Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vs the pompous

Again, Demorats attempting to prove that Trump is in league with Vladimir Putin directly when, in fact Barack Hussein Obama was the true Putin’s Poodle.

Listen to Mike Pompeo grilled by Leftist Demorats in various hearings, whose goals are to catch Trump literally in bed with ol’ Vlad. It’s to the point where apparently Pompeo is now personally responsible for Trump, where he goes, what he says, and must question everything he does including any translator involved with any Russian.

Let’s enjoy the madness, and enjoy Pompeo skewering these Leftist nutters.

First, Senator Tom Udall from New Mexico.

Second, Senator Bob Menendez from New Jersey.

Third, Senator Jeanne Shaheen from New Hampshire.

A little about Mike Pompeo. He attended West Point and was ranked number one in his class. He is an atto-rney. He was a Captain in the US Army. He is a former Director of the CIA and the current Secretary of State. My guess is that he knows something about procedure involving intelligence and the history of Russia.

Just saying.

This is all laughable.

But it won’t be funny if these morons take the House or the Senate in November because, quite frankly, the LDAMM are dangerous as hell and have no concept of money, human nature, facts, history, logic, rationality, proportion or common sense.

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