Further: talking like a woman

For MenBuilding on my Thursday post, I provide this now from BreakPoint.org:

Talking Like a Woman

by Kim Moreland

Blurring of lines between the sexes is having an effect on some men. Scientists from the University of California have found that some men are talking like women.

I wonder if this problem is creeping up because so many boys are being raised by a single parent–namely, a mother.

And the very first comment?


Whatever the research says, I’m very annoyed by people who make every declarative sentence sound like a question? And right or wrong, I do subtract some credibility from people who do that? For example, I’ve heard so-called experts being interviewed on radio and TV and talking like that, and I find myself being dismissive? They might be the best experts in their fields, but to me, they undercut all of that by talking that way? People who do that should be made to look at a transcript of the things they say, including proper punctuation when they sound like they are asking a question? That might show them how absurd their speech is and how aggravating it is to have to listen to them? Just saying?

A final observation:

These are the same men who, later, will be second-guessed by women as to why they won’t make decisions, why they won’t open doors, and why they don’t seem to act like men at all.

Real women want real men.  Not women camouflaged as men.

Simple as that.




Liberals want to stop men from checking out women

Women Checking Out WomenFrom DailyCaller.com:

In the progressive future, men will not be able to look at women’s bodies because that is a terrible thing to do — and science says so.

Researchers have offered a definitive report into the science of the male “objectifying gaze” in the December 2013 volume of “Sex Roles: A Journal of Research” (Volume 69, Issue 11-12, pp 557-570).

“Although objectification theory suggests that women frequently experience the objectifying gaze with many adverse consequences, there is scant research examining the nature and causes of the objectifying gaze for perceivers. The main purpose of this work was to examine the objectifying gaze toward women via eye tracking technology,” according to the abstract of “My Eyes Are Up Here: The Nature of the Objectifying Gaze Toward Women” by Sarah J. Gervais, Arianne M. Holland, and Michael D. Dodd.

In other words, attractive women get “looked at” more than unattractive women.  Boo-frakking-hoo.  The same is true for men.

Now: men “checking out” women should be illegal, Leftists believe.

  • First: the Speech Police
  • Second: the Thought Police
  • Next: the Eye Police

Sad thing: these Leftists are actually serious.

That men “objectify” women in some cases is true.  It is also true that women objectify themselves as frequently — or more.

From a UKDailyMailOnline article:

Women spend more time checking out OTHER WOMEN than they do men (and it’s their clothes, figures and hair we’re most interested in)

Ever get the feeling your boyfriend is looking at other women as you walk down the street?

Well, perhaps he’s picking up the habit from you.

Women spend more time checking out other women than they do checking out men, keen to see what ‘the opposition’ is wearing, how much cellulite they have, what their hair looks like and how thin they are, according to a new study.

Let’s also get into some stats that your local police and sheriff departments will absolutely refuse to reveal:

1. Close to half of the reported rapes to LE agencies are false;
2. Women strike men only slightly less than men strike women.  The difference exists regarding the disparity in physical size between men and women, and the fact that men predominantly refuse to report physical abuse due to such reporting perceived as being “unmasculine.”  Finally: women verbally abuse men with much greater frequency and efficacy than the reverse.

Both men and women know this.

Ask women who they’d rather their supervisor be.  And ask women if they’d like to work in an all-female environment.

I used to say when I worked Patrol that I became very tired of my utilization as the Womens’ Gestapo.  That sexist paradigm continues to exist today.

Leftists: get over yourselves.  This crap is laughable.

Another reason so few of you live in Reality.


One salient comment from the article that bespeaks a massive amount of Leftist Truth:

This ONLY applies to straight (conservatives). Rump wranglers and fur traders can do as they always do……………..

Check the comments; there exists some funny and poignant stuff.