right? Yay diversity?

14. Taiwan detains Chinese-crewed cargo ship after undersea cable damaged.


Federal Judge John McConnell failed to disclose his role at Crossroads Rhode Island while ruling against Trump’s spending freeze. The judge ordered federal funds to keep flowing to states—and coincidentally, to his own non-profit.

16. German Chancellor Rejects Trump, Accuses U.S. of Russian-Style Election Interference, Calls for ‘Independence’ From America.

17. Joe Biden Gave 53 Researchers, Student Volunteers Access to IRS Data. But wait, it’s only Elon Musk who violated trust.

18. Summarily firing workers who have access to national secrets is creating a nearly unprecedented environment for classified data exposure.

19. Marsha Blackburn Requests Unredacted Epstein Logs from Kash Patel.

20. Black female racist gets the ax at MSNBC #BecauseRacism. Not.

21. Red-District DOGE Protests, Cited As Proof of Broad Musk ‘Backlash,’ Were Organized By Left-Wing Groups.

22. Judge Denies Associated Press Emergency Motion to Restore White House Access.

23. San Francisco’s Asian voters tell local news why they are ‘walking away’ from the Democrats.

24. Feeling Blue: Angry Donors Turn Off Money Flow to ‘Hopeless’ Democrats.

25. Undocumented Immigration Has Plummeted By 98% From 4 Key Countries.

26. Most of Rachel Maddow’s and Joy Reid’s staff to be cut amid MSNBC’s programming shakeup.

27. DHS Secretary: I Have Found And Fired Some Leakers, There Will Be More.

28. Supreme court hands Trump first win over $1.5bn USAID payment freeze.




BZ’s Saloon, 02.28.25; an SHR Media Special Report, “Trump & Zelenskyy, What Next?”

[This show had the largest amount of live viewers to date: over 1,000.]

On this episode of BZ‘s Saloon, it’s an SHR Media Network Special Report:

“Trump and Zelenskyy: What Next?”

After the disastrous White House meeting between President Trump, VP Vance, and Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy, what does that portend for Ukraine, the EU, Russia, and the United States?

As expected, the SHR Media hosts had a wee bit to say, including:

Caution: there were some hefty opinions expressed!

1. The White House meeting with Zelenskyy, President Trump, VP Vance, on 02-28-25.

2. Zelenskyy has lost Warhawk Lindsay Graham. Yes, it was something he said.

3. SoS Marco Rubio was not amused, having been backstabbed by Zelenskyy.

4. Zelenskyy may face a challenge when returning to Ukraine.

5. Zelenskyy failed to read the room, and failed to read Fox’s Bret Baier.

6. Zelenskyy continues to misread the room, speaking to Bret Baier.

7. Immediate response to Zelenskyy’s petulance and arrogance: State Department terminates U.S. support of Ukraine energy grid restoration.



BZ’s Saloon, 02.27.25: JEFF STONER, The Lost Wanderer

On this episode of BZ‘s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show:

It’s JEFF STONER, The Lost Wanderer, podcaster, scientist, researcher, knower-of-all-things celestial — and newest enrollee in the Cosmic Beard Club, as he and BZ talked about the universe, killer asteroids, the likelihood of extraterrestrial life, the Drake Equation, the Fermi Paradox, the Kardashev Scale, and more!

Jeff Stoner, The Lost Wanderer, on X/Twitter.

2. The Lost Wanderer podcast on Spreaker.–64536334

3. What the asteroid with a 1-in-48 chance of hitting Earth in 2032 looks like (images).

4. Are We Alone in the Universe? Revisiting the Drake Equation.

5. The Drake Equation.

6. The Great Filter.

7. The Kardashev Scale.

8. The Fermi Paradox.

9. There Used to Be Aliens in Our Galaxy, but They Killed Themselves Off.

10. How big is the universe?

11. The expansion of space.

12. How many stars are in the universe?

13. How far away is the nearest star?

14. Rotational velocities of celestial objects.

15. Dyson sphere.

16. Fast radio burst.

17. Is Star Trek’s Warp Drive Possible?

18. Traversable wormholes are possible under certain gravity conditions.


BZ’s Saloon, 02.20.25: EU Failing; USAID Is Ruled By The CIA

On this episode of BZ‘s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show:

The EU is FAILING. And USAID, ruled by the CIA — is even more convoluted than you can feature. Listen to the “justification” for its work from a source you’d never guess!

Starting at 11PM Eastern, 10PM Central, 8PM Pacific, on select and exclusive Tuesday and Thursday nights, you can watch on the SHR Media YouTube channel, KLRN, X @KLRNRadio, @BZsSaloon, @2againsttyranny, @jerseyjoeTalks, Twitch, and the SHR Media Rumble channel:

Grab your favorite adult beverage, relax, watch, and jump into our plush, sumptuous, palatial, and resplendent chat room on both YouTube and Rumble!

For the best in late night Conservatarian talk radio, you’re invited into the Saloon — where the speech is free, but the booze is not!

1. Toronto Delta crash.

2. Gayle King, massive Leftist, tries to wring fake information from Delta CEO Ed Bastian, who isn’t having it. No, President Trump had nothing to do with controllers in CANADA.

3. Want to find out what’s happening with DOGE? It’s the DOGE Tracker, right here.

4. Devyn, from Chick-fil-A, cheerfully runs the entire US government.

5. Afroditi Latinopoulou states, to ancient EU Leftist faces, “WE are the future, and YOU are the past.”

6. German Europussies cry when confronted with harsh truth via VP JD Vance’s speech. I sup at your warm, salty, Leftist tears. Here, hold my mug.

7. In July of 2018, Trump 45 ridicules the shit out of EU twinks, asking why the US is supporting them in NATO, when they’re purchasing gas from Russia, and NOT keeping up NATO dues. This is a GREAT dressing down by an actual adult in the room.

8. Black female racist Ayanna Presley says she’ll work with anyone intent on censoring the American people. Great combo: racist, and an oppressive tyrant.

9. Panic in Sweden as 31 bombings rock country with one city ‘as dangerous as Baghdad.’

10. Indigenous New Zealand Maori aren’t particularly impressed with LGBTQ crowd, so they get into full Haka Mode. Who will win in massive Leftist NZ? Natives, or LGBTQ? What a terrible conundrum into which NZ is placed, having to choose one group over the other.

11. Is USAID the New CIA? Agency Secretly Built Cuban Twitter Program to Fuel Anti-Castro Protests.

12. Mike Benz takes us down the USAID rabbit hole, interviewed by Tucker Carlson on TCN. It’s worse than you think.

13. The CIA is funding Taliban terrorists? Cui bono, CIA? Shawn Ryan interviews Sarah Adams, former CIA officer.

14. And HERE it is, the true reason: war profiteers on BOTH sides of the aisle over Ukraine.

15. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) verbally illustrates how TSA is getting around IDs and licenses, and forcing you into facial recognition databases. Then why have a Real ID at all?

16. DOGE Finds $2 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Earmarked for Stacey Abrams-Linked Group.

17. When you use AI to replace every mention of “our democracy” with “our bureaucracy,” everything starts making a lot more sense.

18. THIS is why DC and the FBI do NOT want Kash Patel: HUGE Day One issues.

19. Dems far outnumber conservatives in government — here’s what department is the worst: State Department.

20. Kristi Noem Reportedly Warned DHS Employees She’s Going to Start Polygraphing Them Over Leaking to the Media.

21. BREAKING: President Trump Goes Scorched Earth, Fires All “Biden Era” US Attorneys.

22. Media Elites Call for Boycott of Donald Trump in Support of AP’s Speech Codes.

23. Judge Chutkan rejects call from Democratic AGs for temporary restraining order blocking DOGE’s access to federal data.

24. Circuit court puts final nail in the coffin for Biden’s $500B student loan forgiveness plan.

25. To all of the Democrats who are planning to protest this week, here’s an explanation on DOGE, from your party’s own beloved leaders. Wait; Obama and Biden both wanted government spending cuts?

26. Federal government employees think they’re not subject to reality. 377,000 federal government employees fired by President Clinton in the early 90s know that score, plus 35 military installations also RIF’d.