If it’s funny, why apologize?

I’m talking to you, Jay Feely.

A retired NFL kicker, Jay Feely posted the above photograph of his daughter going to prom with her date. Note the protective arm around his daughter and the gun in his right hand. This is called humor. This is actually funny as humor, good humor, possesses aspects of truth within — or it isn’t funny. Feely published this in a Tweet.

How many fathers haven’t felt this way when someone comes to date their daughter?

America then let loose on Feely calling him every name in the book and then some. The next day Feely Tweeted.

That wasn’t enough. 5,800 comments later, some responded in this fashion. Watts is founder of the gun control group Moms Demand Action. She has no choice but to be outraged. It’s her bread and butter.

Altogether too many were much worse.

Another reason why people are really beginning to turn Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots to the off or throttled position.

No fucking sense of humor.

Leftists: who never let facts, history, logic, rationality, proportion or common sense get in the way of their biased, apoplectic histrionics.



You know, being retired and not owing anything to anyone and not asking for anything from anyone — therefore, no one being able to hold anything over my head — is amazingly liberating. That said, again: fuck Leftists.