Note to Pope Francis

How about you simply do your job and keep your nose out of other affairs?

Because the more you open your mouth, the more you prove yourself an imbecile.


Pope Francis: ‘Muslim Terrorism Does Not Exist’

by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D.

In an impassioned address Friday, Pope Francis denied the existence of Islamic terrorism, while simultaneously asserting that “the ecological crisis is real.”

“Christian terrorism does not exist, Jewish terrorism does not exist, and Muslim terrorism does not exist. They do not exist,” Francis said in his speech to a world meeting of populist movements.

What he apparently meant is that not all Christians are terrorists and not all Muslims are terrorists—a fact evident to all—yet his words also seemed to suggest that no specifically Islamic form of terrorism exists in the world, an assertion that stands in stark contradiction to established fact.

“No people is criminal or drug-trafficking or violent,” Francis said, while also suggesting—as he has on other occasions—that terrorism is primarily a result of economic inequalities rather than religious beliefs. “The poor and the poorer peoples are accused of violence yet, without equal opportunities, the different forms of aggression and conflict will find a fertile terrain for growth and will eventually explode.”

I could continue, but it only becomes more embarrassing.

A little suggestion, Pope Francis, in hopes of minimizing your Dolt Factor. You stick to your reality, and we’ll stick to ours. Let’s not have you mixing the two because, truly, it’s not going well for you.



If looks could kill: NY Elites boo Trump for the truth

Barbs were tossed, as expected, at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner on Thursday night — but the most telling were cast by Donald Trump. Because they were true.

First watch this. Then look very carefully at just who is sitting next to Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Why, that would be Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Catholic who was speaking in the top video. I’m sure Cardinal Dolan leaned over and asked Hillary “who is this Brazile and what does he mean about Haiti?” Hillary replied: “Donna Brazile is my first floor maid at Chappaqua and she’s from Haiti; pay no attention to that.”

Note the facial reactions of persons in the video. They are quite priceless.

You can clearly see that the astoundingly-delicate elitist Leftist New York sensibilities were vexed when Trump addressed the dinner. It’s not cordial, you see, to speak such blatant truth to peoples’ faces. It’s much more acceptable to plunge the machete deep into the organs of your enemy from behind when he or she isn’t paying attention.

Julian Assange asks one question, however.

julian-assange-lyingSome may say that Donald Trump was massively out of order for conducting himself in this fashion at the Waldorf-Astoria dinner. I suggest, however, that he pulled so, so many possible punches available.



Ah, such tolerant Leftists

As they would tell you, Leftists are nothing if not tolerant, understanding, embracing of all cultures, wishing diversity of body, diversity of thought, diversity of spirit.  Leftists are also willing to engage in civil conversation, tolerant of every viewpoint and more than willing to hear any and all input proffered.  Leftists are charitable, kind, patient and indulgent with regard to differing philosophies as well.

Just ask them.

Catholic Archbishop Assailed 1Here, Leftist lesbians shower a Catholic archbishop with love, understanding and forbearance of his presence.

Unfortunately, it is clear that the Catholic archbishop is thinking and speaking improperly, and due his unfortunate attack as he is not in keeping with the Great Gaia and Holy Lesbian Vaginal Mother.

John-Henry Westen reports for LifeSiteNews that on April 23, 2013 at the ULB University in Brussels, Belgium, four topless women shouted and cursed as they attacked the head of the Catholic Church in Belgium, Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, by dousing him with water.

The archbishop, who was at the university to participate in a debate on blasphemy law, remained calmly seated with his eyes serenely closed in prayer.

The four women, representing the “feminist” pro-abortion homosexual group FEMEN, took to the stage where they disrobed to reveal black-painted slogans on their bare chests and backs, such as “my body my rules,” and “anus dei is coming.” “Anus dei” is their mockery of Agnus Dei (Lamb of God), a liturgical prayer addressed to Christ as Savior. The women also held signs reading “stop homophobia”. The women doused the archbishop with water from bottles formed in the image of Blessed Mary, the mother of Christ.

Oh yes, those ugly, evil, violent, over-reactive Catholic archbishops.  They deserved every bit of humiliation they received.

Thank goodness for tolerant and demure Leftists.


More photos of tolerant lesbian Leftists in action:

Catholic Archbishop Assailed 2 Catholic Archbishop Assailed 3 Catholic Archbishop Assailed 4 Catholic Archbishop Assailed 5 Catholic Archbishop Assailed 6