Rubio: Obama despises Netanyahu

Netanyahu WinsFirst, watch the video.  Barack Hussein Obama did all he could to ensure that Benjamin Netanyahu did not acquire re-election in Israel.  Netanyahu won despite that, and Obama is livid.  It’s time for retribution, as no one crosses Hussein.

Not a single word from the Obama Administration congratulating Netanyahu for his win.  Hold that thought.

“Barack Obama’s Democrat campaign team went to Israel, a team of five campaign managers, to coordinate the anti-Likud campaign.  Obama was literally trying to stop an ally, Benjamin Netanyahu, from being re-elected.”

One of the groups responding was literally funded by the US State Department.

It doesn’t get any more official than that.

“Is there a single country in the world with which America now has better relations than when Obama started?”

“Is there anyone who actually loves America more (under Obama) besides Iran and Cuba?”

I could make an excellent and cogent argument for a rampant and rabid case of anti-Semitism on the part of Barack Hussein Obama.

Further: Senator Marco Rubio hit the proverbial Obama nail on the Netanyahu head earlier Thursday.  From

Marco Rubio lambastes Obama for failing “to respect” Benjamin Netanyahu

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio took to the Senate floor Thursday afternoon to lash out at President Barack Obama for failing to congratulate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after his Likud Party victory in Israel’s elections on Tuesday.

“In March of 2012, he was among the first to call Putin in Russia,” Rubio said. “Or that in June in 2012, he was among the first to call Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood when they won the Egyptian presidency.” He went on to mention the election victories of the Chinese, Turkish, and Iranian leaders in recent years. “Time and again, this president has made a habit of quickly calling these leaders when they win. But as of 4:40 eastern time, as far as I know, this call has not been made.”

“That is saying a lot by someone elected at least once, if not twice using extremely divisive language,” he said, referring to Obama’s elections. However, he said that when the Iranian government appeared to have a fraudulent election and killed protestors in the street, the U.S. refused to condemn that government. 

Obama insists: up is down, black is white, right is wrong.

Rubio said he agreed with Netanyahu that conditions don’t exist now for a two-state solution “with people who teach their children that killing Jews are a glorious thing.”

The most telling — and logical — sentence is this:

“This President is making a historical mistake,” he said of Obama’s strained relationship with Netanyahu. “This is a historic and tragic mistake,” adding that it wasn’t a political issue. “If this was a Republican president doing these things, I would be giving the exact same speech. In fact, I would be even angrier.”

I can only conclude a few things:

Giuliani was correct.


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