If looks could kill: NY Elites boo Trump for the truth

Barbs were tossed, as expected, at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner on Thursday night — but the most telling were cast by Donald Trump. Because they were true.

First watch this. Then look very carefully at just who is sitting next to Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Why, that would be Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Catholic who was speaking in the top video. I’m sure Cardinal Dolan leaned over and asked Hillary “who is this Brazile and what does he mean about Haiti?” Hillary replied: “Donna Brazile is my first floor maid at Chappaqua and she’s from Haiti; pay no attention to that.”

Note the facial reactions of persons in the video. They are quite priceless.

You can clearly see that the astoundingly-delicate elitist Leftist New York sensibilities were vexed when Trump addressed the dinner. It’s not cordial, you see, to speak such blatant truth to peoples’ faces. It’s much more acceptable to plunge the machete deep into the organs of your enemy from behind when he or she isn’t paying attention.

Julian Assange asks one question, however.

julian-assange-lyingSome may say that Donald Trump was massively out of order for conducting himself in this fashion at the Waldorf-Astoria dinner. I suggest, however, that he pulled so, so many possible punches available.