Proof: too many people don’t deserve their freedoms and are too stupid to be trusted with a vote

Proof that a frightening number of people are roughly as intelligent as the average ficus.  In truth, that may be an insult to the ficus.

From — because you NEED to see every one of these videos.

April 12, 2013

Media critic and social analyst Mark Dice shows how people are literally in a trance as he gets people to sign a petition banning their birthrights. The public’s zombie-like mental state is what will allow Obama to get his gun ban through.

In the video below, Mark shows how ill-informed people really are as they comment on news stories about the U.S. nuking China, and China nuking Russia (both of which never really happened).

Recently, Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo was also able to find people that were willing to sign a petition calling for the outright ban of dihydrogen monoxide… which is actually just an uncommon name for water.

Ladies and gentlemen, the people interviewed here aren’t gangbangers.  They aren’t illegal Mexicans who can’t speak English.  They aren’t tribesmen from Ethiopia.  They aren’t the Bantu or the Lebanese.  They aren’t even Klingons.  They are American who were educated in public schools.  I’d wager a number of them acquired so-called “higher education” in our colleges or universities.

Despite that, they are this incredibly, famously, abjectly — I can think of no other word — stupid.

Clear and present evidence as to how Mr Obama got elected, and why our nation finds itself in its current state.