Eleanor Holmes Norton: ignorant and racist

And exposed blatantly on Sean Hannity.

Please watch the video regarding Norton’s interpretation of Ferguson events.

Hannity: “Did you read the evidence that was released in this case?”
Norton: “I did not, and that is not a concern.”

All you need to know, in one sentence, about the racist Eleanor Holmes Norton.  She has an agenda and nothing will get in her way of furthering that agenda — facts be damned.

Norton is dismissive, arrogant, condescending, disdainful, lofty.  The “stops in the street.”  What happens when the “stops in the street” occur in areas that are primarily black?  Do blacks not deserve a law enforcement response?  Do they not deserve protection by local law enforcement?  Or should “those areas” be predominantly ignored by law enforcement and allowed to become lawless war zones?

As I’ve said for years and years: never let common sense, facts, evidence, rationality and proportion get in the way of a good fucked-up administrative decision.

Norton proves my statement.

And Barkley is prescient.



Charles Barkley: now a “sell-out,” say blacks

Charles BarkleyBecause Charles Barkley deigned to actually state some truth and weigh in on the Ferguson riots.  Please listen below.

From the ChristianScienceMonitor.com:

Former NBA star Charles Barkley recently called Ferguson looters “scumbags,” praised police officers who work in black neighborhoods, and said he supports the decision made by the grand jury not to indict officer Darren Wilson in the Michael Brown shooting.

During an interview on 97.5 The Fanatic in Philadelphia on Tuesday, the day after the Ferguson decision was announced, host Mike Missanelli asked Barkley about it and why “black America” doesn’t trust the ruling.

Charles Barkley, for the uninitiated, has always spoken his mind.

“The true story came out from the grand jury testimony,” Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of “key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story…” He continued, “I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. ” 

Wait; Barkley speaks even more plainly:

He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced “scumbags,” and said “There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people’s businesses, burning down police cars.”

But here’s where a radical paradigm shift comes into play, and why Barkley is perceived as a traitor to his race:

And in a marked departure from other prominent black leaders who have questioned tactics used by officers and, in some cases, accused officers of racial profiling and outright racism, Barkley supported police officers, especially those who work in black neighborhoods.

“[W]e have to be really careful with the cops, because if it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the Wild, Wild West in our neighborhoods,” he said. “We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad…. Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn’t for the cops?”

As a matter of fact, yes, Charles, I do know how bad “some of those neighborhoods would be” if it weren’t for a law enforcement presence.  I am a cop.

Certain blacks — and some GOWPs — hate Barkley because he is in a position to actually state the truth.  He has money, he answers to no one.  He can’t be hurt.  And with such independence comes an amazing freedom.  Which Barkley utilizes.

Good for him.



Race baiting and racial attacks by Demorats: Condoleezza Rice weighs in on the midterms

Condoleezza Rice QuotationJust another day in the Demorat arsenal: race baiting and racial attacks.  And on the heels of yesterday’s attack on Mia Love by Monica Roberts.

From TheHill.com:

Rice: Dem racial attacks ‘appalling’

by Ben Kamisar

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Thursday slammed Democrats who sought to use race against Republicans in the midterm elections, saying they were offensive and out of touch.

“The idea that you would play such a card and try fearmongering among minorities just because you disagree with Republicans, that they are somehow all racists, I find it appalling. I find it insulting,” she said on Fox News.

Appalling and insulting, but Standard Operating Procedure in the Demorat Playbook.

Rice and the show’s co-host, Brian Kilmeade, specifically mentioned the Georgia Democratic Party’s flyers that asked voters to prevent another shooting similar to that in Ferguson, Mo.

“We are not race blind. Of course we still have racial tensions in this country. But the United States of America has made enormous progress in race relations and it is still the best place on Earth to be a minority,” Rice said.

Let’s pause here for a brief moment.  Ferguson PD Officer Darren Wilson has already been found guilty in the eyes of the American Media Maggots and throughout the bulk of the urban black community.  Absent the facts, absent the grand jury returning a True Bill.  The autopsy was leaked as well and that reflected important information.   Wilson, no matter what occurs, has already been tarred and feathered and will never be able to work for Ferguson PD again, will never be able to go back to his home, will never be able to stay in Missouri.  He could be completely exonerated and will still carry the taint of that day.  Frankly, my guess would be that — should he be found completely innocent of any wrongdoing — he won’t be able to locate another job in law enforcement.  No department will want to touch him or hire him.  He is radioactive, courtesy of media bias and fear of political correctness.

The Race Card played.  Which will be played again and again.

It’s in the Playbook.

Speaking of Playbook, let’s let Saul Alinsky speak for Mr Obaka:

Alinsky's Rules For RadicalsBZ


My continuing concern with this GOP win: will the Republicans continue to “go along to get along?”  It happens when either side becomes swollen with the potent aroma of power, and being treated with false and unwarranted deference.  The smell and contact with DC power can indeed be intoxicating.


Ferguson: turn everything upside down

Ferguson PD

Ferguson PD.  How many of these officers represent outside jurisdictions?

From MSNBC.com:

Shakeup of Ferguson police force expected

by Trymaine Lee

The first steps in a major shakeup of the Ferguson, Missouri police department – including the resignation of Chief Thomas Jackson – could come as early as next week, according to local and federal officials who’ve been briefed on plans still being worked out by city and state leaders. 

The plan, described by a source with direct knowledge of the plans as “extremely delicate,” said the details are still being hashed out in closed-door meetings between Ferguson city and St. Louis County officials who have sought consultation from the Justice Department, which is conducting a civil rights investigation into the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in August. The source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the plan could include not just the resignation of Chief Jackson but the resignation of Officer Darren Wilson, who shot and killed Brown on a Ferguson street, setting the city into weeks of unrest. 

This would, of course, include Officer Darren Wilson who has been found guilty of — wait for it — nothing yet.

First, the website of Ferguson Missouri itself:

Then the website of the Ferguson City PD.  Specifically avoiding any reference to travails whatsoever.

Further, however:

The source who spoke with MSNBC said Chief Jackson and Officer Wilson are expected to be eased out of the Ferguson police force, before what could be a full-scale take over of the Ferguson force by the St. Louis County police.

Eased out.  Despite no conclusions being made on any level for any one in any amount of time.  And yet, simultaneously, Ferguson has no retort and is apparently guilty of any and every accusation made against it directly and peripherally.

Who would I kick to the curb, if you asked me — a law enforcement officer with more than 41 years of experience in the venue?

The Chief would be toastal history.  And my officer would be protected as much as he could.

The Chief, no matter his pay rate, was and is incompetent.  He made too many holdbacks and didn’t grasp the importance of being frank with the media where and when he could.  Because, I suspect, his department was/is generally puerile and susceptible to the ministrations of local and national media that was twenty steps ahead of him at every turn.

You pay your Police Chief to be competent.  Jackson was not.  He Grokked not the concept of the release of information if and when you can.  He Grokked not the concept of approving tac sniper teams pointing long guns at protesters.  And he Grokked not the concept of processing your active crime scene for forensics as rapidly as possible given your unstable surrounding populace.  As a body lie on the ground in the heat.

In a two words — very much like Mr Obola — Jackson was frankly “tone deaf.”

But should his entire department suffer because of his inexperience and lack of 2014 political competence?

No, it should not.  He should go.  No one else.

Further, melanin makes no difference to the police force.  If 50 out of 56 officers have pale skin, that is completely indifferent.  Competence should be the bottom line.

The competence or incompetence of a given agency is not predicated upon the melanin count of its employees — unless, of course, you are the federal government.

Wait.  I tend to make my easy point now.