GOP: giving the finger to Conservatives over Eric Cantor

RINOFigure 154: RINO in its natural setting.


(EXCLUSIVE) Eric Cantor’s Top Aide: I’ll ‘Bankrupt’ Virginia GOP, Install Allies, Rebuild It With Cantor’s Donor Cash

by David Steinberg

Sources tell PJ Media that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s long-time top consultant, Ray Allen, has “angrily” stated to multiple individuals that he intends to bankrupt the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV), to install his own people throughout all levels of RPV’s State Central Committee, and to rebuild the RPV with money from Eric Cantor’s donors. 

Ray Allen is considered the “brain trust” of Eric Cantor’s Young Guns, which has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and has hired staff with the intention of retaking control of the RPV at all levels. (Eric Cantor and Ray Allen lost control of the RPV in 2012, when Tea Party/conservative candidates won seats at all levels of the party, taking majority control from Cantor allies.) In this effort to reclaim the majority, Ray Allen has helped orchestrate the parliamentary procedure of “slating” at several RPV conventions this season.

This is, of course, all about the terribly-embarrassing defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor by an unworthy economics professor named David Brat.  Who may or may not have had “affiliations” to the TEA Party, whatever that is and whatever that means.

Wherein the defeat was thought to be by, perhaps, a few hundred votes.  Oh no.  The defeat was by ELEVEN MILLION votes.

That said, there are new plots afoot.

These bombshell allegations — implying that Eric Cantor’s reelection effort intends to dismantle the Republican Party of Virginia and to employ it as a vehicle for the expansion of Cantor’s power and influence — could not arrive at a more precarious moment for the Cantor campaign for two reasons:

1. Cantor just suffered a game-changing defeat at the Seventh District Republican Convention. On May 10, Linwood Cobb — a powerful Cantor advocate and ally — lost the chairmanship of the Seventh District to vocal Cantor critic Fred Gruber.

Additionally, Cantor’s speech at the convention received boos and heckling when he attempted to denigrate Dave Brat. Cantor, receiving this treatment in his own district, appeared visibly unnerved and needed to interrupt his speech to address the hecklers.


2. Cantor’s own recent comments put him in a difficult position for defending against these new allegations about Allen. Recall, Cantor just asked “kissing congressman” Vance McAllister (R-LA) to resign over his infidelity, which will perhaps be considered a much lesser offense by Cantor’s constituents than these allegations regarding the behavior of Cantor’s campaign.

And that’s all you need to know.  The Old and Staid GOP giving, once again, the “finger” to Conservatives by way of arcane machinations and ancient runes.