Duke University changes its “adhan” mind

Duke UniversityFor background, please see my post here, in which Duke University on Wednesday okayed a weekly Muslim call to prayer, termed an adhan, from the Duke chapel tower.  This was done in order to continue “norming” Islam across America and to favor it over other religions.

Now, apparently, the tide has turned.

From FoxNews.com:

Duke backs down, cancels Muslim call to prayer from chapel tower

by Todd Starnes

Duke University has abandoned its plan to transform the bell tower on the Methodist school’s neo-gothic cathedral into a minaret where the Muslim call to prayer was to be publicly broadcast.

“Duke remains committed to fostering an inclusive, tolerant and welcoming campus for all of its students,” university spokesman Michael Schoenfeld said in a statement. “However, it was clear that what was conceived as an effort to unify was not having the intended effect.”

Why, do you suppose?

Because it made Duke look like the GOWP pandering, pablum-supping fools they are — and because the issue became plastered all over the Blogosphere and social media, ably abetted by your humble servant.

You’re welcome.



The mainstreaming of Islam in America

And it’s continuing at Duke University.

Adhan Islam Call to PrayerFrom NewsNinja2012.com:

Duke Muslim students to begin weekly call-to-prayer from chapel tower

by Wayne Dupree

DURHAM, NCMembers of the Duke Muslim Students Association will chant a weekly call-to-prayer from the Duke Chapel bell tower beginning Friday, Jan. 16.

The chant, called the “adhan,” announces the start of the group’s jummah prayer service, which takes place in the chapel basement each Friday at 1 p.m. The service is open to the public.

The chant lasts about three minutes and will be moderately amplified.

Just precisely what this country needs.  More mainstreaming of Islam in the nation.  We fail to see what Multi-Kulti and the hugging of Islam is doing in Europe though it’s right in front of our eyes.

Because of it, France and Germany and other European countries are going to experience a rather nasty, predictable and totally avoidable backlash.

We’re next.



A racist liar is now a murderess:

Crystal MangumRemember Crystal Mangum by name?  Likely not.

Remember the young black woman who accused the three white Duke University lacrosse players of rape back in 2006?   Ah, you see, now it’s coming back.

If you recall, their three lives were turned upside down and they faced the very real possibility of many years in prison for the crime.  It was a perfect story for the American Media Maggots, who pulled out all the Meme Stops:

Three young, perfect white males with perfect teeth, elitists from monied white families who could afford a perfect upbringing, now attending the massively-expensive Duke University in North Carolina — a racist university in a racist state with a racist name that hearkens back to the “Grand Dukes” of the KKK — used their elite Caucasoid power status and money to horribly and violently take sexual advantage of a poor young black woman.  She was ferociously raped with shocking depravity by three carefree and indifferent young men who knew their highly-paid family attorneys would free them in due time.  Horrible, racist and yet so very typical for the elitist monied Caucasoid classes.  They played lacrosse, for God’s sake, itself a snobbishly blue-blooded game from Britain.  They couldn’t even play American baseball, a game clearly beneath their supercilious stances.

Except for one important point: it never happened.  The accuser, Crystal Mangum — an escort and stripper whilst a student at North Carolina Central University — lied.  An excellent summary of the entire event is here.

Now, Crystal Mangum has been found guilty for the 2nd-Degree murder of her boyfriend.

Imagine that.


Sadly, apparently her duplicitous history did not register with her boyfriend.