Gay superminority rules

Gay GestapoThe Gay Gestapo rules.  Just try saying anything against the LGBTQ crowd, or be perceived not to work for it.

And now, the focus is on Transgenders, witness Bruce Jenner et al.

The American Media Maggots and the LGBTQ crowd would have us all believing that 10% or more of the nation fits under this umbrella.  Their culture is being pushed down the collective throat of America day by day, hour by hour.

Frankly, I’m sick of the pushing.

So what’s the truth?  Is ten-percent of the country gay?  12%?  15%  Perhaps even 25% if all of the gays came out at once?

Shhh.  Don’t tell anyone.  And never quote the Atlantic magazine piece.  Because the truth is this: it’s around 2%.  For trannies, it’s about 0.3%.

Leftists insist on talking about the 1%.

It’s the 2% they really don’t want to talk about.