Millennial snowflakes: ALL colleges should be “safe spaces”

Millennial SnowflakesRight.  Because Life is just like that — one big Safe Space.

I mean, I was stupid in college.  I was voting Demorat.

But for fuck’s sake, I wasn’t that stupid.

I was taking a full college load and working for four radio stations, was Photo Editor for the college newspaper, woke up at 5 AM and went to bed at 10 or 11 PM.  I paid my tuition, had to buy my own used car in order to get to work.

At my peak I had six jobs, four at radio stations, one at a newspaper, one at the college.  Plus my classes.  I never had a moment to consider protests or safe spaces or microaggressions.  I was too busy worrying about how I would pay for my textbooks.

So I bought used textbooks and then learned: they were already highlighted with the salient points.  They wouldn’t be salient points if they weren’t highlighted, right?

And that’s how I passed college.  Only a portion of my weekends were free.


Student Snowflakes: ALL Universities Should Be Safe Spaces

by Kieran Corcoran

University students are crying out to be swaddled in the cotton wool of trigger warnings and safe spaces, a worrying new survey has found.

Fragile youths also said they love no-platform policies, newspaper bans and knocking down statues to shelter them from controversial or unpleasant ideas.

The sky-high levels of support for thought-policing emerged from a survey of just over 1,000 students in the UK.

How sad is that?

Its findings are also likely to be broadly applicable in the US, where safe space culture originated.

48% of all students surveyed agreed that all universities should have safe space policies to police debate, with only 20% opposing the idea. Women favored safe spaces by a considerable margin.

Women.  Imagine that.  The most emotive and most coddled sex extant — except for trannies, cross-dressers and the rest of the 31 flavors.

The survey, conducted by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) also showed that students are terrified of being triggered, with 68% backing their use.

Such policies are already having absurd results. A student in Edinburgh was almost ejected from a debate for raising her hand in violation of the safe space policy.

And trigger warning culture has permeated as far as Oxford University law lectures – which students have the option to skip if they find the crimes up for discussion “distressing.

The crimes discussed in a text book are “distressing.”  Such petunias, you are.

Confusingly, the survey found most students pay lip service to free speech – with 60% agreeing universities “should never” limit it.

But in practice many of them turned on a dime to support censorious policies in practice.

NEVER trust Millennials when it comes to their support for our foundational documents.  I am convinced they 1) are not even remotely familiar with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and 2) frighteningly willing to shed those rights with which they are unfamiliar.

The rights that so many Americans have died for.


They are “educated.”

But they have not learned.



You want to read a great article about so-called “safe spaces”?  Click on this to read Camille Paglia’s article.  You might think that Paglia is a right winger.  Uh, no.  Full transcript is here.

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Gives You Someone Else's ShirtThe longer Bernie Sanders stays in this race, the more that Millennials will determine not to vote for Hillary Clinton.  They will even consider voting for Donald Trump, just to make a statement.

Millennials believe that, absent Bernie, Hillary is stiff, a sell-out, unlikeable, false.  Those are their words.

Go figure.



For once: consequences

One 14-year-old learned there can occasionally be consequences for stupidity.  Watch and smile:


Anti-Trump 14-year-old who hit a cop with a rock thought he was tough, but now he just learned his fate

by Carmine Sabia

Last month anti-Donald Trump protests in New Mexico turned into riots and now one teenager is paying the price for his part.

Marcus Griego, 14, is being charged as an adult for hitting a police sergeant with a rock during the melee, KRQE reported.

“The commander actually witnessed Marcus throw a rock directly and hit the sergeant that was standing next to him,” Albuquerque police spokeswoman Celina Espinoza told KRQE. “My understanding is that Marcus kinda laughed it off and kinda just pretended it wasn’t a big deal.”

It has apparently become something of a “big deal” now.  Griego says he “didn’t do anything.”  Of course.  Because 14-year-olds are so inherently truthful.

In the 70s, what would have happened with a kid who threw a rock at me at a riotous scene?  Frankly, I would have kicked his ass, opened up some cuts, pitched him into the back of my unit, laughed as he hit the opposite door with his head, taken him home.

His parents would have finished the job.



Hillary: the right to own guns isn’t really in the Constitution

Hilary Clinton ELECT MEHilary WitchyAnd that is what you face if you, as Republicans or Conservatives, decide to stay home in November because #NeverTrump.

From the

Clinton refuses to say gun ownership a constitutional right

by Gabby Morrongiello

Hillary Clinton declined to say during an interview Sunday whether she believes the right to bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution.

“Do you believe that an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right, that it’s not linked to service in a militia?” ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked the Democratic presidential front-runner.

“I think that for most of our history, there was a nuanced reading of the Second Amendment until the decision by the late Justice [Antonin] Scalia, and there was no argument until then that localities and states and the federal government had a right, as we do with every amendment, to impose reasonable regulations,” Clinton responded.

She added, “So I believe we can have common-sense gun safety measures consistent with the Second Amendment.”

Here’s a clue: even for George Stephanopoulis, that wasn’t an answer.  It was Mouth Jello.  World pablum.

“But that’s not what I asked,” Stephanopoulos interjected. “I said, do you believe that their conclusion that an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right?”

“If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulations, and what people have done with that decision is to take it as far as they possibly can and reject what has been our history from the very beginning of the republic, where some of the earliest laws that were passed were about firearms,” Clinton said, declining a second time to answer the question directly.


For God’s sake, even Bernie Sanders believes in the Second Amendment more than Hillary Clinton.


Hillary Clinton Accomplishment 3

About men: what you DON’T hear or read of

Because it’s not “politically correct.”

For MenLet me give you some statistics from my adjunct work in Sex Assaults when I was a detective for a major California law enforcement agency: roughly 40% to 50% of rape claims by women were false, at my time in the 90s.  When investigated fully, the bulk of these women had, in fact, post-coaital regrets.  Force and/or rape — non-consensual sex — was not factually or evidentiarily involved.

But I was forbidden from revealing these statistics to my Executive Staff or to others.  I was young enough and stupid enough to conform and obey.  We were also forbidden from seeking charges against these persons for filing false reports.  The DA would not take them because our administration refused to create the cases.

How bad of me to reveal the actual truth from my time in detectives to you now.  I am not in keeping with the purple-skied reality of Millennials.

Oh, and yes.  The number of men with prostate cancer roughly equal the number of women with breast cancer.  Yet, do you see blue ribbons or people walking or running for prostate cancer?  Serious sexual disparity, anyone?  Bueller?

Of course you don’t.

That would be sexist to reveal the truth.