Potential results of the Bundy Ranch, the IRS, ObamaCare and illegal immigration, in summary:

Cruz-on-obamas-lawsIf the feds keep arbitrarily “picking and choosing” which laws they wish to enforce, the electorate is left with no other option but the same thing: picking and choosing which laws THEY wish to obey. Or not.



Russia invaded, per Obama, “because of weakness”

Obama the Russian Bear TrainerObama just got mugged, and he claims his mugger did so because of weakness.

Putin is weak, and Mr Obama is so incredibly strong.

And Mr Obama is nothing more than a naked, bald liar once again:

(The first full minute on the above video can be ignored and is not on topic. – BZ)

Obama said that he sees Russian President Vladimir Putin acting “out of weakness, not out of strength” in attempting to take control of Crimea. Putin, the president said, is “not comfortable” with former members of the Soviet Union making moves to align themselves with the West.

Right.  Because, again, as an example, the Muslims who blew up the Twin Towers on 9/11 did so out of weakness and not out of strength.

Yes.  Precisely.  That is how terribly ignorant the bulk of America is at this point in our history.  As in: America elected Barack Hussein Obama.

Sometimes I lack the words to further quantify brain-glazing stupidity and the stultifying ignorance of many Americans.  This is one of those times.



Hey kids, be gullible, get your “cash prize” for signing up for ObamaKare!

Obama TANTAAFLFrom MarketWatch.com:

Cash prizes for signing up for Obamacare?

Music, money used to reach young people in final enrollment push

by Jonnelle Marte, Marketwatch

With roughly two weeks left in the open enrollment period for health insurance, some groups are trying to sell Obamacare to young people in terms they might actually understand: music, comedy, and cash.

Ah, nothing like more Free Cheese for the ignorant masses!

Ignorant of the facts that, if ObamaKare were so wonderful, it wouldn’t have required passage in the dead of night, “voting for it to see what’s in it,” or any delay, recreation, recrafting or redrafting or altered implementation whasoever.  The lies revolving around ObamaKare are legion in nature.  If you care to have half a brain and a modicum of sentient awareness.

Roughly 2.5 million workers will leave the work force, it is estimated, as a direct result of ObamaKare.  Over 4 million individuals have already lost their healthcare coverage directly because of ObamaKare.  Everyone’s premiums are not going down, they are going up 41$ for individuals and over 50% for families.  It is a job killing bill, and it de-motivates persons from actually working for a living.  Kathleen Sebelius is outright LYING about the actual outcomes for ObamaKare.  Premiums are higher now than the previous eight years combined.

Please allow me to quote Chet Heath, if I might:

They also didn’t tell you that:

1. Regardless of what Obamacare does to you, as a citizen you have no recourse – you cannot make claim against, or sue the government – no matter how badly they hurt you because the Federal Government has “Sovereign Immunity”. Check it out on Wikipedia. By the way – Corporations, such as insurance companies do not have such protection.

2. The Government has a vested interest in your early demise: Dying early reduces your Medicare and Social Security payout and reduces your use of a strained healthcare system. Further, they will tax your estate 100% and get the rest of your wealth for redistribution through inheritance taxes. Quite Simply: You die – they win.

3. There is no oversight – no insurance commission determines that rates are fair or if claims are paid at all. The executive branch sets the rules and decides what it will, or will not enforce.

4. What if Obamacare craters next year and you lose your coverage after paying for it – where do you go? Who pays for the next policy – if you can find one?

5. There is no one to assume responsibility if your financial and health data is compromised, if your identity is stolen, if your personal data is sold to whomever. You screwed up. You trusted them. And if it get’s hacked and your medical history winds up online – oh well, things happen.

6. What will happen if future regimes decide that you can’t get premium healthcare unless you are a member of the “Party” as socialized medicine was implemented under Soviet socialism? Too bad comrade, you are not an elite, only elites have a right to life.

7. If you somehow wind up owing the healthcare system money – who collects – the loving and warm folks down at the IRS who have a comfy cell waiting for you? Bankruptcy won’t protect you from the IRS.

8. They can apparently change the rules at will, bypassing the legislative branch, because they have already set that precedent without challenge from Congress. This year’s rates are nothing compared to what they can charge you next year, or anytime in the future.

Yes, imagine that, Comrade.


Obama's Helpful Big Government


BATFE raid on Ares Armor in National CIty, Fornicalia — a bit more detail

ATF Agent at National City, CA[For reference, please see my previous post.  – BZ]

And please read the entire article at TownHall.com.

The Ares Armor raid by BATFE on March 15th, Saturday, in National City, Fornicalia.

Ares Armor, National City, San Diego CountyVideo of the entry:

Though BATFE stacks up for forced entry, you can clearly see the disinterest in the real cop on the scene — the solitary National City police officer who must respond every day for at least 10 hours per shift to actual calls for service — unlike the BATFE, perfumed princesses.  As with the bulk of federal law enforcement, they have no case load, great toys, fabulous funding and all day to digest their lunch..

Ares Armor, National City, Overhead ViewAres Armor website here.  You may be interested in their timeline here.  Ares Armor in National City is between San Diego and Chula Vista.  Please see top graphic for relativity.

In the above video, you can hear the alarm activating because of the store breach.  The single NCPD officer is providing nothing more than potential external threat protection though — at one officer — the perceived threat is minimal at best because, on a weekend day, many more officers would be present if necessary.  And they have not responded in kind to perceived “threat.”

At least NPD and BATFE are sufficiently perspicacious to not arrest those who wish to video or photograph, in public, unlike some other LE agencies throughout the US — who have learned those lessons the hard way via large compensations paid against risk management.

Here, in this video, the BATFE cracks the Ares Armor safe inside the business.

And with that, goes much detailed information from private citizens to the US government simply because it deigns it can collect same.

Listen closely to the narrative comments made behind the video directly above.  Highly interesting, I submit.

And for those of you who wish to know what an unarmed society yields, I proffer this for your consideration due to the loving embrace of Islam:

Last week Ares Armor, a company that sells firearms parts in San Diego, obtained a restraining order against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The restraining order was approved by Federal Judge Janis L. Sammartino and a federal raid of the business was prevented. ATF planned on raiding the company in order to gain access to a list containing more than 5,000 customer names. The customers on the list had purchased a plastic or polymer lower receiver from EP Armory, a part that is used to build rifles legally at home. The metal version of the receiver is legal due to being stamped with a serial number.

An unarmed nation finds itself abjectly controlled by those in power whose potentiality may overwhelm their rationality, balance, logic and proportion.  Little, peaceful Sweden has one of the highest gun ownership rates on the planet and one can clearly see that, despite this fact, the country has not dissolved or erupted into mass chaos and turbulence.

Just what does the possession of firearms in the hands of taxpaying American citizens accomplish?

Oh yes.  It keeps you from becoming a victim.  A prole.  A groundling.  A serf.  It keeps you free.



Feds now taking names of gun-parts buyers

Clinging to God and GunsAll of you evil Second Amendment supporters, take note.

From WND.com:

by Bob Unruh

A federal raid by agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on a San Diego gun-parts store chain has prompted criticism that the primary purpose of the operation was to collect the names and addresses of customers.

Despite a temporary restraining order, ATF agents obtained a search warrant and raided four Ares Armor stores over the weekend, according to San Diego’s KSWB-TV.

What the agents wanted were the stores’ computers, he wrote.

The ATF, which went to a judge privately to obtain the warrant, said it was investigating alleged violations of federal firearms laws that stemmed from the sale of a new plastic version of the 80 percent lowers of AR-15 rifles.

Building a rifle with specific versions of the 80 percent receivers is legal, the TV report explained. But the ATF said the polymer lower receiver appears to be manufactured differently with two parts, making them a firearm and illegal to sell.

But perhaps this is the crux of the biscuit:

The idea of collecting names and addresses of gun owners has been a fear of Second Amendment supporters since President Obama took office in 2009. They cite a historic pattern of governments that intend to confiscate guns establishing gun registration as a first step, to identify the owners.

Further, your loving federal government forcing you to become a felon in your own nation, because you stupidly cling to your ridiculous “gawd” and “gunz”?  Perish the thought!

Except when the threat becomes reality:

In Connecticut, a law recently was passed requiring owners of certain firearms to submit their names, addresses and fingerprints. Hundreds of thousands refused, and now the state is faced with the possibility of having a large segment of its working population classified as felons. A similar issue is developing in New York state.

This, of course, on the heels of the BATFE’s operation Fast and Furious — which resulted in the killing of USBP Agent Brian Terry — by a weapon that was allowed to flow into Mexico specifically by the BATFE.  The man who personally killed Brian Terry — is he here?

One bottom line?

In the San Diego case, the local Fox affiliate reported customers were getting nervous.

“I’m on that list,” one said, “and I’m waiting for the knock on the door to tell me they are here to remove my Second Amendment rights.”

That could never happen here, though.

Could it?