Thursday GOP debate on Fox

GOP DEBATE 3-3-2016How would I summarize last night’s GOP debate on Fox News?  Four words.

An abortion on toast.

What an embarrassing, sad, puerile, unnecessary food fight.  Alleged adults talking about their hands, feet and johnsons.

If you had to craft some kind of answer to the question of “who won,” I would have to answer John Kasich.  He appeared to be the only adult on the stage.  Who also won?  That would have to be Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and the Demorats.

On the other hand, the most important question should be: who lost?

I submit: the GOP lost.

Can you imagine trying to convince someone to join the Republican Party, and then having them watch this hot mess?  What could they conclude except that the GOP consists of unbridled goons?

The Demorats were laughing their asses off last night.