Email: “IRS’s Lerner, Treasury Department secretly drafted new rules to restrict nonprofits.” Meaning? Again: Obama LIES.

Lois Lerner LIARFrom the

The Obama administration’s Treasury Department and former IRS official Lois Lerner conspired to draft new 501(c)(4) regulations to restrict the activity of conservative groups in a way that would not be disclosed publicly, according to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

The Treasury Department and Lerner started devising the new rules “off-plan,” meaning that their plans would not be published on the public schedule. They planned the new rules in 2012, while the IRS targeting of conservative groups was in full swing, and not after the scandal broke in order to clarify regulations as the administration has suggested.

And this information comes on the heels of the LIES that Mr Barack Hussein Obama foisted upon the public on Sunday in his interview with Fox News host Bill O’Reilly.  A portion of that transcript:

O’REILLY: You’re saying no corruption (about the IRS)?


O’REILLY: None? No?

OBAMA: There were some — there were some bone-headed decisions…

O’REILLY: Bone-headed decisions…

OBAMA: …out of… out of a local office…

O’REILLY: But no mass corruption?

OBAMA: Not even mass corruption, not even a smidgeon of corruption, I would say.

As I wrote:

No.  Not even a “smidgeon of corruption” by the IRS.  Not a molecule.  A LIE.  A HUGE LIE.

Mr Obama LIED to Bill O’Reilly, and his lie is further exposed by this new story regarding Lois Lerner.

Lois Lerner retired.  But, as Politico readily admits (being a Leftist organization essentially to it core though it plays “moderate”):

Lois Lerner is the political piñata that Congress still loves to whack months after she awkwardly acknowledged that the IRS wrongly scrutinized conservative groups for years.

Lerner acknowledged that FACT in front of Congress in open hearings.  Mr Obama refuses to acknowledge even this.

If even Politico recognizes this, and Obama denies this — because Politico can be a very “pro” Obama organ — then I can only conclude that Mr Obama LIED once again to Bill O’Reilly, in front of MILLIONS of American Taxpayers, this past Sunday.

But only because Mr Obama assumes that those millions of American Taxpayers are predominantly stupid and willing to purchase his dribbling “fabrication.”

Mr Obama assumes YOU are stupid and I am stupid.

How “stupid” are you and how long with you tolerate this administration?



Obama continues to LIE: the Bill O’Reilly interview on Super Bowl Sunday

Obama LiesOn Super Bowl Sunday, in an interview with Fox’s Bill O’Reilly, Mr Barack Hussein Obama continued to LIE, and in a bald faced way, to the American public.  His SOTU last week was the lowest-rated in years due to its empty rhetoric.  He was unimpressive last week and he was unimpressive with O’Reilly — but, at least, was consistent in his insistence on lying to the American Taxpayer.

Obama doesn’t “prevaricate,” he doesn’t “shade,” he doesn’t “hedge,” he doesn’t make a “falsehood,” he doesn’t “invent,” he doesn’t “fictionalize.”  He LIES.

Throughout the interview, Obama consistently tried to overtalk O’Reilly again and again and again.  Mr Obama possesses no cogent argument other than to push the issue back into the face of Fox and make it personal and the responsibility of a media network and not the President of the United States.

Obama believes that he is clearly The Smartest Guy In The Room, no matter where he goes.  And that is a derailment factor.

Obama promulgates a pattern of deception and outright lies that I haven’t before witnessed from a sitting president in my 60+ years.

The ten minute interview is below; the transcript is here.

Excerpts from the interview:

O’REILLY: And I’m paying Kathleen Sebelius’ salary and she screwed up.


O’REILLY: And you’re not holding her accountable.

OBAMA: Yes, well, I… I promise you that we hold everybody up and down the line accountable. But when we’re…

O’REILLY: But she’s still there.

OBAMA: …when we’re in midstream, Bill, we want to make sure that our main focus is how do we make this thing work so that people are able to sign up?

And that’s what we’ve done.

O’REILLY: All right.

A LIE.  Obama holds no one accountable, least of all himself.

O’REILLY: All right.

Libya, House Armed Services testimony, General Carter Ham, you know, the general?

OBAMA: Yes. Right.

O’REILLY: Security in Africa.


O’REILLY: He testified that on the day that the ambassador was murdered and the three other Americans, all right, he told Secretary Panetta it was a terrorist attack. Shortly after Ham, General Ham, said that, Secretary Panetta came in to you.


O’REILLY: Did he tell you, Secretary Panetta, it was a terrorist attack?

OBAMA: You know what he told me was that there was an attack on our compound…

O’REILLY: He didn’t tell you…


O’REILLY: …he didn’t use the word “terror?”

OBAMA: You know, in… in the heat of the moment, Bill, what folks are focused on is what’s happening on the ground, do we have eyes on it, how can we make sure our folks are secure…

O’REILLY: Because I just want to get this on the record…


O’REILLY: …did he tell you it was a terror attack?

OBAMA: Bill… and what I’m… I’m answering your question. What he said to me was, we’ve got an attack on our compound. We don’t know yet…

O’REILLY: No terror attack?

OBAMA: …we don’t know yet who’s doing it. Understand, by definition, Bill, when somebody is attacking our compound…


OBAMA: …that’s an act of terror, which is how I characterized it the day after it happened. So the… so the question ends up being who, in fact, was attacking us?

A LIE.  Obama did NOT characterize it as a terror attack the day after.  He and Clinton characterized it as an uprising from a video.

O’REILLY: …but I just want to say that they’re… your detractors believe that you did not tell the world it was a terror attack because your campaign didn’t want that out.

OBAMA: Bill, think about…

O’REILLY: That’s what they believe.

OBAMA: …and they believe it because folks like you are telling them that.

Because, Mr Obama, that just happens to be the TRUTH.  And Barack Hussein Obama is the world’s best filibusterer and consistently refuses to answer questions that aren’t the most base of softballs.

O’REILLY: OK, so you don’t… you don’t recall seeing Shulman, because what some people are saying is that the IRS was used…


O’REILLY: …at a… at a local level in Cincinnati, and maybe other places to go after…

OBAMA: Absolutely wrong.

O’REILLY: …to go after.

OBAMA: Absolutely wrong.

O’REILLY: But how do you know that, because we… we still don’t know what happened there?

OBAMA: Bill, we do… that’s not what happened. They… folks have, again, had multiple hearings on this. I mean these kinds of things keep on surfacing, in part because you and your TV station will promote them.

And once again Mr Obama tries to bullshit his way out of being pinned down.  He LIES once again.

And the greatest, most bald-faced and blatant LIE of all?  See if you can get past reading this:

O’REILLY: You’re saying no corruption (about the IRS)?


O’REILLY: None? No?

OBAMA: There were some — there were some bone-headed decisions…

O’REILLY: Bone-headed decisions…

OBAMA: …out of… out of a local office…

O’REILLY: But no mass corruption?

OBAMA: Not even mass corruption, not even a smidgeon of corruption, I would say.

No.  Not even a “smidgeon of corruption” by the IRS.  Not a molecule.  A LIE.  A HUGE LIE.

O’REILLY: OK. I got a letter from Kathy La Master, Fresno, California. I said I would read one letter from the folks, all right?

OBAMA: All right.

O’REILLY: Mr. President, why do you feel it’s necessary to fundamentally transform the nation that has afforded you so much opportunity and success?

OBAMA: I don’t think we have to fundamentally transform the nation…

O’REILLY: But those are your words.

Another LIE.  How about a little video, Mr Obama:

Dana Milbank from the Washington Post recently took O’Reilly to task in an editorial, here.  He thinks Bill O’Reilly was disrespectful and rude.

But this time, O’Reilly gave only a passing pleasantry at the end (“I think your heart is in the right place”) and otherwise was hostile from the start. He leaned forward in his seat, waving his pen and pointing his finger at the president. He shook his head doubtfully at some of Obama’s answers.

Well boo-hoo-hoo, Mr Milbank, Bill O’Reilly actually stood some ground and at least attempted to acquire some answers — which Barack Hussein Obama deflected and filibustered.  O’Reilly waved a pen!  O’Reilly leaned forward!  Heinous!  Despicable!  Apparently you interpret journalists attempting to do what journalists do as rudeness.  Reverse the role.  Now insert GW Bush.  No objection from you, I’d submit.  Bush must pay!  O’Reilly as Dick Cheney!

Dick Cheney Can Kill YouI’ve already written about how Mr Obama lies about his lies.  Obama’s deceptive statements were deliberate and were intended to bolster his ability to get Obamacare passed in 2010 and get him reelected in 2012, according to aides cited in a Wall Street Journal article.

As I documented here and here and here and here and here, Obama lies and covers up his lies.  And the gullible and the idiots in American continue to sup up his dirty bowl of lies.

Various media forms are saying Bill O’Reilly was “rude” in his interview with Mr Obama.  I say that Bill O’Reilly was much more taciturn than I’ve seen him in a while.  I also submit that it was, instead, Mr Obama who was rude.  Note how many times Obama attempts to verbally steamroller over O’Reilly and interrupts him.

Obama was, once again, a petulant child in his interview with Bill O’Reilly.

And, once again, Obama spewed lie after lie after lie.



Obama’s State of the Union speech, 2014:

A comment from a journalist who happens to be black:

Obama Imperial TreeGreat Caesar’s Ghost
On the nauseating spectacle that is the State of the Union address

The annual State of the Union pageant is a hideous, dispiriting, ugly, monotonous, un-American, un-republican, anti-democratic, dreary, backward, monarchical, retch-inducing, depressing, shameful, crypto-imperial display of official self-aggrandizement and piteous toadying, a black Mass during which every unholy order of teacup totalitarian and cringing courtier gathers under the towering dome of a faux-Roman temple to listen to a speech with no content given by a man with no content, to rise and to be seated as is called for by the order of worship — it is a wonder they have not started genuflecting — with one wretched representative of their number squirreled away in some well-upholstered Washington hidey-hole in order to preserve the illusion that those gathered constitute a special class of humanity without whom we could not live.

It’s the most nauseating display in American public life — and I write that as someone who has just returned from a pornographers’ convention.

It’s worse than the Oscars.

Many times worse, I’d posit.  Because it’s not about a number of so-called “artistes,” but about ONE MAN.

Please read the entire article here.



Full text of the speech is available here.



The biggest Pinocchios of 2013

From the

by Glenn Kessler

It’s time for our annual round-up of the biggest Pinocchios of the year. This was not a presidential election year, so in some ways the subjects that needed to be fact checked were more substantive. In reviewing The Fact Checker’s more than 200 columns in the past year, we found an interesting evolution from statistics about gun violence to claims about President Obama’s health-care law. Our general rule of thumb held: the more complex a subject is, the more tempted politicians are to make misleading claims.

President Obama ended up with three of the most misleading claims of the year. But, despite the urging of some readers, his statement that “I didn’t set a red line” on Syria is not among them. We had looked closely at that claim and had determined that, in context, it was a bungled talking point, so that statement actually earned no rating.

That said:


This memorable promise by President Obama backfired on him when the Affordable Care Act went into effect and millions of Americans started receiving cancellation notices. As we explained, part of the reason for so many cancellations is because of an unusually early (March 23, 2010) cut-off date for grandfathering plans — and because of tight regulations written by the administration. This was our most popular fact check of the year — and Obama’s pledge also was also named PolitiFact’s “Lie of the Year.”

An insertion: if Mr Obama hadn’t insisted upon that statement again and again and again, there could have been some leeway proffered.  Absent that, Mr Obama is nothing but a — wait for it — LIAR.

Pretty simple.  Even journalists now realize: liar.