Thanks for supporting the Orwellian Police State:

First, watch the video, then have your hands available to catch your jaw when it drops:

Now, a bit of reflection, with a large dose of reality mixed in by necessity.

In summary up front: this is precisely why the United States of America exists in its current condition, on the cusp of total bankruptcy, dissolution and revolution.

The painfully-stupid American voter.

Because these are painfully-stupid people.  They are likely products of the American public school system in larger metropolitan areas — as in this venue, San Diego.

They are people who may have been — hopefully — “educated” (although there is a galaxy’s worth of difference between education and actual learning) but they clearly lack critical thinking and listening skills.

These are the people who voted for Barack Hussein Obama because he is, frankly, black — and it is high time that a “black man” be installed in DC as president. Caucasoids voted for Obama because they are GOWPs: Guilty, Overeducated White People.  Blacks — both dead and alive — voted for Obama because their sole issue was melanin count.  Both aspects are indeed racist in nature for having done just so.

These people didn’t vote for Obama because there is a known component of the man’s philosophy and background, not because he has a long and storied past of training, education and experience with many aspects of the American Experience itself.  Not because he has labored long and hard as a worker, doing physical jobs, then menial jobs, then promoted due to efficiency and prowess, then awarded promotions due to illuminating ideas and creative applications.  He hasn’t worked one day in private business.  He hasn’t had to make a payroll.  He hasn’t had to balance one professional budget.  He has been petted and licked and groomed from so-called “community organizer” right into the oval office of the currently re-named Spite House.

He is the man who refuses to release his college transcripts, whom no one seems to recall attending any actual classes, who may actually not be born in the United States, who is completely opaque,

Obama has managed to out-Bush Mr. Bush in terms of spending, military incursions, drone strikes and the issuance of bills and EOs promoting oppression of the American people.

And we wonder why we are in our current state?

DC LampreyYes, certainly, it’s the Political Lampreys in DC.

But it’s also the people clearly displayed in the above video.


The “People.”

