Bill Whittle on Ferguson: some common sense


  • In 2010, 62,593 blacks were the victims of white violence.
  • In 2010, 320,082 whites were the victims of black violence — 5 times greater.
  • Black perpetrators violently assault white victims 25 times more frequently.
  • In aggrevated assaults, black-on-white crimes are 200 times higher than white-on-black crimes.

Where is Mr Obama’s “post-racial future”?



The truth about black-on-white crime begins to emerge

Black StatisticsAnd from one of the oddest sources, the Washington Times, as DC is predominantly black:

Race-based hate crimes spike in D.C.; whites most common victims, but underreporting feared

by Andrea Noble

Race-based hate crimes jumped in Washington, D.C., last year even as most other types of bias crimes decreased, with analysts saying such incidents could be vastly underreported among minority groups uncomfortable coming forward to authorities.

D.C. police say that of the 18 race-based hate crimes in 2013, the majority of victims were white and the majority of suspects black. The number of incidents was up from the 13 race-based bias crimes reported in 2012.

Hold the presses.  Is the Washington Times certain it really wants to go there, considering the temper of the Leftist times?

This is an amazingly frank statement — albeit true — for media to admit, much less a DC outlet

Census data in 2013 put the District’s black population at just under 50 percent, with whites making up 35 percent of the population and Hispanics another 10 percent.

Of the 18 victims of race-motivated hate crimes last year, 10 were white, four were black, two Hispanic, one Asian and one of another race, according to D.C. police.

Finally, at least one American media outlet reporting the obvious — which is what I’ve been emphasizing for years: racists come in all colors.

And frequently they are black.

An interesting video from Bill Whittle coming shortly.

Your thoughts?



Interesting article here.


Former Congresswoman Tells Syrian TV that America Started Syria’s Civil War

Cynthia McKinneyReally?

Because Cynthia McKinney had such veracity as an elected Congresscritter, eh wot?

She won my “Racist Moonbat of the Week” award on April 1st of 2006.  To wit:

The incident occurred on Wednesday, when McKinney allegedly struck a Capitol Police officer after entering a House office building and refusing to stop at the request of the officer, who apparently did not recognize the congresswoman.

Congressional sources told FOX News that the officer, Paul McKenna, signed an affidavit swearing that McKinney responded to what he described as standard security procedures by punching him in the chest with a cell phone in her hand.

An assistant to Rep Thaddeus McCotter, R-Mich., witnessed the incident and gave a statement to Capitol Police, sources told FOX News. The witness, whose name is being withheld, told police that she saw McKinney hit a police officer. The witness was unaware that McKinney was a congresswoman.

So she’s not only a racist, but violent as well.  Nice to know.


By Noel Sheppard | October 7, 2013 | 17:59

Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has done some crazy things in her life, but what she did last month really takes the cake.

Appearing live on Syrian television, McKinney said that Syria’s Civil War was part of a plot created by the United States shortly after 9/11 (video follows with transcript and commentary):

And imagine that.  Zionism.  The Jews.  Clearly responsible.

Further, from

Another of Assad’s useful idiots: Cynthia McKinney praises Syria’s ‘free health care’

The Lede: Writing on Facebook from Damascus, Cynthia McKinney, a former Democratic Congresswoman from Georgia, praised Syria for its “free health care.”

Ms. McKinney, a liberal activist who traveled to the Syrian capital as part of a delegation led by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, posted the update late Wednesday, after meeting with President Bashar al-Assad. In addition to Assadcare, she noted, Syrians living under the Baathist dynasty also “enjoy free education.”

She concluded her brief report with kind words for Ogarit Dandash, a young Assad supporter who had offered herself as a human shield to defend Syrian government military installations from American air strikes. As Ms. McKinney explained, Ms. Dandash “founded ‘Over Our Dead Bodies,’ a group of young people who climbed atop Mount Qasioun and dared U.S. bombs to target them. They are still there in defiant resistance to any war against Syria. Mount Qasioun should be the site of a peace party, not bombing strikes.”

And what is the former Congresswomyn doing now, these days, having enjoyed her brief tour from 2005 to 2007?

She was a Green Party Candidate in 2008.  Go figure.




Sen. Tim Scott wasn’t invited to event commemorating MLK march on Washington

Trayvon MLKAnd why is that even remotely important?

Because Senator Scott is the only black in the US Senate.

But wait; there’s more: he’s a Republican from South Carolina.

You want to talk about racism?  How about thousands and thousands of racists all huddled up in DC in support of more racism?  And the rampant hypocrisy of not inviting the only black senator in the entire country?  But: he’s not needed.

Senator Tim Scott, (R), SCSenator Tim Scott, (R), South Carolina

Keep it up, folks.  I’m thinking there’s some pushback coming.


And where was our current sitting black SCOTUS justice, Clarence Thomas?  Colin Powell?  Condoleezza Rice?  Allen West?  Michael Steele?  Herman Cain?  Janice Rogers Brown?  Keith Butler?  Larry Elder?  Elbert Guillory? E.W. Jackson?  Mia Love?  Star Parker?  Thomas Sowell?

Yes: all uninvited and — all Conservatives or Republicans.

The racism and blatant hypocrisy can’t be more clear than that.

And, oh yeah: MLK Jr was a Republican.


In the voices of blacks themselves:

Interesting to see just who these racists wish to murder.  .  .

And, by the way, this video is sponsored and featured via  His lovely FaceBuch page is here.  You all need to see it.  I wrote about this racist, earlier, here.

Because, in a role reversal, had a Caucasoid male been employed by DHS and sponsored this amount of hate, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism and advocation of violence and murder, he would not only be fired but be facing local hate crime charges, federal prosecution by Holder’s DOJ, and a subsequent civil prosecution as well.


Interview of Dr. Khallid Muhammad is by Phil Donohue, in 1994.  Full interview is hereMuhammad was shot by James Bess, a former NOI member, after he spoke at the University of California at Riverside on May 29, 1994.

Correct.  Murdered by a fellow black Nation of Islam member.