Happy Thanksgiving 2015

Norman Rockwell ThanksgivingYesterday was a driving day, because I’m down in San Diego to visit my brothers.  As I was silly enough to drive through LA the day before Thanksgiving, it took me from 8 AM to 9 PM, eleven hours on the road, including stops for lunch and dinner.  It also took me two hours alone to crawl — literally crawl — through LA.  Although, frankly, I still would much rather have crawled through LA in my own car under my own control than to have TSA crawl up my arse and have my luggage buggered and lost.  Plus, premium fuel for the nice Kraut car is cheap.

Enjoy this Thanksgiving because — and I dislike interjecting politics today — I still can’t help but think there is a major cataclysm coming late this year or some time in 2016.  I can’t shake the feeling, and thinking that it won’t be pleasant at all.

Hug your loved ones, even the ones you may not love so much.