Atheist Pat Condell sees a binary choice for America

Pat Condell, love him or hate him, you’ll never be indifferent about him. That said, he nails our presidential choices and our future.

He asks, and rightly so: the American way, or the European way? I never in my wildest dreams could have imagined Pat Condell coming out for Donald Trump. But circumstances are in fact as I wrote: voting, this time around, is like your worst-case scenario of Russian Roulette. Except, with Hillary Clinton, you’re actually using a semi-automatic pistol. With Donald Trump you have some chances; you can at least spin the cylinder.

It really is that simple.

Let me also say something else.

Be forewarned, Democrats and GOP. No matter WHO wins, the electorate is going to tear you BOTH apart and start over.

You can take that one to the bank.