A repeat of Gosnell?

Detroit Police response to the finding of dozens of infant remains in a second Detroit funeral home. How does something like this occur in 2018 America?

Fellow Conservatives, if you have not yet so attended, please put your cinema cash where your mouth is and see the new movie GOSNELL.

For those Americans who have no idea who Kermit Gosnell might be — and you have been kept in the dark about the man purposely — check this trailer for the film.

You see, politically speaking, Kermit Gosnell produce a massive problem for Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots.

  1. He was America’s biggest serial killer
  2. He was black
  3. He was an abortionist

Translated: the worst of all possible worlds for the LDAMM. Meaning: hands off. Do not cover him. Do not cover the event. Do not cover the trial. Do not cover his conviction. And moreover, do not cover the current movie about him. No more attention can be brought to the situation. Move along. Nothing to see here — about a black man, the worst US serial killer, slaying babies via abortion and newborns. Yes. Newborns. Then putting their bodies, well, everywhere. And reporting nothing to no one. And yes. Government was entirely complicit.

Let’s go back a bit, to an article from TheAtlantic.com in 2013. I should care to mention that The Atlantic is nothing akin to any sort of “right wing” organ whatsoever.

Why Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s Trial Should Be a Front-Page Story

by Conor Friedersdorf

The dead babies. The exploited women. The racism. The numerous governmental failures. It is thoroughly newsworthy.

The grand jury report in the case of Kermit Gosnell, 72, is among the most horrifying I’ve read. “This case is about a doctor who killed babies and endangered women. What we mean is that he regularly and illegally delivered live, viable babies in the third trimester of pregnancy – and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with scissors,” it states. “The medical practice by which he carried out this business was a filthy fraud in which he overdosed his patients with dangerous drugs, spread venereal disease among them with infected instruments, perforated their wombs and bowels – and, on at least two occasions, caused their deaths.”

Let that sink in for a moment. Try to process it. Let it percolate about in your brain housing group. This wasn’t conjecture. These weren’t “hints” or “allegations” or “suggestions.” These were actual facts.

Charged with seven counts of first-degree murder, Gosnell is now standing trial in a Philadelphia courtroom. An NBC affiliate’s coverage includes testimony as grisly as you’d expect. “An unlicensed medical school graduate delivered graphic testimony about the chaos at a Philadelphia clinic where he helped perform late-term abortions,” the channel reports. “Stephen Massof described how he snipped the spinal cords of babies, calling it, ‘literally a beheading. It is separating the brain from the body.’ He testified that at times, when women were given medicine to speed up their deliveries, ‘it would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place.’ “

Yet the courtroom was bereft of the expected host of reporters crowding and clambering over themselves for a once-in-a-lifetime story: that of a black serial killer who used abortion as his murdering device.

One former employee described hearing a baby screaming after it was delivered during an abortion procedure. “I can’t describe it. It sounded like a little alien,” she testified. Said the Philadelphia Inquirer in its coverage, “Prosecutors have cited the dozens of jars of severed baby feet as an example of Gosnell’s idiosyncratic and illegal practice of providing abortions for cash to poor women pregnant longer than the 24-week cutoff for legal abortions in Pennsylvania.”

Ready to throw up, Demorats? Oh no, not yet. There is more to read and hear. You love this. You embrace this. You should own this.

On February 18, 2010, the FBI raided the “Women’s Medical Society,” entering its offices about 8:30 p.m. Agents expected to find evidence that it was illegally selling prescription drugs. On entering, they quickly realized something else was amiss. In the grand jury report’s telling, “There was blood on the floor. A stench of urine filled the air. A flea-infested cat was wandering through the facility, and there were cat feces on the stairs. Semi-conscious women scheduled for abortions were moaning in the waiting room or the recovery room, where they sat on dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets. All the women had been sedated by unlicensed staff.” Authorities had also learned about the patient that died at the facility several months prior.

A patient death. Blood on the floor. Urine. Cat shit. What was going on?

Public health officials inspected the surgery rooms. “Instruments were not sterile,” the grand jury states. “Equipment was rusty and outdated. Oxygen equipment was covered with dust, and had not been inspected. The same corroded suction tubing used for abortions was the only tubing available for oral airways if assistance for breathing was needed. There was no functioning resuscitation or even monitoring equipment, except for a single blood pressure cuff.” Upon further inspection, “the search team discovered fetal remains haphazardly stored throughout the clinic – in bags, milk jugs, orange juice cartons, and even in cat-food containers.”

And “Gosnell admitted to Detective Wood that at least 10 to 20 percent of the fetuses were probably older than 24 weeks in gestation – even though Pennsylvania law prohibits abortions after 24 weeks. In some instances, surgical incisions had been made at the base of the fetal skulls.” Gosnell’s medical license was quickly suspended. 18 days later, The Department of Health filed papers to start the process of closing the clinic. The district attorney submitted the case to the grand jury on May 4, 2010. Testimony was taken from 58 witnesses. Evidence was examined.

Did you hear any of this? Did you read any of this? Were you interested in the slightest? As a Leftist, Demorat or a member of the American Media Maggots, of course you weren’t.

The unsanitary conditions were just the beginning. 

One woman “was left lying in place for hours after Gosnell tore her cervix and colon while trying, unsuccessfully, to extract the fetus,” the report states. Another patient, 19, “was held for several hours after Gosnell punctured her uterus. As a result of the delay, she fell into shock from blood loss, and had to undergo a hysterectomy.” A third patient “went into convulsions during an abortion, fell off the procedure table, and hit her head on the floor. Gosnell wouldn’t call an ambulance, and wouldn’t let the woman’s companion leave the building so that he could call an ambulance.”

I hope you’re gagging. Or at least terribly uncomfortable. Read on. Do it. This was reality. This is what the Demorats support and embrace. Right now. Hillary Clinton and all. Margaret Sanger writ large.

Said one former employee:

If… a baby was about to come out, I would take the woman to the bathroom, they would sit on the toilet and basically the baby would fall out and it would be in the toilet and I would be rubbing her back and trying to calm her down for two, three, four hours until Dr. Gosnell comes. 

She would not move.   

One patient died: 

She was a 41-year-old, refugee who had recently come to the United States from a resettlement camp in Nepal. When she arrived at the clinic, Gosnell, as usual, was not there. Office workers had her sign various forms that she could not read, and then began doping her up. She received repeated unmonitored, unrecorded intravenous injections of Demerol, a sedative seldom used in recent years because of its dangers. Gosnell liked it because it was cheap. After several hours, Mrs. Mongar simply stopped breathing. When employees finally noticed, Gosnell was called in and briefl y attempted to give CPR. He couldn’t use the defibrillator (it was broken); nor did he administer emergency medications that might have restarted her heart. After further crucial delay, paramedics finally arrived, but Mrs.Mongar was probably brain dead before they were even called. In the meantime, the clinic staff hooked up machinery and rearranged her body to make it look like they had been in the midst of a routine, safe abortion procedure. 

Even then, there might have been some slim hope of reviving Mrs. Mongar. The paramedics were able to generate a weak pulse. But, because of the cluttered hallways and the padlocked emergency door, it took them over twenty minutes just to find a way to get her out of the building. Doctors at the hospital managed to keep her heart beating, but they never knew what they were trying to treat, because Gosnell and his staff lied about how much anesthesia they had given, and who had given it. By that point, there was no way to restore any neurological activity. Life support was removed the next day. Karnamaya Mongar was pronounced dead. 

Another provocative detail: A former employee testified “that white patients often did not have to wait in the same dirty rooms as black and Asian clients. Instead, Gosnell would escort them up the back steps to the only clean office — O’Neill’s — and he would turn on the TV for them. Mrs. Mongar, she said, would have been treated ‘no different from the rest of the Africans and Asians.'”

Said the employee: 

Like if a girl — the black population was — African population was big here. So he didn’t mind you medicating your African American girls, your Indian girl, but if you had a white girl from the suburbs, oh, you better not medicate her. You better wait until he go in and talk to her first. And one day I said something to him and he was like, that’s the way of the world. Huh? 

And he brushed it off and that was it.

Anesthesia was frequently dispensed by employees who were neither legally permitted nor trained to do it, including a 15-year-old high school student who worked at the clinic, the report states. 

I could go on and on. But after a while, according to Demorats, deaths that don’t mean anything simply become tedious. Oh wait. Sorry. Not stopping.

Pennsylvania is not a third-world country. There were several oversight agencies
that stumbled upon and should have shut down Kermit Gosnell long ago. But none of them did…

The first line of defense was the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The department’s job is to audit hospitals and outpatient medical facilities, like Gosnell’s, to make sure that they follow the rules and provide safe care. The department had contact with the Women’s Medical Society dating back to 1979, when it first issued approval to open an abortion clinic. It did not conduct another site review until 1989, ten years later. Numerous violations were already apparent, but Gosnell got a pass when he promised to fix them. Site reviews in 1992 and 1993 also noted various violations, but again failed to ensure they were corrected.

But at least the department had been doing something up to that point, however ineffectual. After 1993, even that pro form a effort came to an end. Not because of administrative ennui, although there had been plenty. Instead, the Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all… The only exception to this live-and-let-die policy was supposed to be for complaints dumped directly on the department’s doorstep. Those, at least, would be investigated. Except that there were complaints about Gosnell, repeatedly. Several different attorneys, representing women injured by Gosnell, contacted the department. A doctor from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia hand-delivered a complaint, advising the department that numerous patients he had referred for abortions came back from Gosnell with the same venereal disease. The medical examiner of Delaware County informed the department that Gosnell had performed an illegal abortion on a 14-year-old girl carrying a 30-week-old baby. And the department received official notice that a woman named Karnamaya Mongar had died at Gosnell’s hands. 

Yet not one of these alarm bells — not even Mrs. Mongar’s death — prompted the department to look at Gosnell or the Women’s Medical Society… But even this total abdication by the Department of Health might not have been fatal. Another agency with authority in the health field, the Pennsylvania Department of State, could have stopped Gosnell single-handedly. 

The Department of State, through its Board of Medicine, licenses and oversees individual physicians… Almost a decade ago, a former employee of Gosnell presented the Board of Medicine with a complaint that laid out the whole scope of his operation: the unclean, unsterile conditions; the unlicensed workers; the unsupervised sedation; the underage abortion patients; even the over-prescribing of pain pills with high resale value on the street. The department assigned an investigator, whose investigation consisted primarily of an offsite interview with Gosnell. The investigator never inspected the facility, questioned other employees, or reviewed any records. Department attorneys chose to accept this incomplete investigation, and dismissed the complaint as unconfirmed. 

Shortly thereafter the department received an even more disturbing report — about a woman, years before Karnamaya Mongar, who died of sepsis after Gosnell perforated her uterus. The woman was 22 years old. A civil suit against Gosnell was settled for almost a million dollars, and the insurance company forwarded the information to the department. That report should have been all the confirmation needed for the complaint from the former employee that was already in the department’s possession. Instead, the department attorneys dismissed this complaint too… The same thing happened at least twice more: the department received complaints about lawsuits against Gosnell, but dismissed them as meaningless…

Philadelphia health department employees regularly visited the Women’s Medical Society to retrieve blood samples for testing purposes, but never noticed, or more likely never bothered to report, that anything was amiss. Another employee inspected the clinic in response to a complaint that dead fetuses were being stored in paper bags in the employees’ lunch refrigerator. The inspection confirmed numerous violations… But no follow-up was ever done… A health department representative also came to the clinic as part of a citywide vaccination program. She promptly discovered that Gosnell was scamming the program; she was the only employee, city or state, who actually tried to do something about the appalling things she saw there. By asking questions and poking around, she was able to file detailed reports identifying many of the most egregious elements of Gosnell’s practice. It should have been enough to stop him. But instead her reports went into a black hole, weeks before Karnamaya Mongar walked into the Woman’s Medical Society.

And it wasn’t just government agencies that did nothing. The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and its subsidiary, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, are in the same neighborhood as Gosnell’s office. State law requires hospitals to report complications from abortions. A decade ago, a Gosnell patient died at HUP after a botched abortion, and the hospital apparently filed the necessary report. But the victims kept coming in. At least three other Gosnell patients were brought to Penn facilities for emergency surgery; emergency room personnel said they have treated many others as well. And at least one additional woman was hospitalized there after Gosnell had begun a flagrantly illegal abortion of a 29-week-old fetus. Yet, other than the one initial report, Penn could find not a single case in which it complied with its legal duty to alert authorities to the danger. Not even when a second woman turned up virtually dead… 

So too with the National Abortion Federation. 

NAF is an association of abortion providers that upholds the strict est health and legal standards for its members. Gosnell, bizarrely, applied for admission shortly after Karnamaya Mongar’s death. Despite his various efforts to fool her, the evaluator from NAF readily noted that records were not properly kept, that risks were not explained, that patients were not monitored, that equipment was not available, that anesthesia was misused. It was the worst abortion clinic she had ever inspected. Of course, she rejected Gosnell’s application. She just never told anyone in authority about all the horrible, dangerous things she had seen.

Are you even the slightest bit uncomfortable now, Leftists? Has your heartbeat risen slightly? Or do we simply confirm that you have no heart and you have no soul because of your unsustainably corrupt belief systems?

Of course, the LDAMM don’t want you to even know about the existence of the movie.

Facebook Blocks Ads for Movie about Abortion Doctor Kermit Gosnell

by Michael Foust

The filmmakers behind a movie about abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell say Facebook blocked ads promoting the film.

“The Silicon establishment do not want this story told,” Phelim McAleer, a producer of Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killertold The Federalist.

Supporters of the movie, McAleer said, tried paying to “boost” several posts about the movie but were rejected. They even tried boosting a post from a mainstream outlet.

“They [Facebook] simply state it’s not been approved and to check their standards, but it does not give you a specific reason why this post could not be promoted at all to a wider audience,” McAleer said. “It’s clear it is the pro-life audience that they don’t want to encourage or provide content to. They really hate anyone who doesn’t subscribe to the liberal world view.”

Without Facebook’s help, many people who might want to see the movie don’t even know about it.

“Facebook is essentially silencing these children and women whom Gosnell murdered,” McAleer told The Federalist. “This is content journalists should be covering but Facebook is putting their thumb on the scale because they do not like the content. … As independent filmmakers, we have a limited budget and Facebook was a mainstay of our outreach efforts.”

Then there was this, from the DailyBeast.com:

Leaked NPR Emails: Don’t Call Kermit Gosnell an ‘Abortion Doctor’

by Matt Lewis

National Public Radio’s own past reporting called Kermit Gosnell an ‘abortion doctor.’ But when the makers of a new film wanted to pay to use the phrase on air, no dice.

Early last month, John Sullivan, executive producer of the new film Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer (in theaters Oct. 12), reached out to National Public Radio to purchase a sponsorship for the Peabody Award-winning interview show, Fresh Air.

Sullivan, who was prepared to spend as much as six figures, crafted his ad copy to answer the question you’re probably asking: Who is Gosnell? The proposed ad was as follows, “Support for this NPR program comes from the film Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer. The film is the true story of abortionist Kermit Gosnell. A story the mainstream media tried to cover up because it reveals the truth about abortion.”

No dice. According to e-mails provided to The Daily Beast, NPR’s representative ran it up the legal flagpole and came back with a disappointing answer. In addition to other minor tweaks to the wording, their response stated, “The word ‘abortionist’ will also need to be changed to the neutral word ‘doctor.’”

Of course. Because that doesn’t meet NPR’s standards of reality.

Seeking to find an acceptable compromise, Sullivan (who co-directed Dinesh D’Souza’s first two documentaries) next proposed simply using the term “abortion doctor.” This is a descriptive term that is morally neutral, he reasoned. Still, NPRrefused to approve Sullivan’s compromise language. It was “Philadelphia doctor Kermit Gosnell” or bust.

For the filmmakers, this was a deal-breaker. “Our movie isn’t about a podiatrist or a cardiologist or a proctologist,” said producer Phelim McAleer. “It’s specifically about a doctor who performs abortions.”

A clear conclusion from the DailyBeast?

Those of us trying to defend a free press (whether it’s The New York Times or NPR) against Trump’s claims about “fake news” have a simple message for the mainstream media: Please quit proving him right!

Kermit Gosnell was ultimately, in May of 2013, convicted of first degree murder in the deaths of three of the infants and involuntary manslaughter in the death of Karnamaya Mongar. Gosnell was also convicted of 21 felony counts of illegal late-term abortion, and 211 counts of violating the 24-hour informed consent law. After his conviction, Gosnell waived his right to appeal in exchange for an agreement by prosecutors not to seek the death penalty. He was sentenced instead to life in prison without the possibility of parole.[9][10]

The LDAMM say: “why go back in time?” Translated: this is a topic that must be ignored now and into perpetuity. Funny how they insist the past not be dredged up unless, of course, the past involved “protected species” like blacks reparations, et al. You fill in the identity politics. They change like my underwear.

But wait; there’s more. From LifeSiteNews.com:

Abortionist claims ‘Gosnell’ film is ‘safety risk’ for abortion doctors

by Dorothy Cummings McLean

A professional abortionist has claimed that “Gosnell” is a smear campaign against people like him.

Writing in the Huffington Post,  Dr. Willie J. Parker said that pro-life people — whom he calls “anti-choice opponents” — have “exploited the criminality” of Kermit Gosnell’s “actions to stigmatize abortion and intimidate abortion providers.”  

Parker is no ordinary abortionist. He is also a fervent abortion activist, the chair of the board of Physicians for Reproductive Health. He is on the board of both the Religions Coalition for Reproductive Health and Unite for Gender and Reproductive Equity (URGE).  

Despite criticism that the film did not do enough in depicting the (almost entirely off-screen) horrors that occured in Gosnell’s abortion practice, Parker claims that “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” is a “safety risk” for “physicians,” clinic staff, and abortion-minded women.

Sorry boopsie. The facts are the facts. Maybe it’s time for persons like yourself to glance behind you. You know. Like Conservative politicians out in public these days. As opposed to Leftists, Conservatives have to worry about being assaulted, screamed-at, and shot these days. In public.

Let’s not forget the influence of Margaret Sanger herself. Holy crap. I haven’t even gotten to the point of the post yet. Roll with me. I’m getting there. From the WashingtonTimes.com:

Planned Parenthood founded on racism, belief in protecting society against ‘the unfit’

by Rebecca Hagelin

Minorities crammed into impoverished areas in inner cities should not be having so many babies. And, of course, these minorities (including most of America’s immigrants) are inferior in the human race, as are the physically and mentally handicapped. We should require mandatory sterilizations of those less desirable and promote easy access to abortion. And since sex should be a free-for-all, we must provide birth control and abortions to teenagers too. It’s all for the greater good and for a more intelligent, liberated, healthier population.

Feel a bit enraged by the sentiments above?

But wait; why should you? And who feels enraged? Not all. Only some.

If you are feeling squeamish or angry too, then you should call your representatives in Congress and demand an end to your tax dollars funding Planned Parenthood. You also can sign the petition at LiveAction.org.

For such are the foundational beliefs of this inherently racist organization and its celebrated founder, Margaret Sanger, who still is lauded on the Planned Parenthood website. Of course, in the lavish online praise of Sanger, conveniently absent is her advocacy for “a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.” (The quote is from her article “A Plan for Peace.”) Or her promotion of the “American Baby Code,” in which she seeks to “protect society against the propagation and increase of the unfit.”

Also missing is Sanger’s fear of her racist views being exposed, as recorded in a 1939 letter to an ally: “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” Which is exactly what she set out and succeeded in doing.

Planned Parenthood is largely the reason why black babies are aborted in America three times more often than white babies, and Hispanic preborns are killed 1½ times more often than whites. In fact, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention research compiled by TooManyAborted.com, “Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States. More than HIV. More than heart disease. More than cancer. Abortion snuffs out more black lives than all other causes of death combined.”

How cool is that? And how insane is that? Leftists, in conflict with one another, demanding that one of their monolithic voting bases be eliminated entirely? Because of “women’s rights”?

Hello blacks? In the hierarchy of Demorats, women trump you. I hate to be so blunt, but, no I don’t. If you’re stupid enough to keep voting for Demorats, so be it. Welcome to your continuing genocide.

Planned Parenthood masquerades as a benevolent organization, claiming to offer a full array of women’s health care services to disadvantaged women. From the way Planned Parenthood markets itself, one would think it offers basics such as mammograms and prenatal health care — especially for poor women living in the nation’s most impoverished neighborhoods.

But it does not. Mammograms are nowhere to be found. And, as LiveAction.org recently revealed in an extensive investigation in the 41 states where undercover recordings are legal, 92 out of 97 clinics contacted admitted that they do not provide prenatal care. The bottom line is that those ultrasound machines in Planned Parenthood are used to facilitate the killing of preborn babies, not care for them.

What Planned Parenthood does offer en masse in its “clinics” — which are strategically located in target areas such as college campuses and in impoverished, inner-city neighborhoods — are birth control and abortions. In fact, a baby is aborted at a Planned Parenthood clinic at an average rate of every 90 seconds.

My. Would this possibly account for the sudden realization that Demorats now need to drop everything and embrace the flooding illegal masses from, essentially, everywhere?


Why college campuses? Why poor, minority inner-city neighborhoods?

Because Planned Parenthood holds a worldview that young women should be able to have sex without consequences or responsibility. Because Planned Parenthood wants these same young women to come back to their clinics for their abortions when the birth control fails. And because Planned Parenthood still seeks to provide abortions for minorities over whites. Today, Planned Parenthood may not be racist in its words, but it is still overtly racist in its deeds.

Stop. Dispute this. Provide me with facts in contravention. Even further, before we get to the point of the post, from the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Kermit Gosnell was just the beginning — gruesome abortion doctors operate with impunity around the country

by Maureen Ferguson

One of the top 10 movie openings last weekend has been met with a media blackout. The film is a gripping courtroom drama reminiscent of “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit” — only this is a true story, and the special victims are the hundreds, if not thousands, of late-term babies that real life Dr. Kermit Gosnell delivered alive and killed in his filthy abortion clinic in Philadelphia.

The movie, “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer,” is meticulously documented and based on actual court transcripts and the grand jury’s report. Mercifully, the screenwriters masterfully convey this grisly tale without actually showing any graphic or gory visuals. The movie closes with dialogue between the detective, played by Dean Cain, and a young reporter that seems to be a sharp challenge from the filmmakers to the media: Don’t ignore this story (and others like it) due to bias on abortion politics.

A similar bias allowed Gosnell to operate with impunity for 30 years with virtually no inspections from the state health department. The grand jury report described Gosnell as a “butcher of women” stating that he “didn’t just kill babies. He was also a deadly threat to mothers.” Two women died at his hands, and countless others were gravely maimed, yet numerous complaints fell on deaf ears. These horrors were eventually discovered only by accident, when the clinic was raided by the FBI and the DEA in a bust of Gosnell’s illegal prescription drug ring. The agents were shocked to find little babies’ bodies “ scattered throughout, in cabinets, in the basement, in a freezer, in jars and bags…. It was a baby charnel house.” Were it not for this, Gosnell would still be “serving” women and snipping babies’ spines at his “Women’s Medical Society” in West Philadelphia.

As BZ says: “but wait; there’s more.”

Tragically, there are other Gosnell-type abortionists operating today with impunity. Much of what Gosnell did illegally is being done legally in other states that do not have Pennsylvania’s 24-week abortion limit. Abortion doctors in Maryland and New Mexico openly advertise late second- and even third-trimester abortions online, and this ugly truth is mostly, inexplicably, ignored by the media.

Wait for it. The Legal Ugly.

One such late-term abortion specialist is the notorious LeRoy Carhart. Unlike Gosnell, Carhart was smart enough to evade scrutiny by moving his clinic from Nebraska to Maryland, which has no meaningful limits on third-trimester abortions. Carhart was caught on tape explaining that he injects a poison, Digoxin, into the baby’s heart prior to inducing labor, so that the baby won’t be born alive. He waits a few days before the induction, so that the baby’s body softens, he explained, like “ meat in a crock-pot” and can be more easily delivered. As long as the baby is killed inside the womb, it’s a legal abortion. Gosnell learned that it’s considered murder to do the exact same thing just inches away on the other side of the birth canal.

Finally, the primary post. Do we have another Kermit Gosnell? From FoxNews.com:

Dozens of infant remains found in second Detroit funeral home: cops

by Louis Casiano

A Detroit funeral home was shut down Friday after state inspectors said they found the unrefrigerated remains of dozens of deceased infants and fetuses, the second such discovery in the city in recent weeks.

Authorities raided the Perry Funeral Home in response to a complaint and discovered the remains of 63 deceased bodies inside three boxes and a deep freezer, the Detroit Free Press reported.

Some had been dead since 2015, according to a statement from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

“I’ve never seen anything (like this) in my 41 and a half years,” James Craig, Detroit’s police chief, said.

Craig said authorities were tipped off about the funeral home by a father involved in a civil suit over the alleged improper burial of his daughter.

Remains were turned over to state investigators, who declared the business closed and its license suspended, officials said.

Other violations included failing to obtain permits to remove or bury the remains before interment or disposal and obtaining possession or embalming the deceased bodies without being authorized to do so, the statement said.

Perhaps it’s time to ask: why are these events only occurring in Demorat-controlled Urban Rat Cages? And: I wonder what the bulk of the race identities will be? I suspect you know the answer to both questions.

Friday’s raid comes after another Detroit funeral home was shuttered after the remains of 11 infants were discovered in the ceiling, authorities said. Several days later, more remains were allegedly found on that property, bringing the total amount to 38, according to the Detroit News.

Anyone else besides me beyond angry?

Finally, from TownHall.com:

Suppression: Theaters Drop ‘Gosnell’ Movie Despite It Being a Top-Grossing Film

by Beth Baumann

When “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” was released last week, 668 theaters decided to hold screenings of the independent film. The movie quickly surpassed expectations by grossing $1.2 million on just 668 screenings of the film, Daily Wire reported. It even was put in the top 10 film list. Now, 188 theaters have dropped the film, 15 of which were top-performing multiplexes.

Translated: Leftists don’t want you to know about their censorship.

“We have theaters that are dropping that are top theaters, that are performing very well. We’ve been the number 6 in a 15-plex and it gets dropped this week. We’ve been number 9 in a 30-plex and we’re getting dropped this week. There are about 15 theaters like that where typically you would not get dropped,” Sullivan said. “I do recognize it’s a crowded marketplace – ‘Halloween’ is going to be a huge opening but it’s very odd to me that you’re within the top 10 and you’re getting dropped out of a movie house.”

Go out and see GOSNELL now. Plunk down cash. Support your beliefs.

But most importantly?


BZ still has the upper hand. And always will. Facebook can ban me. Twitter can ban me. Social media can ban me. But I still own this page and its domain name.



Officer Daniels, Pt I

Until recently I had no idea that Officer Daniels existed. You can find him here on his official YouTube channel, and you can subscribe to him.

First, of course, you must hurry, quick-like-a-bunny, to the SHR Media YouTube channel and subscribe to us there, give us a thumbs-up and such!

Officer Daniels:

More to come. Have a great and blessed Sunday!



A small suggestion: sue Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube to within an inch of their lives

For those would-be ground-breaking attorneys looking to set a landmark case in terms of the rampant censorship by social media tech giants — yes, private companies — here’s a novel approach.

In 1946 the US Supreme Court decided the case of Marsh v Alabama, in which a Jehovah’s Witness was arrested for trespassing because she was distributing religious literature in Chickasaw, Alabama, a town that was wholly owned by the Gulf Shipbuilding Corporation.

Marsh argued that because the town’s roads and sidewalks were the only means by which she could exercise her freedom of speech — and because the town of Chickasaw had been open to public use in all other respects — the trespassing arrest violated her rights under the First Amendment.

In a 5-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in Marsh’s favor. Justice Hugo Black decreed that private entities do not have the right to ban speech on their property if they happen to own a monopoly on the means by which speech can take place.

Black also argued that the more private entities open their property up to public use, the fewer rights they have to ban or control what people do on that property.

Given that Google, Twitter, Apple, Facebook, and other edge providers are publicly-accessible entities that have deliberately pushed for monopoly control over the internet, it becomes clear that Marsh v Alabama prohibits them from censoring right-wingers.

The statute would also apply to ISPs, since they wield a monopoly over internet access.

All it would take to shut down online censorship is a halfway-decent attorney arguing that these left-wing big tech companies are literally violating the First Amendment.

Nigel Farage also has an interesting take in terms of restoring equality to the internet and removing Leftist bias.

Like a cat with the trots, we just need to think a bit more “out of the box.”

Gauntlet hurled to some enterprising Conservative attorney.

Pick it up.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 10-18-18

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

Make no mistake: until November 6th, I’ll be doing my best to point out the obvious: there is great news out there for Conservatives. We must remain positive, and we must get out and vote.

We cannot afford to be smug or complacent with the win involving Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. This is the time to double down on resolution, to commit to supporting anything and everything that isn’t a Demorat, a Leftist or the American Media Maggots.

We can’t afford to listen to the bad news Leftists are going to ratchet up and continue to spew about Conservatives and our chances in November. We know they lie, they are biased and they publish falsehoods with impunity. The American Media Maggots are nothing more than the publishing arm of Demorats and Leftists.

We have to vote red in November. We have to keep the House, and we have to keep the Senate. We must mail in our absentee ballots. We can let nothing deter us from appearing at the polls on November 6th, no matter the circumstances, no matter the weather.

Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots want to destroy Conservatives and Conservatism, eliminate us, hurt us both politically and, these days, physically as well. We cannot let this stand.

Commitment. Resolution. Fortitude. Stand up for America and for the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

Because if you don’t?

No one else will.

Vote red on November 6th. Keep America great.

Hour 1: BZ “connected the dots” about the Mueller investigation, the Deep State, and the Soft Coup against a presidential nominee, a president-elect and a sitting president. Then: how PG&E screwed over its customers in the name of “climate change” in order to ameliorate wildfire lawsuits

Hour 2: BZ proffered more Happy Stories and emphasized that we must all VOTE RED ON NOVEMBER 6th.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, click on the yellow button at the upper left.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 10-18-18” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red start button below. We kindly ask you to SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel. Please NOTE: For DISH subscribers: your Hopper has recently been wired to play YouTube videos. You can now toss ol’ BZ onto your massive flatscreen TV and watch him in all of his obese, biased and politically-egregious, lamentable goodness — for free!

You can watch the show here on the SHR Media Facebook page. SHR has also associated itself with Periscope and with Google Play. Watch the show on Periscope here.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on Gab.ai @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember we only monitor the chat room at SHRMEDIA.COM — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube. Come on over to the SHR chat room where you’ll meet great friends!

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to watch past shows on PeriscopeGo here.
  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”