For the first time ever, all the Republican candidates for president are gathered upon one stage in New Hampshire, including Donald Trump. He eschewed Iowa now decides to partake of New Hampshire. Did his loss to Ted Cruz possibly have something to do with it?
You can see by the above photograph who is where in terms of the New Hampshire polls.
Seven candidates appeared on stage, to include Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Chris Christie and Jeb Bush. Carly Fiorina was not included.
The Debate Begins.
What was the deal with Ben Carson and Donald Trump waiting behind for everyone else? The introduction procedure was terrible and uncoordinated.
Ted Cruz is humble with regard to faux pas regarding Ben Carson and apologized then explained.
Rubio was asked to explain his accomplishments as senator, then charged off with vigor and focused on Barack Obama.
Christie came out swinging for Marco Rubio as senator and accused him of truancy. Christie was making the difference between a senator and a governor in terms of critical decisions. A nice dust-up between the two.
Cruz made a nice point about North Korea and a potential orbiting satellite kicking off an EMP over the United States. I’m glad to see that the EMP issue is on the table in public.
John Kasich stepped in on North Korea, and Bush said he’d consider a preemptive strike against a North Korean missile launch.
Rubio nailed it with regard to Obama believing that the US is an arrogant global power that needs to be cut down to size, is too powerful, and creates problems for the rest of the world. That Obama thinks if we create separation from Israel it will help our relations in the Islamic world. And the same with the Asia-Pacific region with concessions to North Korea.
Christie understands the paradigm between hostage and paying ransom as in, you don’t do it. At all. Ever.
Kasich thinks it is, however, okay for 11.5 million illegals to “pay back taxes and a fine,” and be left in place. Illegals will not pay back taxes nor will they pay a fine nor will courts hold them to that. That is why Kasich is wrong on illegal immigration.
Like Cruz said, you build a wall, end sanctuary cities, build a wall and stop business from being able to employ illegals. That is only logical.
Standard Trump: “let me talk, quiet.” Boos for Trump. And eminent domain.
Rubio brought up essentially the 10th Amendment with regard to enumerated powers and all other areas of power belonging to the states. I like and want to hear that.
Christie made an excellent point about raising taxes on millionaires and people then fleeing New Jersey, taking their money with them. As in: it won’t work.
Cruz espoused my ideals with waging war: kill people, break shit, don’t nation-build and then get out. Yes. Precisely, Ted.
Rubio showed a good understanding of the war in the Middle East, ISIS, and the differences between Sunni and Shia.
Frankly, I’m tired of Carson’s “underdog” shtick. “I’m not up here just to add beauty to the stage.” If you want to make a point, Carson, step in. Bully in. Show some huevos. You can’t complain about no recognition and not be assertive. That speaks much about you, Dr Carson. You’re a nice man and a good man but you are not cut out for the presidency.
Points to Rubio about Guantanamo.
To this point ABC News is presenting the debate as the Rise of the Governors. I have to admit that it appeared Kasich was doing better. Christie made good points as he normally does, in my estimation.
A side note. I very much dislike Martha Radish and her condescending smirk.
An interesting notation: “none of you on stage tonight have served in the military.” Excellent point. I hadn’t realized that.
Once again the Leftist panel tried to trap Republicans with the “ransom” question, such as involved James and Diane Foley, They wish to portray Republicans as cold and cruel. Luckily Cruz and Trump stuck to their ransom guns.
So who won?
Kasich sounded a bit better but his immigration stance is wrong. I always enjoy Christie, who did very well tonight. Carson was completely unimpressive. Jeb Bush was likewise unimpressive. Too little too late. There were no real flame wars as expected. Trump was Trump, much generality but little detail. “We will win, we will win and we will win.” Rubio came off well and Cruz not so abrasive. The boos tonight, I noted, were for Trump. I’d still go:
- Cruz
- Rubio
- Christie
- Trump
This, I do not believe, was much of a game-changer for any single political candidate.